Should i quit smoking? -

Friday, September 4, 2009

Should i quit smoking? -

I-m 18 and I-ve been smoking for almost a year now and a few months ago I got a blood clot that started in my lung. It nearly killed me. They said my blood clot was mostly because of some type 2 blood disorder.
Smoking is always bad. You see, you got blood clot with your sputum. I guess not the time has come, you should seriously consider quitting smoking. You might develop emphysema, chronic bronchitis and carcinoma in your later age. Why spoiling the good life, that god has gifted you?? You are still young, so I suggest, that you should quit smoking at this time only. I am giving you few information, on why you should be quitting smoking:-
There are many good reasons why you should quit smoking....
1:- 20 mins after quitting smoking, your body temp, blood pressure, and pulse rate drops to normal.
2:- 24 Hours after quitting- Chances of heart attack decreases.
3:- 3 days after quitting- breathing becomes easier.
4:- 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting- Lung capacity increases up to 30%, Blood circulation improves, walking becomes easier.
5:- 1 year after quitting- Chances of lung cancer is almost zero
and excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of stroke-s.
6:- Chances of developing cancer are further reduced, and risk of coronary heart disease is same as that of a person who has never smoked a cigarette!!
You already know the answer to that question dont you...
yes you should quit and its easy to do! Read the book -the easy way to quit- by Allen Carr. I smoked for 30 years and thought I could never quit. But I have freed myself from this addiction and it has been so easy.
so the fact that you have a blood disorder and smoking prohibits the amount of oxygen to your blood, doesn-t give you a good reason?....

besides, it-s much easier to quit if you just started, the longer you wait the harder it will be!

i-m a smoker of more than 10 years and it-s hard as hell for me right now(it-s been two days)

get out while you can! run! run and actually breathe easy when you run! and frolic in beautiful meadow full of fresh air......ahhhhhhhhh
quit smoking its bad for you! not you alone but your future husband and other people around you who sniffs your 2nd hand smoke when your smoking! My dad acquired TUberculosis because He is a chain smoker and Now He Quits smoking and Got better
A history of pulmonary embolism and your asking this question?Even if healthy you should quit.Deep down you know that.
Stop smoking is the best remedy. I used to smoke 30 cigs a day, I have now cut down to 15, then it will be less and less until I stop. Wean yourself off them slowly if you have no willpower to stop altogether. I am going to see the nurse at my local doctors for some help and support and patches. Hope this helps.
i think ur answer is in ur question there is plenty reason there
Tobacco companies have your cash, You have there illnesses off there tobacco. THEY ARE LAUGHING AT YOU.
If I could say DUH in a nice way than I would
YES!! Definitely :) You will be sooo happy you-ve done it afterwards :) Are you taking a blood thinner or Asprin for the blood clots?

Check this out:

I know this may sound weird, but Bananas can help people trying to give up smoking. The B-6 and B-12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body-s water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be re-balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

So try eating some bananas :)

Some of the addiction is oral and normalacy... when you normally have cigarettes, that-s when you crave them... one of my friends would always have a ballpoint pen with her ... she would hold it in her hand like she would when she was a smoker... and if she had the oral craving, she would chew on the pen... sounds weird, but worked for her :)
YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! stop now.. your 18 years old.. see what it does to your body.. do you want to cough up blood clots.. Smoking can ruin your life.. stop smoking you can do it.
its a good idea to stop smoking as soon as you can no matter what state your health appears to be in.

Havent you seen how much smoking is bad for your health?

There is talk of people who smoke who later have health problems not receiving much help because smoking being seen as something the individual has done to themselves.
you know the answer to this Q but we can go through it for you.mild reasons -clothes stink of it,and breath and teeth get stained,dry sore throats etc-.,heavy reasons -this stuff can kill you ,heart desease,cronic lung disorders,kidney,stomach, throat cancers etc.,-what else do you need,maybe a good kick up the rrrrr.hope you do manage to stop it-s a dirthy habit,good luck
Some people would tell you to quit smoking but your the one that has to decide to quit and actually do it. No one else can do it for you. I think you have a good reason to stop.
hey hun... I definitely think that you should quit! I am not a smoker but my boyfriend is and the secondary smoke affects my so badly... i can only imaging what the primary smoke is doing to you guys. i have also seen pics of a smoker lungs...oh my word... it looked awfully! do yourself a favour and you body too... give it up! I know some friends that gave up smoking... they doing great now!!!!
Good luck Hun
Smoking is inhaling some poisons that gives you an sensation. But there is no disorder only those things that the reactive mind gives you. and this reactive mind can be erased and you as so many other people can live a well and happy live.
Yes, think of all your poor little epithelial cells crying out in pain every time you inhale the smoke and your alveoli getting gummed up with the tar reducing your oxygen absorption. You would be a lot healthier in the long term without smoking, smoking only causes further complications that you don-t need. Agree-s with pumped up, there is a low strength aspirin especially made to provide a blood thinner.
Has a smoker i am not one for giveing advice on the smoking side of things,would be abit of me calling the kettle black so to speak,but on your health side of things and the fact you already have been through a clot in your lung then i would say give it your very best attempt to stop

good luck
i would try now the longer you leave it the harder it is.
good luck
Oh God.... haven-t you given up smoking now also. And you are putting questions. Quit forthwith. Otherwise your existence will be question marked.
Should i quit smoking? -