Whats the easiest way to quit smoking pot? -

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Whats the easiest way to quit smoking pot? -

ive been smoking too long and want to take a break but find it hard, whats an easy way?
Remove any and all traces of it from your house. take all bongs, pipes, bean busters, etc and give them away. clean your house from top to bottom. wash all of your clothes. jam pack at least a week with all of the tasks you have been putting off and do them. After the first week, you will be a little better. If you need another week... find more things to do. keep yourself as busy as possible. If you are still dying for it... plan a little escape and go somewhere. Even if you can only afford tent space at a state park... do it. Being away from home can help you get through those horrible first few weeks.

As far as sleeping and anxiety goes: Try an herbal remedy like Calm Thoughts. You can find it online. It helps to take the edge off and keeps you from running to other items like cigarettes and booze. It is also non-habit forming and works wonders!

Be warned though: If you consider yourself a true pot smoker, then you are addicted and you will crave it for the rest of your life. It is no different than booze or cigarettes.
Try out some effective, simple and drug-free methods to quit smoking naturally. Try to review some companies that provide products that will help you to quit smoking naturally without any drug medication that could lead to negative long-term effects for the rest of your life. Good luck.
you shouldn-t of started in the first place.
you wouldn-t have this problem then would you?
Whats the easiest way to quit smoking pot? -