I really need to quit smoking. Could anyone give some suggestions that worked for them.? -

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I really need to quit smoking. Could anyone give some suggestions that worked for them.? -

I will read them all and take your advice seriously.
First you have to realize smoking is more mental then physical. 1. Decide 4 weeks in advance of a quitting day and stick to it. 2. Get rid of your lighter use matches instead, 3. Set up a place to smoke in one place only, 4. Change cigarettes down to a lower tar and nicotine,5. Do not have cigs with in easy reach, place them in a drawer 6. Put cig in opposite hand , change fingers too if necessary. 7. Do not light up that first cigarette until U R up for an hour and have had at least a slice of toast, then wait 15 minutes the first week after you have eaten to have a cig, then each week add fifiteen minute 8. During the day as you start having less and less nicotine, U will start feeling a little wrung out, drink 100% Pure Juice as a pick me up 9.after every healthy meal wait the times I have described above. 10.
when you decide to go to bed make sure you have your last cig and hour before you go. You my have to change you morning drink that You usually assoiciate with you cigs for a while if you can not, do not have them together, have either one first wait fifteen minutes and then have the other, but not together, You are tryin to break some old habits. The more you think about each cig the more you know when and why you choose to smoke it at that particuar time. If you can break the mental habits the easier it will be. The actual physical addiction is 3- to five days. Find things to keep you hands busy. As the weeks progress you will lengthen the time between each cigarettes from fifitem minutes,to half and hour to 45 minutes and then an hour. I want you to conciously write down each cig and the time you had it. By the time you are on your last week, you R more then ready. The day and night before your quit day smoke all you want and remember to follow the wait rules for the first cig of the day and after meals and bed time. On that last night get rid of ashtrays, matches and any left over cigs before you go to bed. Drink plenty of Bottles of water. You can do this. If you pray ask God to help. If you have any question or want to tell me your success story, e-mail me at charla1956@msn.com
Stop buying cigarettes!!!
I smoked for quite some time and tried about every remedy in the book. I found out after serious rationalization that my biggest problem was I did it because I was bored. It does relax you but like when I drove I had to smoke. I woke up and smoked to kinda get going, but if I had something immediately to do I would skip smoking until I was done. I struggle now with the occasional smoke but I am finding that if I psych myself out and keep myself busy it is working. Other than that spend the money and time on all th e-clinical- solutions. Mine was all in the act of doing it.
here some ways i heard and read :

1. Saying No. if you-re tempted keep saying no no no no until you are not temped anymore. if it helps you can shout .
2. ask for help. it-s would definitely easier if you have your friends / family member (who doesn-t smoke) to help you.
3 Save money. think about all the money you-ll have right now if you didnt smoke.
4.Exercise. doing exercise and other sports will help take your mind out from smoking. and it helps you get fit.
5.Pills. i heard there-s pills that can help you stop smoking.. i dont have much info about this. so get some info about it .
6.Do it for someone you love. if you have someone you love make him or her the reason why you are quitting.

well good luck ! hope it helped out !
I have heard of a patch called nicacure that has no nicotene in it. It is an all herbal formula that is supposed to trick the brain into believing its recieving nicotene. I heard it sgood but i have never tried it myself as i never smoked in my life.


i have seen a guy smoke for 15-20 years straight and quit cold turkey after the ear accu-puncture. He never started back up and the cravings were minimal. but dont forget to get some gum just in case.
I was a very heavy smoker for over ten years and I quit almost one year ago (July 17th!). The first thing I did was join a local smoking cessation class. They help you pick a good -quit date- and offer discounts on patches, gum, etc. It also helped that I was accountable to this group of peers every week. I decided to quit with the patch and I had a really positive expierence. It took the the edge off, but didn-t provide immediate gratification like the gum or lozenge would. If you go with the patch use it exactly as directed on the label. I can-t stress that enough. Statistics show the success rate is much higher when people stick to the recommended plan. I can-t remember how long I was on it, maybe 2 months. Quitting smoking wasn-t a pleasant experience and the first week was killer, but it kept getting easier and easier! The benefits to my health have been numerous (I had asthma) and I love the way I smell and feel. Mainly, I don-t feel like cigarettes control my life anymore. They sure used to. Give it a try - it-s well worth it. Good luck!!
I quit. But it wasn-t easy. 2 things ya gotta lick. Phy. and mental. 8 days and the phy is solved, hard but solved. But the rush that the mental gives you needs to happen in your dreams. I was still smoking in my dreams 3 months after I-d quit. Until I quit in my dreams, I still had the cravings. Then once I did, just like that I didn-t want one ever again.
Will power and determination.
Hello! I used to smoke very heavily.After trying all sorts of things I was able to give up using Self Hypnosis.I have a book called -Secrets of Self Hypnosis by Gilbert Oakley. In this book there are a number of exercises.My Spirit Guide Dr. Chang helped me.I would relax and repeat in my mind--Every time I feel like lighting up a cigarette, I will feel sick-. I did this over and over, and over.I didn-t think it had worked. That evening I was singing at the local club. I went in and in a moment or two in all that smoky atmosphere I felt really ill.I couldn-t stay anywhere that was smoky.That was 20 years ago. I neither smoke nor drink alcohol.But with any auto suggestion,youv-e got to really want to.Good Luck!
Cold turkey is the best way. Just toss -em and don-t get any more. That-s what I did. After a couple weeks I couldn-t even stand the smell of them anymore. It was worth the two weeks to get my life back.
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
You just have to make up your mind not to smoke and realize how much you dislike it and how much better you will feel once you quit. It has been 20 yrs since my last cigarette and I never looked back, good luck
I-ve tried several times in the past to quit, but my husband was also a smoker and having cigarettes around the house was just too big a hurtle. Last Labor Day weekend, he had a heart attack and that finally got his attention. We have been off cigarettes for 10 months. The patch helped us a lot. Getting started is hard, but you can do this. It-s hard to notice the benefits at the start, but they are there. You may not have had the heart attack yet, but treat yourself as if you are in recovery. It gets easier to breathe, you don-t stink from cigarette smoke, and you-ll have more money once you aren-t buying cigarettes anymore. There are a couple of things that happen that may surprise you. One is dreaming about cigarettes and smoking. The other is getting through the initial quitting period and hitting a day where you really want a cigarette. Keep a couple of nicotine patches in your desk for those occasions. Most times using the patch for one day is enough to get past the temptation. Good luck with your efforts. I wish you well
I really need to quit smoking. Could anyone give some suggestions that worked for them.? -