I just quit smoking, what will change in my health..? -

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I just quit smoking, what will change in my health..? -

I quit on 3/4/08...cold turkey. And un-planned as well...just woke up thinking -I can-t do this anymore-...this year would-ve been my 10th year in September.

What changes will I notice over the next few weeks, months, etc?
Someone asked a similar question about a day ago. Here was one of the responses:
Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure drops and your pulse return to normal. The temperature of your hands and feet stabilizes.

After 8 hours, The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops.

After 24 hours, your chance to having a heart attack decreases.

After 48 hours, your ability to smell and taste improves.

After 72 hours, lung capacity increases. Breathing can become easier.

After 2 weeks to 3 months, your circulation improves, Walking becomes easier. Lung functioning may increase by up to 20%.

After 1- 9 months, coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath may decrease. Your cilia- those microscopic hairs that line your lungs- may even begin to re-grow and that can help clean the lungs and reduce your chance of infection.

After 1 year or just after 12 months down the road and you’ve cut your risk of heart disease in half.
you will gain weight. you will have withdrawals...
Well for starters you will be able to breathe better.Excercise better.Wont get sick as much.Reduces the risk of lung cancer. You should have more enery because the cigarettes were sucking the life from you.Your skin will look yonger.Teeth will start to turn white and not that yellow colour.You will be happier.You will save money at least 2,000 a year.You should see an improvement in the sight of your eyes.You will look more attractive.You wont cough as much.
I just quit smoking, what will change in my health..? -