How did you quit smoking need tips and ideas .? -

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How did you quit smoking need tips and ideas .? -

Chantix. It-s a prescription that is very effective.
Try Rx Chantix, I have tried everything else, this really works. It make you not want cigs, along with some will power. We have a group here on yahoo, of a bunch of quitters, pretty much all of us have quit with chantix. you have to be excepted in the group, I-ll mention your name to the owner of the group, and tell her -Anna in Ca- sent you. At least check it out, you can ask whatever questions you want, there is about 50 quitters always chatting on there. Good luck, see you on the quittin- side... I-m gonna e mail you the link
After smoking for more than 30 years and trying all the -known- remedies, I finally asked GOD to help me. I am addicted to nicotine and no amount of willpower helped me stay off the cigarettes. I had to completely SURRENDER my will and life over to the God of my own understanding in order to break free of this powerful addiction. This worked far better than any gum, patch, food or pill I had tried. Today, I have over 7 years of -smobriety- and thank God every day for being smoke free. Incidentally, during these past 7 years, I have saved over $30,000...clearly not all from quitting but a good chunk of it was....the freedom I feel from being smoke free allows me to do better in all areas of my life, including saving for the future.
I finally realized that I did not have to kill myself anymore..I was doing it slowly with cigarettes. No coincidence that I quit smoking very soon after a divorce...God helped me through that too. No kidding..there is a 12 step program called Nicotine Anonymous...where people go for support and encouragement to quit. I also attended these meetings which helped enormously, too. There are on-line groups, too. Seriously....this is a mighty powerful addiction....take all the help you can find. Good luck and dont have to quit for the rest of your life....just quit for one day at a time. When you make it through one day, quit the next day for - one more day.- Before you know it, you-ll have a week, then 2 weeks, then a month, then 2 months and on and on...You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found chewing nicorette gum was very helpful. You can get a generic brand of nicotine gum at Walmart called Equate.
be stong and take control, dont let it control you
control on the feelings and always be aware of its harmful effect
Try Quit Assist,…
The site has a wealth of information.

Also try Nicotine Busters, a Yahoo support group. They have a lot of good information as well.

Good luck!!!
I am going through the same issue and it-s been going pretty good. I am older now and in more control of myself and surroundings so it is a lot easier for me now then it was a few years ago. When I have the urge I think about the type of foods I don-t like to eat. I also try to keep a peppermint with me, that cool mint eases the urge a bit.
Stay focus on the reason why you are quiting. I also try to sike my mind to believe that I always thought smoking was discussing you know what I a mental issue also so prepare yourself.
It really isn-t addicting unless you let it become addicting. Just stop and think about other thing and just get it off your mind!! Do you really want to die young, do you really want to look like you are 30 when your only 20? Just think about the consquences!! GOOD LUCK!! It is one hard step but totally worth it!!
Chantix worked for me! I had been a smoker for over 20 years. I had tried to quit several times using various patches, gum, and cold turkey. After a stay in the hospital for pneumonia, I finally realized it was time to quit. I have been completely tobacco free for five months now, and have been tested in every way. Even the dreaded out drinking with smokers was no problem. It really worked for me! I hear it is not cheap though. I was lucky that my heath care covered it 100%. Talk it over with your Doctor, you will need a perscription, and no, I don-t work for them! Just happy to be smoke free!
I am still working on it, but what seems to be working for me is realizing when and why I go to smoke a cigarette and then breaking those habits one at a time. For example, I used to go smoke everytime I had a -bored- moment at work when I couldn-t think of anything else to do. Now everytime I have one of those moments I find something else to do such as starting a conversation with a co-worker, looking up a website, getting on yahoo answers, etc. Also, another thing that seems to be helping me cut back is challenging myself every morning to go as long as I possibly can without giving in to a craving. Every day I try to beat the time from the day before. Taking a few deep breaths and exhaling slowly seems to help get through a craving. Set up a small reward for yourself if you beat the time from the day before (i.e. favorite candy, going to eat at favorite restaurant, etc.) I have now made it all the way until 6:00pm without smoking and I-m only smoking about a pack a week now instead of 1/2 to 1 pack a day!. Eventually if I keep beating my times, I will have to go for days, then weeks, then months, and then eventually it won-t be worth it to smoke anymore! Also, don-t give up on trying if you fall back in to your regular smoking routine for a day or so... just start over the next day with the goal of beating the best stretch of non-smoking that you had before. It happens. The best thing is to keep making an effort and don-t get down on yourself if you mess up. Eventually it will work (or at least I hope it will, for both of our sakes, lol!) Good luck!!!!!
try running, you-ll see the difference from when you used to not smoke and now that you smoke and it will make you realize that you need to stop(self-realization.)

this is what I did, maybe it can be of help to you:

1. Well I stopped hanging with my friends for a month, because most smoking is done with friends or social events.

2. I began to exserice to stop thinking about smoking.
(jogging help me realize that i need to not smoke, because I wanted my endurance to last longer)

3. I had two friends that would tell me that i-m doing good and that i don-t need to smoke, basically motivation from another person

4. I also began to chew gum instead of smoking

hope this can be of help, this is what worked FOR ME
american cancer society,call them,they will give you free medicine,gum,or the patch.
In the Search for questions slot type in -quit smoking- and you wil get at least 6,800 results.
How did you quit smoking need tips and ideas .? -