Is it possible to quit smoking with out the patches or gum? -

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Is it possible to quit smoking with out the patches or gum? -

it seems so hard to to quit and i really want too but every time i try something happens that really stresses me out so i end up smoking again
Every person that I-ve ever known to quit and be successful, did it without any type of assistance from the patch, gum, or drugs. You have to make up your mind to do it and just figure out what will work best for you.

I-ve cut down to next to nothing by allowing myself a certain number of smokes a day and making certain that I allow NOTHING to stress me out enough to smoke any more than that. Each week I subtract a few more. I count out my cigarettes for the day every morning and never treat myself to an extra smoke. So far it-s worked. I haven-t quit, but I-m changing my other habits and schedule as well, so hopefully I-ll be done with the nasty habit in a few more weeks. Maybe you could try some variation of this method to suit your lifestyle and be successful.

Good luck in finding a way to quit!
It is possible for some people, but as you found out extremely difficult for others. I know that I could never get past four months -- as in your case, something would stress me out so much that I-d start again. But I was able to stop pretty easily using the Commit lozenges, and then get off the Commit lozenges with Chantix (which wasn-t available when I first stopped). Both are documented to increase your chances of quitting, with Chantix having the higher success rate. And they make it less uncomfortable as well.
I smoked for 7 years starting in high school and all through college. I tried quitting about 10 times and I finally kicked it. You just need to find the best way for you to quit. For me I tried everything, those patches that never stick to your skin and the gum that tastes like crap. Really you just need to sit down and figure out exactly what is going to work for you and stick with it. I tried eating extremely healthy during the time I was quitting as well as working out. My thought process is this, healthy eating combined with work out equals endorphins. Endorphins equal happy people. That can lessen your stress levels and the withdraw factor. For me I tried to get to bed early and made sure I always had water and a healthy snack at hand, otherwise you are likely to start eating junk food and gain large amounts of weight. You can totally quit, just sit down and plan it out. All it takes it a little self control and the desire to quit, you can do it just plan to quit and stick with it and if you fall of the wagon just take it as a small step back and try again. Good luck!!!
You have to be ready to quit, it is harder when your heart is not in it,
if you are going to try again, take up a hobby to combat the stress.they say yoga is a good form of de stressing?
Good luck!!
Find an alternative way to deal with stress, like chew gum or run for a while.
Seems your addiction is more psychological.
I guess your not a quitter
i quit flat out one time because i had a really bad cold
Is it possible to quit smoking with out the patches or gum? -