Hi. Last call, I really need to quit smoking. Any true life examples? -

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Hi. Last call, I really need to quit smoking. Any true life examples? -

I would prefer with no meds. Please helps.

Thanks a lot
The day was January 4, 2004. I had about 10 cigarettes left in my pack. I always bought my cigarettes by the carton. I pulled into my usual spot to purchase my cigarettes, asked for my carton of Winston in the box, I presented my $5 off coupon, and the clerk said -that will be $38.55 please- and I balked! I told the clerk that I had never paid more than $29 with a $5 off coupon, and she said, -mister, the prices went up on the first-

I looked right at the clerk, and told her to put the cigarettes back, and keep the coupon for someone else that needs it.

I walked out of the store, (it is a gasoline station) took one cigarette out of the pack, and crumpeled the pack and tossed it in the trash. I smoked that one last cigarette, and that was the last.

Cold Turkey.

I was a bastard for four days, but haven-t had a cigarette since.
I was 21 yrs old, thought I was Prego (I wasn-t though), and I got a threat from my little sister saying she would kick my butt if I was and was smoking. So I just quit. 7 yrs later, still smoke free! Wahoo!
Cold turkey, just like that! I would crave them, but I just started doing other things to get my mind off of it.
Good Luck!
The easiest way for me to quit was getting pregnant :)

works like a charm! :)
My uncle smoked three packs a day for 40 years. He was told by his doctor if he didn-t quit, he-d die. So he put down the unfinished pack of smokes and never picked them up again. That was 10 years ago.
If you really want to quit, then just quit.
I, too, joined a 12 step program called -Nicotine Anonymous- and to my joy, I discovered that there are plenty of people addicted to nicotine, just as I am. When I sat in the meetings and heard people talk about how they pulled old butts out of the ashtrays and lit them up, I felt right at home. When they talked about stealing or bumming other peoples cigarettes, again, I felt I-d found a new family. I accept that I am addicted to nicotine and that 100 cigarettes is not enough and 1 is TOO MANY. I gave my addiction over to the God of my own understanding and TRUSTED that I would not smoke, ONE DAY AT A TIME!!
If I thought about not smoking for 1 year or the rest of my life, I may as well go out and buy the damn things because I am an addict!!! I can do one hour at a time, one day at a time and for me, this WORKS!! I have been smoke free for over 7 years and really do not miss it. OH, in the beginning, I was a MESS, in many ways. I could not think clearly, I cried for no reason and for whatever reason, I started having problems with allergies. (My sinsuses were cleaning up and began to function as they were meant to) I-m here to tell you that if you smoked like I did, from age 11 on, the withdrawal can be very difficult. You may as well stick a hot poker in my eye. ;-) I noticed that some people in the group did not have as tough a time as I did and some were even worse off. (I thank God for the hard time I had since it could have been much worse) If this works for you, find a Nicotine Anonymous group and GO there. No one really is the boss and nobody -lectures-. We are all there to help each other, bottom line. We all know the consequences of smoking and if this addiction was a matter of -will power-, we would have quit a very long time ago. Who really wants to suffer from the effects of smoking?????????? I -admit- that I am totally powerless over nicotine, my life became unmanageable because of my use of this powerful drug. I came to believe that a power greater than me could help me overcome the addiction (one day at a time) and decided I would ask God (higher power) for help.
Well, 7 years, 3 months and 19 days later, I remain smoke free. I have saved over $30,000 since I quit (not all from not buying cigarettes), been on trips, have clothes (that dont stink),food (that tastes GREAT), can work out without getting winded. In general, I am LIVING life free from the ball and chain that is nicotine. I feel so good about myself because kicking nicotine is theoretically MORE DIFFICULT than heroin. (this is documented in study after study on addictions) I am no longer a slave to these things...they are NOT my friends and they dont help me feel better anymore. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!! Ask God for help and get with others who are walking a similar path.
Talk to your DR about Chantix. MY mother has been on it for about a month and she has gone from a pack a day to 3 ciggs a day. She was smoking for 47 years. That Chantix is a great thing. Good luck..
me..... I used to smoke 5 packs of Camels a day... And one morning at breakfast I just quit... Had the un used pack on the table for one year... I have now been clean for40 years and cant stand the smell of cigarettes
Here-s a true life example:

Have a heart attack, you-ll quit instantly.
Believe me when I say you don-t want to put someone -especially a loved one- thru the trouble of giving you CPR while you-re lying their dead with your eyes open waiting on the Paramedics.
It-s a question of mind over matter. You can do it if you want
to. Just say NO!!! Put your mind to it. Chew gum instead.
Make sure it-s sugarless though or you-ll get cavities.
Picture yourself being smoke-free and healthier. Take lots
of walks and get lots of fresh air.
people stopped long before there were meds available so it-s possible.
yes, i quit. it was hard but now it doesn-t bother me. it-s an addiction so treatment is good (not necessarily drugs)
I am in a 12 step program for drug addiction that helped me to also recognize and treat other addictions.

There is a publisher named Hazelton that printed literature for smokers a few years ago, maybe you can look up some info there.

BTW, I commend you for wanting to find a way to quit smoking without the use of drugs. Some of us recovering drug addicts feel that -maintenance- drugs are a disguise for active addiction.

The program helped me to stop relying on gambling, smoking, using drugs, alcohol and sex as ways to get through things that I couldn-t otherwise handle. And it doesn-t cost taxpayers a single penny.

I-ve been absolutely clean since July 6, 2004.
Please Quit! I have smoked over 50 years and told to quit many times. I never did. I have COPD and a spot on my lung was detected.
And I am Still smoking.!!! Do it for yourself and for your family. PLEASE........
my mom!!! She quit like 17 years ago but now has a severe breathing problem called COPD. I say you better quit now.
Well I don-t know if this is an option for you but I quit when I went through basic training. It was easy cause one, you can-t smoke and two, all the physical activity. Now I will admit that I was tempted by the smell of it on the drill sergents but after awhile ( a long while ) the cravings went away completly. Oh and I smoked for 11 years befor I joined.
My dad told us when we were kids that if we caught him smoking he-d give everyone in the family $100. That was a lot of money to us because my mom was a stay at home mom. He would have had to work overtime in order to make the money to pay out.

He started chewing lots of gum and running too.
I weaned myself from them. On New Year-s Eve 2004 I was out of cigarettes. To make things -worse- (it was a bad thing at the time), I was visiting my parents and I couldn-t just go out and get a pack, especially since I had to get the keys from my husband. So I went 24 hours or more without one. Two days later (a Monday), I bought a pack. However, I wrestled with the decision praying, debating, etc., before going in the tobacco shop. I felt guilty, even though I was enjoying the first drag of a fresh pack. It was then I decided to make that my last pack. I spread out the times I went outside for a smoke (since it was January and we live in Columbus, OH, the weather may have helped, too) and then only smoked half of it. The next time I went out, I would smoke the other half. By Friday near midnight, I smoked my last. Ironcally, it was after that my husband basically told me it was him or the cigarettes, as it was bothering his allergies. It was hard at first, especially since I think I was a habitual smoker, but it was worth it.

Not only do I loathe the stench now to the point that I can-t be around smokers when they don-t have a cigarette. One of my sisters-in-law smoke and when I do talk with her I try and keep the conversations short and hold my breath when I can. She reeks to the point that I don-t ever want her to hold my daughter. My father-in-law told me that she seemed to not care that she smoked with both of her pregnancies. She still smokes around them and wonder why they have health problems (in addition to their poor diet). My husband-s brother-s wife (who is technically my SIL, of course) also smokes. One of my parents-in-law said that she smoked during her pregnancies, too. She also smokes in the house and is probably quite clueless that her smoking severely hinders my BIL-s immune system, already weakened, if not non-existent, from cancer. I refused to go into their house before my pregnancy. My husband visited a few times, while I was pregnant, and I think he told his brother why I didn-t come in.

Also, last year, from August 2006 to 2007, my husband and lived in Michigan so that he could do his grad school internship. We kept our permanent address at his parents-. I wanted to vote last November, not for governor, but for Smoke Free Ohio. I-m happy to say that it passed. There were only a few smoke free restaurants where we lived in Michigan, about half of those had vegan-friendly meals. (I-m vegan, he-s an omnivore.)

Anyway, I digress. If you feel as though you need a substitute, try suckers. I found some yummy natural ones at Babies -R- Us before I gave birth. Since I wasn-t allwoed food during my labor, but suckers were allowed, I got those. Now I just pull one out when I think I want something. (I should start using them for combating nail-biting.)

I hope my rambling has been of some help.
If you see enough of the films and pictures of the diseased lungs and the films on the people suffering/dying of emphysema, I think you will finally get so disgusted with the dirty habit that you will quit!
YOU have to decide to do it for YOU. Period.
Before you go to sleep each night, picture yourself getting up in the morning as a non-smoker. Picture yourself eating, drinking coffee, etc and NOT wanting a cigarette. Picture how good you will feel and how proud you will be. You get the idea. This process has really worked for me for a lot of things.
If you can-t do cold turkey, then cut down each week. Only allot yourself a certain number. 20/day. Then 18/day. etc. It may take longer, but It may be easier in the end. There is no -right- way. Do what works for you!
concern a doctor there a medicine in the market for that
go cold turkey. it-s really hard the first few days, but it gets easy. try to think like a non smoker. find somethings to keep busy with. worse thing is sitting there doing nothing coz you-ll keep thinking about it. when you feel like you want one, tell your self i don-t need it. you have to really want to quit though.

you shouldn-t tell yourself that you-re trying to quit, you should just say i quit. don-t use the gum suppliment, coz you still think about it and they-re disgusting. if you really have trouble, use the patches.

seriously, after a few days, you get used to not having any.
good luck.
I had a heart attack when I was 42 ears old. How is that for an eye-opener?
I quit cold-turkey. Had to. My mortality had just slapped me in the face.
It was not easy but I did it. One thing that help...I chewed on a straw. Cut a straw about the length of a cigarette and stick it in your mouth whenever you have that craving or just hold it like you would a cigarette. It helped me alot.
Good luck and try to think of all the bonuses of quiting.
You will breath easier.
Food will taste better.
Your health will improve.
You may live longer.
You will save a ton of money!!!
cold turkey, just do it. its the only way. thats a true life example..
My friend quit by smoking all day the day before he quit and getting really sick. He hasn-t smoked for almost 3 months.
its all in that first 7 days, it is horrible you are edgy and probably going to be very angry at nothing. There is no sugarcoating it, that first week is miserable and there is no getting around it, after that first week you no longer have the physical withdraws such as bad temper. After that you will still sometimes think about smoking but not the same and you will think about how you don-t want to smoke, itll make you feel much better about yourself and how you don-t need a cig. The thought will always be there, like when you have a bad day itll always come to your mind to light one up, but as long as you don-t do it you have nothing to worry about! After not smoking you will notice your lungs literally feel cleaner, you will feel much more healthy and actually be able to sleep better at night!
I watched my grandmother die of respiratory failure... it was horrible. That was enough to get me to stop after smoking for 15 years...
If you want to bad enough you can do it!!!
good luck!
Hello Mick,

Ok. No meds, there is an all natural product that has everything you need to help you quit smoking.

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was pregnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.

P.S. They do ship to Canada.

Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.
Hi. Last call, I really need to quit smoking. Any true life examples? -