How do I quit smoking? -

Friday, April 21, 2006

How do I quit smoking? -

My (and my boyfriend-s) New Year-s resolution was to quit smoking. It-s been three days and I don-t think I can hang. The first night, I was bawling I wanted a cigarette so bad. Any kind of advice to get me through this would be great!
The first few weeks are going to be the hardest. Try to distance yourself from activities you used to do that involved smoking. For me, when I quit, I noticed I smoked when I drank, so I didn-t go to bars until I got over that urge to smoke. I stopped going out for breaks at work with my friends until I got over that urge too. I would suck on sugar free hard candies (lifesavers mints). I washed all of my clothes so everything smelled fresh and smoke free, and I didn-t want to ruin that by filling them up with smoke. And quitting with your boyfriend is excellent b/c you have someone who-s going through it with you. Just stay the course and you-ll be fine! Good luck!!! :)
The patch worked for me
you have to find something you like more and then stick to that
Smoking cessation (commonly known as quitting, or kicking the habit) is the effort to stop smoking tobacco products. Nicotine is a psychologically and physically addictive substance, and quitting smoking is commonly considered to be difficult. Psychological and pharmacological aids are available to help people quit smoking, although success rates are relatively low. As part of the wider tobacco control movement, there have been numerous advertising campaigns, smoking restriction policies, tobacco taxes, and other strategies to encourage people to quit smoking. Tobacco use is a major cause of death worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.[1]
I quit cold turkey last year.... none since.... you need to have self control.... you need to get a hobby.
you need to resolve in your mind, - i do not smoke -
If you want to quit bad enough you will.
get the Nicoderm patch or something similar. Drink a lot of water.
Funny thing, today is a year since I quit smoking. To be honest you will probably always want to smoke, I still want to smoke! But I smoked so much I gave myself a collapsed lung at the age of 26 and going through that was horrible! There-s nothing other than your own will power that will make you not want to smoke.

This may seem silly but I would pretend to smoke un-lit cigarettes just because it made me feel better. I know they sell fake cigarettes in drugstores if you-re afraid you might just light it. I also used sunflower seeds to fill the void of not smoking..and I still eat tons of them lol.

A year later I can say 3 very good reasons I am glad I don-t smoke anymore. 1 of course is my health, I was always worrying that I-d get some type of smoke related disease like lung cancer. 2. The price! I don-t know where you live but here they are about $6 a pack thanks! and 3. The smell. After you haven-t smoked for awhile you can smell a smoker coming from a mile away and boy do they stink. I always wonder if I smelled that bad to nonsmokers. It-s horrible!

Only thing you can do is try to remember the cons of smoking and try to find something to help you get through. Good Luck!

I quit this time last year having had a 30 a day habit. I-d tried and failed with allsorts until I a friend recommended this program - see below.

It also came with a 100% money back guarantee and has a 90% success rate - can-t say fairer than that!

All the best.
How do I quit smoking? -