How can I get my dad to quit smoking? -

Thursday, April 6, 2006

How can I get my dad to quit smoking? -

My mom quit smoking with no help about three or four years ago, but my dad still smokes. He really wants to quit, but he just can-t. And I also know that he has to want to quit and be determined to quit...and he is...he just can-t. He is 47 years old, if that helps. Do you have any ideas? I-m really worried for him.
Buy him the book -The easy way to quit smoking- by Allen Carr for Fathers Day. You can-t make him quit. He has to quit alone. There is nothing more important to him right now than smoking. It is a sad fact. They will say all the time that their family is more important, but if it was he would quit smoking so that he could be with him family longer. This does not make him a bad person! Simply someone who is under an addictive spell. Have him read the book
You can-t!! He needs to WANT to quit for himself. As with any other addiction, all the good-intentioned people in the world cannot -get- a loved one to quit--that loved-one needs to want it--seriously want it.
There is a HELP LINE for smokers and you should tell him you love him and you don-t want to lose him.
just tell him to stop cold turkey
smoking is an addiction. it is both physical and psychological.
meaning that people get addicted to nicotine as well as the habit. example: people that smoke after eating will be tempted to smoke after eating because of habit even after they no longer crave the nicotine. it might be good for him to consult a doctor and then try something like the nicotine patch. if he uses ANY time of nicotine patch or replacement, make sure that he doesn-t smoke while on the patch because he can get sick from that. i wish him luck.
My son-s actions were the final -straw in the camels back- for my husband. Our then 4 year old son was standing outside a restaurant with us when someone threw down a cigarette, he picked it up and put it to his lips and said -Look I-m just like Daddy-. My husband asked for the Nicorette gum the next day.
Hey tell dear ole Dad....-I-ll light up each time you do-
And by the way HE CAN QUIT. He just chooses to keep making excuses. I quit a 3 pack a day habit.
How can I get my dad to quit smoking? -