What did you do to quit smoking cigs? -

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What did you do to quit smoking cigs? -

I-ve tried, weaning, I-ve tried going cold turkey, I-ve chewed gum, I just can not seem to get past three days any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated
It is key to stay positive, don-t focus on the cravings. Keep the reasons why you quit in the first place circling through your head. This will keep your spirit and motivation high. Cravings will ease as a result.

If you keep your focus on the negatives you are reinforcing a false belief that is too hard to quit. Don-t ever think about the times you have failed. The now you can and will quit, you just have to truly believe you can do it.

Stay away from the patches and gums. They are a waste of both time and money. The only thing you need to quit is you and your own abilities as a strong human being.

There are no real negative side effects to quitting, only positive ones. The longer you have stayed smoke free the easier the quitting process becomes. You have made the right choice, believe you can quit and you will.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking. For more information and to post your opinion about the products you have tried, visit the following website.

Good Luck and Good Quitting
I smoked for 8 years and YES, I know how hard it is. But I did quit cold turkey. My strength was from this mantra in my mind...-I am not a slave to a cigarette.- If you are the master of your own destiny, then have control. On that third day, do something out of the ordinary...go to a nice restaurant or make a trip somewhere really nice. Meditate and say this is the day that will change my life.
Just remember this-people that quit really hate cigarettes-they hate the smell of smoke. If you start to hate cigarettes you will be on the other side. Smell a damp ash tray-yuck! Put your clothes in a bag and then take them out again a week later after you haven-t had a ciggy. Try these things and everyday pleas pat yourself on your back for making it another day and it will get better. I care about you and I know you can do it!
Hey I tried everything to quit smoking too and I think I-ve finally done it. Just don-t give up! If you fail and have a smoke, that-s ok. Since I quit about 3 months ago I stuffed up twice. Once I had about 10 at a party and the other time I had half a smoke. On the half a smoke occasion, it just didn-t taste the way I remembered. It kind of felt sad to know I had killed my love affair with cigarettes, but there are so many great things about being free. Anyway, before you quit make sure you really hate it. You have to hate it so much you-re prepared to make sacrifices to win the fight. Anyway, it was and still is the most difficult thing I-ve ever, EVER done, but it-s possible. Anyway...things to try:
1. Exercise...sounds crap? It is...but it works. Get up everyday and do some..focus on getting fit. Make it feel important to you and focus on wanting it...you won-t want a smoke. It does help.

2. Smoke somewhere gross or doing something you don-t like. Sit next to a smelly bin or something. Me, I personally hate standing and smoking. It makes you-re brain link cigarettes with bad feelings.

3. The number one most effective. I didn-t want to say this as no doctor in the world will recommend this, but it is my personal experience (don-t judge me)...Replace smokes with something else. You can buy herb that you can smoke instead. There is one called Lobeila something or -Indian tobacco-. I personally chose to smoke marijuana. I know this sounds bad, but the intense suffering of quitting was not so bad. I chose it becasue I can-t smoke it at work or in public, but I still got to come home and unwind. Then you have something to look forward to as opposed to feeling lost without your smokes. I loved smoking and having somthing to smoke made it much easier to get by. The main reason it was so effective for me though is because I don-t like being inebriated. After a month of doing this the nicotine craving was dead and I couldn-t even stomach the thought of anymore weed. Now I am free.

4. Have someone who really understands that you want to quit. Someone who is around you a lot...girlfriend, housemate etc. For sure you know that horrible feeling of failure? All this person needs to do is remind you of what you actually want and how you-re going to feel if you fail. It really snaps you back to reality when you-re about to go for one and you realise it-s just the craving/habit tricking you.

Remember just to push through the craving. Stay away from friends that smoke. Avoid them like the plague. Start small and know you-re habit really well - cut out certain important cigarettes (I love a cigarette after having a meal - so I got rid of that first). It-s a habit so your brain associates cigarettes with certain actions...eg. having a few drinks etc. Work our where/when you are most vunerable to your cravings and avoid that place/environment/person until you think you can face it. You can totally do it! Just work at it and don-t be too hard on yourself if you mess up...keep going!

Good luck!
Just every drag you take, visualise this awful toxic crap seeping into your body organs, leaving a black greasy trail through your lungs. It-s powerful stuff, the imagination. Worked for me, i soon lost all my enjoyment of smoking.
To quit smoking i went to http://www.stopsmoking4good.org its a great product.
What did you do to quit smoking cigs? -