How did you quit smoking? -

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

How did you quit smoking? -

Lots of my friends smoke and they are always talking about wanting to quit. Tell me how you did it.
I joined scientology and then had no more money for smokes.
I used hypnosis and it worked, after trying these and failing:
nicotine gum
cold turkey
group classes
cutting back
This either means that preserverance is the key, or that different methods work for different personalities.

(I have head that people who can become absorbed in reading and forget what-s going on around them are good candidates for hypnosis.)
Cold Turkey. Gave away all my cigarettes (I had just bought a carton too!), threw out all my ashtrays (no smoking will
be allowed in the house) packed away my engraved Zippo lighter and lost my mind for several days. That was over 1 1/2 years ago...I will NEVER start smoking again.
I used Nicotine gum. It seemed to work for me.
The doctor told me tha I had emphysema and that I had to quit or die. Two days later I quit cold turkey. It has been 10 years.
i shall send u an article which i found very useful , but i need to scan it
i ll scan and send it to u in a day or two
it really helps believe me
I am going for the lazer treatment in early April. Hopefully it will work!
I started smoking? this is news to me...
Cold Turkey
All depends on how much willpower somebody has.

If they-re really, really, strong, then they might be able to just stop. However, that probably doesn-t apply to many people, so I-d just say that they exchange cigarettes for something else, such as gum. No idea.
I decided to quit smoking when I was helping my brother move, It was a hot summer day and i was out of breath most of the time and i knew what caused it. I looked at my health at what it was and what it used to be and that made my decision.
I just stopped. I was smoking for 5 years and then I decided it wasn-t healthy for me. It was hard for the first three months. I have not been smoking for 8 years now.
You REALLY need to want to stop.
I stopped cold turkey, told everyone so there was no backing out. This was also a good move because I had all of their support.
I started to eat better food, and exercised a bit more because my appetite picked up.
Whenever I felt like a cigarette, I had a piece of fruit instead.
the new gum to help you stop thinking about smoking
Here-s how I stopped. I didn-t put a lit cigarette into my mouth anymore.
read the book -easy way to stop smoking- from allen carr.
and do everything he tells you to do in that book.its kinda like brainwashing or better DE-brainwashing, and it works. it helped me and lots of my friends to quit!!!
cold turkey is the right way to quit...cutting down to a few cigs a day only make you wanna smoke more.
first i smoked less less and first i was smoking around 1 box..then half, then quarter..and today i smoked 3 cigarettes and i believe i will give up in 5 days i know because my neighbour gave up by this way
How did you quit smoking? -