I need to quit smoking, im trying to conceive.. help!!? -

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I need to quit smoking, im trying to conceive.. help!!? -

I am trying to conceive
and i need some tips to quit smoking..

i dont want the patch, the gum or anything like that..

just some tips and/or ways you or someone you know quit right away.

I know people who have quit cold turkey, so it can be done. Tell yourself that you will be prolonging your life, preventing premature aging of your skin, making yourself and your clothing smell better, possibly preventing fire or cigarette burns on things, preventing a raspy nasty cough, preventing cancer or emphysema, plus saving a great deal of money over time. You can use the money to do other things you like. Think about that.
I’ve been searching for some time for a list of stop smoking aids, and the pros and cons of using stop smoking herb which can quit smoking naturally. I’ve also noticed that many members of this forum have been asking the same question.

So, I’ve put my findings in a reviews which is free for you to visit at

im a smoker and I would really like to quit. I have not tried this myself but I knew someone who kept a pack with them at all times. every time they wanted a cigg, they would smell the pack and that was enough for them. again, I have not tried it so...
good luck!
I quit cold turkey. I will not lie to you, you will be a hard person to be around for awhile. I also kept gum and peppermints with me at all times, and something to keep in your hands to keep them busy. Good luck .
im me at hailhail1989 and i will try and give you some tips on quitting smoking lol
I need to quit smoking, im trying to conceive.. help!!? -