I need to quit smoking! Can anybody give me any tips to help? -

Friday, April 14, 2006

I need to quit smoking! Can anybody give me any tips to help? -

I have been a smoker for about 5 years now, and I want to quit. Is there any method-s you ex-smokers used to help you quit? I heard sunflower seeds work! I don-t really want to use the patch or anything like that though. Thank you for your time and help!
do it the natural way...drink plenty water and juices...exercise at least once a day for the first three days...after you sweat alot make sure you shower..because you will sweat the nicotene off...and eventually your body will reabsorb it if you dont wash it off...the 2nd and 3rd day are gonna be the worse...but i promise by day four you should already be having thoughts like...-why didnt i quit before.-....within 10 years of not smoking your lungs will clear themselves out...good luck and happy breathing
Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes. Once you deal with the psychological side of smoking it makes the quitting process easy, no matter your level of addiction.

Most companies who sell quit smoking aids admit to this on their websites. They say to use their products in conjunction with a psychological support program. Why? Because without one the chances of quitting are greatly reduced. In reality the psychological program does most of the work. The quit smoking aids are more of a helping hand and are often unnecessary.

It is key to stay positive, don-t focus on the cravings. Keep the reasons why you quit in the first place circling through your head. This will keep your spirit and motivation high. Cravings will ease as a result.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking. For more information and to post your opinion about the products you have tried, visit the following website.

Good Luck and Good Quitting
I smoked for 24 years and quit cold turkey. You know that panicky feeling when you realize you are almost out of smokes? You feel like you have to go buy more right then. Or when you quit, the regret that this is the last cigarette. I just wanted to see how long I could go without one. For 2 or 3 weeks, I carried around an open pack with me so I didn-t get all panicky . I could have smoked if I wanted to but I didn-t. When the craving got bad I breathed deep. Like that first drag in the morning. I kept a supply of Atomic Fireballs with me, I chewed drinking straw. The nicotine is all out of your system after like 3 days so it-s just getting used to not smoking. It-s way more habit than I ever realized. After 2 weeks I knew I was okay. Now I can be around people smoking and it doesn-t bother me. It-s been 5 years now and I feel so much better. Good Luck
I smoked for 40 years, and my doctor told me I had to quit. He subscribed Chantix for me. It really works. It costs about $125.00 a month, but you-ll spend a lot more than that on cigarettes if you don-t quit. Good luck.
Besides using a pill, patch, or gum, PRAY. God works many miracles!


I heard lollipops help for when you like to lift your hand and put somthing in your mouth. Try it. (:
I still smoke but if you switch to american spirit ultra lights and stick to those till you quit it-ll probably help.. (because there gross and theres really no point in smoking them)
I quit cold turkey and exercised more to not gain weight (I got cravings when I quit). Hope these tips would help you.
Chantix! Its a pill. It helps so you dont crave. Try it. Seems to work well I have heard!
I need to quit smoking! Can anybody give me any tips to help? -