How did you quit smoking? How did you deal with your cravings and cope with anxiety/nervousness?Thank you!? -

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How did you quit smoking? How did you deal with your cravings and cope with anxiety/nervousness?Thank you!? -

I quit cold turkey 5 years ago after smoking for 17 years. It wasn-t easy by any means, but it really wasn-t that hard either. You just need to accept that you will crave them and commit to not touching them. I just kept looking at why I quit (for my then 3 year old daughter) to give me strength....and it worked and now I-ve been smoke-free for nearly 5 years.

It can be done so stick to it....and if you do happen to fail, DON-T beat yourself up over it- we all fail in life...pick yourself up, brush yourself off and try again....and keep trying. If you give in, look at the reasons why you gave in and learn from that mistake.

Best wishes to you and have a very blessed day :-)
I quit cold turkey after over a decade of smoking from the age of 12. I always kept my smokes on me at all times so that it always remained my decision not to have one, rather than feeling denied a smoke because I could not get one if I wanted. I guess the anxiety and nervousness will depend on what they are caused by. Is it just the absence of the smoke and hand to mouth reflex that provides comfort or are there other issues that need to be addressed.
Clearly keeping busy will help. Avoid situations where you do things that have smoking attached, like sit down coffee breaks etc. Spend time in smoke free environments. Read fiction novels to give you something to focus on. Take up walking. Each time you really need a smoke have a slow drink of water instead.
I gave up for my kids. Even now I would still love a smoke, for me the urge has never gone away. Every few months I toy with the idea that just a few cigarettes will be ok. But fortunately I have been able to resist. Well enough, all this talk has me thinking about it again.

Be safe, be sage
At first I used the patch. I called the 1800 quit line and I got 4 months supply for free. The patch was great. I had no urges to smoke at all, until I took it off. Then I was prescribed Wellbutrin for Depression and adhd, and after about 2 weeks on it, I had no desire to ever smoke EVER! I am no longer on the Wellbutrin. While I do get an urge to have just 1 cigarette every now and then I have to remind myself that 1 cigarette will turn into many. I worked too hard to quit. Even with the patch and medicine it was hard because it had become a habitual routine. I have to maintain willpower in order to stave off those pesky cravings. I just dont smoke. I may want to, but I know the craving will go away in a few minutes.
I-m still trying to quit. I thought I-d see how others have quit. Maybe some of their tactics will work for me. I hope so because I really don-t enjoy smoking anymore. It-s a bad habit that the government allowed and now little by little is taking away. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. I-m tired of the high taxes too.
How did you quit smoking? How did you deal with your cravings and cope with anxiety/nervousness?Thank you!? -