How can I quit smoking? is there any alternative when I feel smoking? -

Sunday, May 25, 2008

How can I quit smoking? is there any alternative when I feel smoking? -

I am trying to quit smoking. I smoke 10-15 Cigrates per day. I am smoking from past 3 years. Please help me.....

do not withdraw! but if smoke 10-15 sticks a day.. then try to cut one stick per week. then alternstively, if u feel smoking.. eat something which makes u busy.. and dont let yourself be alone and doing nothing, coz you will think of smoking.. instead, engage into sports or go to gym.. or start cooking your own food. but do not withdraw rigth away.. or substitute your cigar with something right away.. go in the process... little by little.. im not saying that doctors will just waste your money.. but try your little own remedy first, then if u succed, you will be proud later, what a brave thing you-ve done..

but if its hard.. seek medical advise from professionals

good luck

my two brothers smokes
my four sisters smokes
my papa smoke and so as my mama who was a change smoker (R.I.P.)
i have one sister who doesnt smoke and of course me!

after trying to change litlle by little, now....
my papa doesnt smoke anymore
my two brother doesnt smoke anymore, thank god
my two sister still smokes( they have Cadio=pulmonary problems)
my other sister smoke occasionally...

they did not go to doctor, they helped themselves..

good good good luck to you

me and my city supports in -tobacco:deadly in any form or disguise-
I did it the good old fashioned way...Cold Turkey. I smoked a pack a day for about 20 years, but fear became my biggest motivator. I prayed a lot for strength, I walked until I was exhausted, and I did deep breathing exercises when I really got the urge. Those worked better than anything else. Also, this sounds gross, but I would take -drags- off one of my husband-s punched-out cigs, and I would get the nicotine taste without the smoke that way. It-s hard, but you can do it. Good Luck !!!
One alternative to smoking would be the holistic approach where you can have acupressure or acupuncture done to help with some of the cravings.

Another method that is worked for some is keep a container of liquorish on your desk so when the craving arrives chew on some it gives your mouth something to do. Just like holding and puffing cigarettes sometimes just giving your mouth an alternative can ease the cravings a bit.

Do not forget if you really want to stop smoking you have to become more active in regards to not smoking just like working out every week. You invest time into it if only a little at first, as long as you keep at it until it-s a routine in your daily life. The more you focus on finding help groups and caring about your health and what smoking can do to your lungs in the future the more you can help your self to better health. Find a goal if not for yourself for your friends and family around you.

The help is out there it-s up to you to make the choice to beat it and not have it beat you. I know you can do it.

Best of luck to you.
If you want to quit- congratulations! you-ve made the first step!

Quit rates using:
cold turkey - ~10%
patches - ~20-25%
zyban - ~35%
chantix (not sure if it-s available yet) - 50%

I recommend seeing your Primary Care Physician and asking him what he/she thinks is best for you.
ask your doctor for zyban
When my parents quit smoking, they both went on the patch and found chewing gum or sipping water through a straw to help with the habit part of it. It-s the hand-to-mouth action that yoru body craves, so anything that you can chew on, fiddle with, etc.
Nicotine Gum.
i agree with the person above.. i prefer u ask ur doctor wat is best for u
talk to your doc.
GOOD LUCK, I just started to quit smoking I am on a new med called Chantix it works great! I recomend it, talk to your doc about it. I have no cravings now that I am on it. good luck!!!
How can I quit smoking? is there any alternative when I feel smoking? -