Has anyone used the patch to quit smoking? -

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Has anyone used the patch to quit smoking? -

I have just begun wearing it and so far so good, but I am wondering if anyone was successful with it and if you experienced any problems with side effects etc... I work out and it falls off when I sweat any suggestions besides medical tape to keep it on? I use medical tape but that comes off too.
My brother used the patch and it worked for a while but he started smoking again. What has worked best for him and other smokers I know is the drug Chasix. It has worked for even the hard core smokers. They-re all raving about it.
I used it several years ago. I guess I was allergic to it because it made me break out in a rash where the patch was placed. I tried it for about a week until I couldn-t stand the itching anymore and quit wearing them. I have heard of several people that did extremely well with it though. Best of luck to you.
I used zyban. I think that is the name of the perscription drug. I resolved that it was going to work weather I wanted to quit or not. Turns out I did want to quit. I haven-t smoked in nearly 10 years but the stuff sometimes will still smell good when I pass someone smoking. Whatever method you use, keep your desire to quit above all. Best wishes.
Has anyone used the patch to quit smoking? -