Anybody every try hypnotism to quit smoking? Did it work for you? -

Monday, August 12, 2019

Anybody every try hypnotism to quit smoking? Did it work for you? -

I bought an audio cd to try it. I have a question though. Do you quit and then do the hypnotism? Or do you do the hypnotism and you just don-t want to smoke? No instructions came with the CD so I don-t know what order to do things. Do you listen and then gradually quit? Thanks for the help, I really want to beat this smoking thing
Well, here-s how to do it. Sit down and make a list of all of your goals, no matter how trivial they may seem. Write your goals down. Find a quiet place where you can be alone and there will be no distractions. Begin your session with a normal voice. Use deep breathing to relax and focus your mind, body and spirit on your intentions. Once you are in a deep relaxed state, begin to count yourself down. Spend as much time as you need to in this vivid world. When it’s time to leave, talk yourself out of it as you entered.
One of the major advantages with using hypnotism to quit smoking is that a majority of people do not go back to the habit after the hypnosis process.

You can combine other quit smoking programs such as using a stop smoking herb along with hypnotism to quit smoking for even better results. There are basically two ways in which you can use hypnosis in order to quit smoking. While one method involves using the services of a certified hypnotherapist, the second method involves doing self-hypnosis.
I don-t think that it helps to all.

I suggest using quit smoking drug Chantix. Bcoz, it is a non-nicotine drug unlike other drugs and It inhibits the nicotine in cigarette smoke from binding to the nicotinic receptors in the brain and helps reduce the effects of dangerous nicotine.

Find all the details at:…

They are also providing free doctor consultation. Chantix is a prescription drug.
I don-t know anything about it but I know it worked for my uncle...give it a try
Anybody every try hypnotism to quit smoking? Did it work for you? -