How do you quit smoking weed? -

Friday, July 13, 2018

How do you quit smoking weed? -

I don-t drink
I don-t smoke cigarettes

But I smoke weed everyday.

I-m 21.

If I don-t have it, I-ll get a super bad headache.

How do you quit smoking weed?
And I smoke it alone...
Im going to be 21 next month - I smoked weed for ten years, the last 5 were everyday, I finally quit - have not smoked for a year now. It was hard to quit. I had withdrawals like no appetite bc I did not have the munchies, I was very angry - had killer headaches. It lasted a week or more - was the longest week ever. I quit bc I really wanted to. I threw all of my paraphernalia away - stopped talking to people who sold it. This sounds kinda cheesy but I just told myself no, I still think about doing it, but I still tell myself no. I also no I cant just smoke one, that I will want more - I cant just smoke one day - not the next, I will want to smoke everyday, so I dont start again.
hay there mate
have u found a way to quit smokin ..
im 16 and have been smokin weed every day for about 2 years

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remember it-s illegal
you realize that there is more to life than getting high.
just stop.
Best way, cold turkey.

Like any other drug. It-ll take a lot of will power, good luck.

Look under marijuana withdrawal in Google.
get caught, spend some time in prison, and you can be somebodys butt-buddy for awhile, maybe that would deter any future desire and clear those headaches up?????
Other things may be causing your headaches and the weed just alleviates it. I would guess that either you have allergies/sinus problems, or stress, and the weed relaxes you/your muscles enough to make your headache go away.

Take aspirin/advil/tylenol whatever works best for you.

As to how do you quit after smoking daily for a long time.

You just quit. Weed is not really physically addicting. It is, however, mentally addictive and easy to convince yourself you need it.

The way I quit, I just quit. Avoid your seller. Avoid triggers such as things you do at the time you usually smoke (tv, radio, before shower, eating, computer) so, change your environment, change your schedule.

Every time the thought -I need a joint- pops into your mind, stop and out loud tell yourself, -that is a CRUTCH, I do NOT need a joint. I want it and I can live without it-.

Just realize that the desire will never totally leave you, pot is pretty damn nice in many ways.

But if you make up your mind to grow past this crutch, you can.

I, and many friends, that smoked for many years (probably more than you have even been alive) have quit, you can too.

After all, is your entire future and thousands of dollars worth being high.

Wasn-t for me.
Well, it is addictive, like alcohol, nicotine, sex, chocolate and many other things. But the simple answer is actually to put the marijuana down, walk away and never go back to it.

It-s really that simple.

Oh, you-ll get sick and you-ll crave it. So what. You stopped using it for a reason. Remember that reason, whatever it may be. Soon your body will have flushed out the toxins and you won-t feel sick.

If you need to, find something else to do in place of the drug. Go running. Paint. Dance. Sing Kareoke. It takes your mind off the mental addiction. And if you are really getting very sick, have a friend (who isn-t into the drug) stay with you.

It really is that simple.

Just not always easy.
go to therapy
Well, Alison Wonderland, people have their own ways of doing such things. But as for me (I smoked since I was 12= 11 yrs.), I could not do it alone. I gave my life to Christ and the Lord has really given me strength. It was hard, but He-s worth it. My depression is even gone! For the first time in my life, I can have a natural, spiritual high, without weed or painkillers. Praise be to God!!
1. try limiting yourself a little bit at a time
2. find hobbies or a job which will keep u busy so you won-t have time for it
3. learn about some negative consequences of smoking weed (such as lack of motivation, etc)
You just stop and you get headaches for awhile. It-s just part of the withdrawal. Eventually they will stop.
smoke ciggerettes.
slowly stop like little by little first just stop doing it on the week days and start doing it just during the weekends and then slowly only do it on Saturdays and then idk

at least you don-t smoke cigs or drink haa
Stop hanging around people that smoke weed and the people who supply you with it. I used to smoke weed with a boyfriend back in high school. When I broke up with him it was like magic... the weed was no longer around me!
You may get headaches for a little bit but you can-t get addicted to weed. Its not like your going to go through withdrawls.
why would you do a silly thing like that?
just stop. Weed is not addictive. In like a few days you will be fine.
That-s a tough one. I researched various drugs once and surprisingly found that marijuana addiction is the only addiction that is mental and not physical.

It-s basically mind over matter. Once you run out, don-t replace it. Find something else (preferably something constructive) to do. It helps if you are acutally out of the house and that helps keep your mind off of things. After a few days without it, you will realize how much clearer your mind is. As far as the headaches are concerned, drink water and take one Tylenol.

I hope that helps.
You dont have to quit smoking weed, it is fun but dont smoke it too much cause thats bad. you should cut back that should help with the headaches, then one day just stop if u want, but id still do it here and there with buddys though thats the best. and did u no weed is better for then drinking and or smoking cigarettes, so its not that bad of a habit as long as u dont do alot of it because that will cause problems in the long run. ooo and make sure u floss everyday because smoking weed causes gum disease. even if u only smoke like once a week.
You could try coke or e instead. they-re way better anyway. haha.
Smoke a little less each day until you stop
I never liked it from the 1st time I tried it so it wasn-t a problem.
How do you quit smoking weed? -