What is the best way to quit smoking ? -

Thursday, August 27, 2020

What is the best way to quit smoking ? -

iver tried everything and can only cut down to 5 or 6 a day . what should i try next
Hi Bobby

wow been there done that..pretty much tried everything out there... patches, pills, stuff from the health food store.. you name it.. i smoked for over 40 years, the last 5 of those were continuous quit attempt..

the one thing that worked fro me was when i quit trying to do it alone, and joined a support group.. i attend Nicotine Anonymous meetings both locally, and on line... on line meetings are as close as your computer, and your welcome to attend before actually attempting a quit..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine
There are also the electronic Cigarettes.

Now, the FDA says you can-t say they help you quit, not approved as a smoking cessation device, but a recent poll showed 708 out of 887 respondents said they helped them quit cigarettes completely.

Just wanted to throw that option out there as well.
I just quit whenever I run out. If I couldn-t afford them. I been smoking for 10 years. I can-t even stand the taste sometimes its like they put something else in them.They now have programs on tape, DVD or VHS. Chew gum, Patches etc. Don-t even think about it. Mind over matter. If You mean the other stuff. I quit that a long time ago. Paranoid and tired. Some websites show what will happen to people that have smoked for a really long time. They will try to scare People out of smoking.

Try a toothpick, or just put the cigarette in Your mouth unlit and see how long You can keep it there. Try smoking 2 at a time and work Your way up. It might make You want to quit.
Have some self-control on yourself, there are some patches what helps you to do with that, or you can just drop the cigarette boxes on the ground and say I stop smoking, or the slow method:

if you have smoked once a day at least 2 boxes,

smoke next day 1.6 cigarettes

next day 1.2

and keep going on it helped for my family!
The government wants to ban the new E cigarette electronic cigarette not b/c its safe ONLY b/c it looks bad
People can smoke this E cigarette where ever they want to and its completely harmless BUT but non smokers still are pissed saying that it looks like a bad thing to do in public and it really nerves them SO the government starts listening to them and wanna stop this harmless cigarette from being sold
cold turkey, doesnt matter what it is. YOU do not need it, i quit many things cold turkey just all of a sudden say F*CK THIS and throw your pack of smokes out the window AND throw your lighter in the trash and NEVER pick up another ciggerette ever again. If you do not quit in this fashion, u will never quit.
Take one stick of cigarette dip it in milk and dry it in the sun let it stay for 2 days and then puff on it,you will throw up because it will taste so bad and you will never want to look at a cigarette again
Don-t try to give up smoking.....give it up, cold turkey.
Tell yourself you don-t smoke and reinforce it every time you feel the urge.
Worked for me.
The better way try to quite smoking is your Straight and control mind also mental pails for you to eat its very difficult to quite you have be stronger
You should try flavored tooth picks
Go cold turkey, but tell your friends that you are going cold turkey because you will be a very crabby person for a while.
Do not put them near your mouth.

This will make them extremely difficult to smoke.
kill yourself.... deap people cant smoke, well; they can if you set them on fire
I took Zyban for 2 weeks.I have been smoke free for 4 years now
What is the best way to quit smoking ? -