Ive bought the gum and all of the other things whats a good way to quit smoking besides cold turkey ? -

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ive bought the gum and all of the other things whats a good way to quit smoking besides cold turkey ? -

Does the nicotine gum eliminate the cravings completely? If not, read on.

Some cigarette smokers have a simple nicotine addiction. For them, the gum alone will do the job.

Other smokers have a cross-addiction to acetaldehyde, which is formed whenever leaves of any kind are burned. Fortunately there-s another way to get acetaldehyde: drink a tiny bit of alcohol. Acetaldehyde is the first step in the metabolism of alcohol. Here-s what to do.

If you have a cigarette craving after you get home from work, have one teaspoon of sherry wine. Then chew on a piece of nicotine gum. You should be able to satisfy both components of your cigarette addiction simultaneously.

This could be part of a gradual tapering-off process. Or it could be a harm-reduction strategy, where you simply substitute nicotine gum plus a little wine for the the cigarettes. It-s a lot better than smoking and putting all of those carcinogenic tars into your body. Either way, you win!

Why sherry and not some other kind of wine? Sherry should be slightly more effective. It already has acetaldehyde as one of the flavor components, and should be slightly faster-acting.


For some smokers, there are triggers that stimulate cigarette cravings. Alcohol can be one of them. If that applies to you, then you may want to limit the alcohol to the 1 tsp of sherry that you take with each piece of nicotine gum at night.

Coffee is another trigger for some people. If this applies to you, you may want to experiment with cutting back on the coffee consumption. If you enjoy caffeine, try drinking more tea and less coffee.


This link goes to the part of the Wikipedia article on tobacco smoking that explains the acetaldehyde connection to cigarette addiction.
this is a -touchey feeley- answer, but it-s true. You can-t quit until you-re really ready. Anything you use to help might reduce your nicotene craving, but in the end, YOU need to decide you don-t want that smoke.

That-s how I stopped smoking. I told myself -I don-t need to smoke now.- when I wanted a smoke. Don-t get me wrong...it didn-t work 100% of the time, but eventually, I stopped wanting to smoke. Just stick with it.

Good luck!
You know that I did?

Got rid of all my cigs, and tried to go for a week without them. I chewed gum when I got a craving. This was about a month ago, I have only had 1 since then. I cheated last week. But really, I haven-t had any strong cravings.
One of the best ways that has definately do the trick for me is hypnosis. You can find a great product on this webpage :


Don-t know but when u find out let me know cause I-ve tried it all - have NEVER succeeded for more than 3 weeks - I have COPD
Try an herbal remedy along with the gum and you should be good. Try not to pick up another habit though.. some people do.
I quit smoking cold turkey...it never stayed lit very long anyhow.
Ive bought the gum and all of the other things whats a good way to quit smoking besides cold turkey ? -