How do you refrain from gaining weight while trying to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How do you refrain from gaining weight while trying to quit smoking? -

exercise more. Ask your doctor - they can help you develop a customized exercise program.
I can relate to this..... I wanted to quit smoking but I was TERRIFIED I would gain weight...So I did some research and according to the -experts- the metabolic changes should only account for an average of 3 pounds or so if you do not change any other adding a bunch of crap to your diet to compensate for the habit.... I can-t quote you the site, but here is the good news....I probably did gain 2 pounds, but I am MUCH healthier and 2 pounds really is an acceptable trade-off.... It-s been 4 years since I quit! Good Luck to you!!!!
Don-t put food in your mouth whenever you want to smoke.
I taught a smoking cessation seminar for six years. I provided alternatives to the cigs other than food. I also told folks, based on very reliable investigation, that only about thirty percent of people who quit smoking gain weight during the process, and half of those lose the excess weight within a year.

To put another perspective on it - you-d have to gain a hundred pounds to come close to offsetting the benefits of quitting. So: talk to your doctor and then contact the American Lung Association about smoking cessation seminars in your area.
Well fasting is a good way to stop smoking and not gain weight. It helps to get the cigarette toxins out faster. If that is too much then click on the home paging on losing weight. By eating the right foods, you can eat as much as you want and not gain weight.

Congratulations for trying. They put over 100 additives in the cigarettes to make it almost impossible to stop smoking.

I-m constanly now being asked -How Do I Stop Smoking?-
I really emphathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that

All the best..…
How do you refrain from gaining weight while trying to quit smoking? -