What are the side effects of (trying to quit smoking) having Nicorette at the same time? -

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What are the side effects of (trying to quit smoking) having Nicorette at the same time? -

I mean if you cut out almost all smoking (1-2 cigarettes a day) and gradually build up the nicotine withdrawal (1/2 gum or more) ?
You-re not supposed to use a nicotine replacement therapy and smoke at the same time. You could OD on nicotine and make yourself sick. One of my boyfriends friends would smoke while chewing gum and become dizzy and nauseous. You-re better off quiting completely and using the gum or patches.

I quit almost a month ago and used patches- they-ve worked great.
Officially, you aren-t supposed to do both because it can increase your heart attack risk. In practice, most people cheat -- at least, that-s what I-ve seen and what everyone said in an online discussion. The risk, heart attack and otherwise, from continuing to smoke is almost certainly much higher.

I used the Commit nicotine lozenges (which I found easier to use than the gum) and at first, I-d break down occasionally as you have. But eventually, it happened less and less as I became used to the new nicotine dosage, and eventually I stopped breaking down and finally lost the urge completely. In fact, when I tried smoking one to see what would happen, it felt kind of gross.
It will probably make you sick. Try hypnosis, my mom did and she quit after 25 years
What are the side effects of (trying to quit smoking) having Nicorette at the same time? -