Whos successfully quit smoking...? -

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Whos successfully quit smoking...? -

Just wanted to know who has quit smoking after smoking 10/20 a day for alot of years, and actually feels relieved to of done it, or did u quit then realize how much you missed it once you stopped. Just wnated to know because I couldn-t imagine stopping smoking unless I fell pregnant, yes money can be an issue but if I wanst spending it on cigarettes i-d be spending it on booze and take aways. any answers are welcome, if you know someone who-s stopped or what ever. Thanks for your answers! x
i smoke anywhere from 10-20 cigerettes a day.. but give up smoking when i fall pregnant everytime..
i do not smoke around my children, i always make sure i am in my own -space- when i decide to light up - this is normally outside in the back yard.. i do give up successfully for my children, theres no hesitation, my body just refuses to smoke while pregnant - im very greatful for that...

the only reason i take up smoking after pregnancy, is because i find thats my -me- time, where i can sit and relax - enjoy my OWN company hehe. even though i know its causing my body harm, i actually enjoy it! :-):-).. thats terrible i know! but im no saint!
i smoked for many years but quit when i moved into my bachelor pad coz i didn-t want it to stink of fags (i did have a few cheeky ones whilst hanging out the kitchen window though). i found it really really difficult to quit and still have cravings 5 years on but what i found that worked was having an apple instead of a cig (sounds a bit cheesy i know) but it seemed to work for me. i-m down to about 7 apples a day now :)
giving up smoking is hard, your body and mind are hopelessly addicted after all, but i do feel so much better now, and its satisfying to know i-ve given up when others couldn-t.
but to be honest, i-d still love a ciggie after my sunday dinner :)
My boyfriend quit smoking for over a year now. He went cold turkey and has no desire to smoke again. He was smoking a pack and a half a day for over 30 yrs. He is amazed how much better food tastes and the air he breathes smells fresh. I am very proud of him and he knows it. Anyway, it is no fun to kiss an ashtray, if you know what I mean.
I am going on my 12th year of not smoking and it feels so good. I can-t believe I used to smoke with the window down in my car while it was raining or when I went to the restroom. I loved to smoke and didn-t want to stop but I am glad I did quit.
I am going on 5 years at 15-20 a day!!! And i see no end in sight!! Just thinking about quitting causes me stress and anxiety.
Hate to say it but i think i am hooked for life!!!
I quit 20 years ago and am glad I did. It was really tough for me. It wasn not an easy time at all.
Whos successfully quit smoking...? -