Quit Smoking? -

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Quit Smoking? -

My husband decided to quit after years (over 20) of smoking on and off. The last time he quit he didn-t use any medication (patch, pills, etc). This time he-s going to try Chantix. Our Doctor and the Pharmacist insist that this is the most effective way to quit. My only concerns are the side effects. Here is what’s listed on the medications website….”Some patients have reported changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions when attempting to quit smoking”. Has anyone used this drug and was it successful?
My hubby has tried to quit with Chantix 3 times. I do think it is a great drug. He did quit for 3 weeks the first time, but didn-t know what to do with himself when his stress level was extremely high so grabbed his old friend a cigarette.
I do think he was agitated a lot while on the med., but I believe that was more from trying to quit than the actual drug itself. I have known many people this has worked for. I would encourage your hubby to do it if I were you. The side effects can-t be worse than what smoking is already doing to him. GOOD LUCK!!!
It caused me great sores in my mouth to where I couldn-t eat or drink anything for almost a week. It also caused me to go high potassium.

I was taking an ARB for potential hypertension and the combo nearly killed me. This is not a listed side effect!!!

I cannot take any of the antidepressants as they make me mean as a Mojave Rattlesnake in Molting season!!!

I am trying this by decreasing number and availability of smoking places every day!! Soon I should be out of supply and places I can smoke!! Then it will be -Cold-!!!

Good luck to your husband!!
I quit after smoking for 33 years by chewing Nicorette gum when I thought I would come out of my skin...after about 10 days I didn-t need it anymore...then the -habit- part of cigarettes must be broken and that is the hard part...why get an addiction to a drug in place of the cigarette addiction?
Yes a close family member of mine has and he quit within a few days, amazing. Good luck to him, I quit cold turkey after smoking for 7 years. But wether you need medicine or not quiting is the best thing you can do for yourself!
It-s a great drug....as in most cases you have to wonder if these ppl w/ the depression/agitation/suicidal thoughts were going to be that way if they took the drug or not......it-s a good drug...I-ve seen many positive outcomes. Good luck
I used it last year. It worked great I didn-t have any side effects! I think its just for a select few. I didn-t finish my 3months though and went back to smoking. I didn-t quit until i got pregnant
Quit Smoking? -