Why Is Welbutrin Prescribed To People Who Are Trying To Quit Smoking? -

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Why Is Welbutrin Prescribed To People Who Are Trying To Quit Smoking? -

A co-worker said her doctor prescribed Welbutrin to her because she is trying to quit smoking. I aked her why, but she said, -I don-t know.- I think I would of had to ask, but thats just me. It has me wondering why. Anyone know?
Wellbutrin was given to depressed people and it was found that some of the smokers also stopped as a side effect. So the drug maker marketed a new product now called Zyban.
Zyban or Wellbutrin are SSRs, meaning - they are a class of drugs dealing with selective serontonin re-uptake. It is designed to -top up- the serontonin supply, which act on the brain-s neuro pathways triggering a supply of -mood changing- chemicals... similar to the reaction smokers get from nicotine.

Zyban has side effects, some serious and occaisionally fatal, and it does not help with the habitual or psychological addiction to smoking, which are very important. See -Ways to Stop Smoking,- at the website below.
cigarette smoking is very addictive and quitting is as hard as quitting heroin, your body goes through withdrawal and one of those symptoms is depression...welbutrin is an anti-depressant...it helps those that a near and dear to you stay alive!!!
Welbutrin (and similar anti-depressants) increase the levels of seratonin in the brain, which helps a depressed person to feel more happy. It also can calm someone who is anxious, which is when a lot of smokers will light up. I quit smoking without even trying just because I was on an anti-anxiety medication. For some people it works, and for some it won-t. You do have to be careful with any kind of drug, though - especially ones that trigger the brain.
My understanding is wellbutrin is an antidepressant, but it also has the unexpected side effect of helping people quit smoking. (marketed under the name -zyban-). Check the link below for more information.
Why Is Welbutrin Prescribed To People Who Are Trying To Quit Smoking? -