Ways to convince quit smoking? -

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ways to convince quit smoking? -

What can I say to convince my cousin to quit smoking?
There are so many things that smoking does to the body. The really sad fact is that it does not just hurt the smoker. It really does effect all persons around them.
A smoker has increased risk of respiratory and vascular complications. Smoking actually creates a tar substance in the lungs and decreases the persons capacity to take in oxygen. Also smokers veins and arteries are constricted from chemicals in the cigarettes. This puts them at a higher risk for blood clot causing stroke.
Mothers who smoke when they are pregnant usually have smaller babies. A nonsmokers umbilical cord (which supplies nourishment to the baby) is usually about wide as a roll of quarters and the smokers umbilical cord is about as thick as a pencil.
Children who grow up in the home of a smoker are at higher risk for developing asthma and/or allergies. They can develop lung cancer just as easily as the actual smoker can. Not to mention that growing up with parents who smoke puts them at higher risk for becoming smokers themselves.
I have a grandfather that smokes. He is eighty. The last several years he has been on oxygen. He wakes up at night because he can-t get his breath. He has a barrel chest because that is what your body does to try and help you get more oxygen. Your lungs try to get bigger so they can take in more oxygen because the cigarettes have destroyed portions of the lungs over the many years of smoking. Some people would say he has made it to eighty and that is a long time for a smoker to live. You have to keep in mind that most of his family lived into or close to their 100-s. They say that every cigarette takes five minutes off your life. There is no telling how long he could have lived if he had just been able to stop smoking.
causes cancer
Send them to this site and let them read this information. Though it will only help if they are willing to quit. If there is no desire to quit, they won-t. It-s worth a shot though.
Ways to convince quit smoking? -