Whats the best way to get my girlfriend to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Whats the best way to get my girlfriend to quit smoking? -

Withdraw sex until she quits.
Try this website for quit smoking help and information. Quit smoking can be a very stressful experience so you-ll need as much help as you can get.

Remember why you-re doing it! (Family, friends, general health)

Don-t give up and good luck!
It-s impossible.
Try letting her live her life and you live yours. Don-t try to control your girlfriend it will only cause her to resent you.
Don-t make it a power struggle, or you-ll lose.

The best you can do is tell her that you care about her, and don-t want her to suffer the inevitable consequences of cigarette smoking. Tell her that you want her to retain her youthful looks, to have clean breath and white teeth, as well as lungs that work.

It-s a tough addiction to overcome, so be supportive every time she tries.

If she refuses to listen to reason, find another girlfriend, one who doesn-t smoke.
Tell her about my young uncle who got throat cancer. They operated and had to remove his voice box. He wasn-t even used to using the voice machine when the doctors told him the cancer was growing back. He lingered for several weeks and then died. That is the TRUTH. That-s what smoking will MOST LIKELY do to a person, or lung cancer - try breathing in a tent. What-s wrong with your friend??
eat all of her cigarettes
motivate and reward
The following will work for her. She don-t even need good luck.
Local hospitals offer week-long programs to make you quit smoking. Then you-ll need this trick to not go back to it: Don-t have that one cigarette for the rest of your life!
People buckle under the intense urge for a cigarette and think that their problem will go away with one cigarette. But that just makes the problem go away temporarily, only to come back with a higher intensity.
Quitting smoking feels like a loss of a loved one because to the brain it is just that - a loved one. So be prepared for the longing and the pain. Just endure it. It won-t kill you. Actually, it will make you live longer.
Adapt a new lifestyle i.e. eat fruits, go jogging, etc. Do whatever, but once you have gone through the week-long quit-smoking program, DON-T HAVE THAT ONE CIGARETTE NO MATTER WHAT. If you have that one cigarette, you fail and if you don-t then you succeed. It is that simple. You do need that week-long program to launch yourself into the wonderful world of non-smoking though.
One more thing: you may need to keep the company of non-smokers for a while i.e. at least one year.
tell her you think its gross when she goes to kiss you. eventually she-ll realize that it really does smell bad and will hopefully stop smoking. and if she still doesn-t, tell her you can-t marry any girls who will die and leave you heartbroken before your first anniversary. that should put into perspective for her. good luck! =]
Stop kissing her, except for on the cheeks.
you cant withdrawl sex. That only works on men. she has to want to quit. you cant change who she is. why should she change for you?
The best way to get your girl friend to quit smoking is to let her know she is killing her self, which mean if she don-t stop she don-t care about herself,so she can-t possibly care about you. you know the old saying - you gotta love your self before you love any one else. So if she don-t care about you or herself you are most likely wasting your time with her, there alot of beautiful anti-smoking women out here. I hope this help you out.
You can-t - she has to want to...
Whats the best way to get my girlfriend to quit smoking? -