I need to quit smoking ciggarettes wats the best way? -

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I need to quit smoking ciggarettes wats the best way? -

Cold turkey! And take a 2 week vacation to alleviate any stressful situations.Try exercising more, and power walking to help sweat out the toxins from smoking. And don-t drink any booze during this time.And most of all think positive,and be proud of yourself for quiting!
start eating that stop smoking gum
You need to just stop smoking, don-t use nicotine patches, just stop completely. You need to get your self-statisfaction back.
good choice.....i support you...chew gum....
Here is what I did, and it has worked for 21 + years: I picked a date 2 weeks in advance, and then every time I smoked a cigarette in those 2 weeks I reminded myself why I needed to quit(cost to my health, cost to my pocketbook, how disgusting my teeth had become, how awful my clothes smelled, how dangerous it was to my infant son, etc.) When my -drop dead date- arrived I was really prepared to quit a habit that was 13 years in the making.
See a doctor and have him give you advice. Try everything he tells you.
An anti-smoking pill called Chantix worked for a co-worker of mine who smoked for 30 years.
I need to quit smoking ciggarettes wats the best way? -