Is it really that difficult to quit smoking? -

Monday, March 9, 2020

Is it really that difficult to quit smoking? -

What is it that makes it difficult exactly? I don-t mean to sound stupid or put any smokers off but I really don-t know...I-ve never been addicted to anything.
It could be difficult to quit smoking it just depends on how your body is affected by the nicotine in the cigarette i kno this guy he can smoke a cigg. and stop instantly...
For me it wasn-t, but I guess I was a -casual smoker- and was never really addicted (according to my husband.) But my father smoked for 10 years and then just one day decided to quit and that was it, no problem. My husband has serious problems trying to quit. He has tried over a dozen times. He tried again last month and hasn-t smoked in 5 1/2 weeks! (well he had 1/2 of one once.) For him it isn-t the nicotine that had him hooked (although that didn-t help), it was the habit. He didn-t feel right not smoking. He had trouble waking up with out one (that was the nicotine). He would get super stressed with out smoking. He used smoking as an excuse to step out and take 10 minutes for himself away from all the hassle of his life (mostly work). I kept telling him he could do that with out a smoke. He only quit this time because I told him I wouldn-t have a baby if he was still smoking. He-s never lasted this long before so I-m proud of him.
Back when I smoked, I would get really bad coughs when I needed a cigarette (which was like very 45 min to an hour). As soon as I smoked one, I would quit coughing. I couldn-t even go to college because I had to leave all the time for a cigarette. It was a big problem for me. And everyone would look at me because I couldn-t stop coughing. That is what made it so addictive for me. Another thing is that it becomes a habit and you do it because you-re bored and feel lost without it. That was my case. But I got hypnotized to quit, and it worked for me. I haven-t smoked since.
Since they are physically and psychologically addicted to the nicotine, they are constantly reminded of it. And with how many people around smoke, it doesn-t make it any easier. Plus, when they haven-t been smoking they can get really irratable, and shake.
If you haven-t ever been addicted to anything there is no way you could possibly understand what it is like to quite smoking. It-s hard to quite addictions, but especially those involving addictive chemicals.
that depends on the person, i-m not a smoker but a lot of people around me are, and some have succeded quiting the first time and didn-t have any problems, but some quit and started again.-
it depends on the person-s will.-
GET OFF OF THEM PLZ my mom has been in the HOSPITAL for almost 5 months because of them! They are your enemy!! Good Luck and you will be in my prayers
No its not that hard. There is a new drug out called Chantix.
U can quit in a month. Ask u r doc about it.
it is tough..ive tried to quit 4 times in my 18 years of smoking whereas i quit pot and drinking pretty easily
Is it really that difficult to quit smoking? -