I need help trying to get my mom to quit smoking, can some one help me? -

Friday, October 20, 2006

I need help trying to get my mom to quit smoking, can some one help me? -

I need help trying to get my mom to quit smoking. She has ben smoking for long time. My dad siad she promised to stop when they got married but she still smoked.
I have tryed to talk to me mom about it but she just got upset and grounded me. I told her why she sould stop, like my frends one time saw a buch of segrets under my deck( she hides them there not very well) it was not cool when they saw it, she says she want me to vist her when she old but she may die when she-s young because of smoking and i told her a couple of other things, but like i said all she did was ground me and get mad at my dad. My dad has basicly given up after all this years. Im going to show her some pictures of a damiged lungs. i dont care if she grounds me i just want here to quit smoking. Can any one give me some advice?
i am so very sorry for you, i hate to tell you but your mom will only quit smoking when she wants to and when she is ready, i-m sorry, you sound so very worried about her an that is so sad, i really wish there was some miracle that i could give you to stop her but you know there isn-t, you sound way too young to be carrying this worry, maybe you should try to stop trying to get your mom to quit, i know it took me a long time to quit an my sons tried to get me to quit but i wouldn-t, i used a pill called Zyban, from the doctor, i was ready to quit an it-s been over a year now. good luck to you dear an God Bless!! please try not to worry so, ok.
JOIN THE CLUB. i-ve been trying to get my mom quit smokign for years and i dont- nwo what to do either if you find out contactme k thanksss
Sweetie, from an expert.....NO one will quit till they decide to do it.
You and your Dad-s naggin- only make her more upset and you cause her to be a -cheat- as she has to hide them.
Having already had your sayso...leave her be to her own choices.
You may find her trying to quit on her own............smile

You might tell her one day you know of a lady that was smoking outside the hospital when an older man in a wheelchair w/oxygen was being wheeled out. He stopped and looked at her, with much pain you could tell it took to say,-oh, if I could only tell you.-
They say smoking is harder to quit than herion, I can believe that beause I had quit smoking 2 times and it was so hard. Both with the patch and that nicotine gum. I think the gum was more helpful, but that is a person-s preference.
My Kids kept me busy and we started going for walks and playng video games. It kept my mind off it. Ask her to cut down instead of quit and maybe write it down on the calender how many she has. The nagging does get on a person-s nerves and makes you almost want to smoke more. Good luck
tell her to use nicatine patches, it helped me quit.
smoking is only a way rather smoke tobacoo th ere is also some other plants which are used as herbs and can use as smoking in ancient time for respiratory problem u cam email me at bhakt_rajput@rediffmail.com
My mom has been smoking since i was born. She smoke while she was prego with me. I want her to stop, but i know i cant get her to..You need to let your mom know how you are feeling about this. I have talked to my mom..No it didnt help her but she knows what im feeling about it!
I need help trying to get my mom to quit smoking, can some one help me? -