Any advice to quit smoking? -

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Any advice to quit smoking? -

I told my hubby to quit smoking during sex,
but he said it helped calm his nerves.
Well, the inevitable finally happened, my friends!
His cigarette caught fire amidst his gentlemanly duties,
and we had ourselves our own burning bush to put out,
except this one didn-t have any messages from God.
It just left your friend OCL with 1st degree burns,
bedridden in a diaper full of neosporin.
The good news is the hubby finally decided to quit smoking in bed! Any ex-smokers-in-bed with advice on what works?
I always heard that smoking during sex was an indication for a lack of lubrication.... check into some gel or maybe ask him to slow down a bit.
fore more details of relation with smoke and sex visit
Look i can help u decrease the number of cigs u drink but i dont guarantee u permenantly to stop drinking ,, look u must first of all be really accepting to the quitting thing and so , after that u must begin alowly as like ,,, first if u drink 10 cigs try smoking 9 ,, after a week try 8 then 7 then go on as little as u can until ur ready to stop
every time you want to smoke a cigarette, just punch yourself in the face and you will lose the desire. but you must do it every time or this program doesnt work.
I-m so sorry that this has happened to you;-( I-m glad he has stopped smoking in bed but I would have to suggest maybe chew instead. It can add a very cool feeling during oral and help improve the flavor. Good luck and I think some aloe will help also. I-m a DR. too, because I watch Grey-s Anatomy.
I tried different ways but when I fnally quit it was just cold turkey. You really have to want to quit and you have to say you quit, not I-m trying to quit. It also helps to have someones support like I did, my girlfriend didn-t push me to stop but helped me keep me going through it. If I was with someone that smoked I never could have done it. Biggest thing is you have to want it and have a lot of will power.
maybe he needs to wear the patches that do help you can get from the doctors on prescription ,but im not sure that i would even think about entertaining someone smoking whilst having sex he was most probaly not even thinking about you and where would he flick his ash.
Any advice to quit smoking? -