Anyone ever use Smoke Away to quit smoking? -

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Anyone ever use Smoke Away to quit smoking? -

A former co-worker used this a couple years ago after smoking for 25 years and she said it worked for her.

Anyone else use this? My boyfriend has been a long time smoker and he really needs to quit.

However, I just want to make sure people haven-t experienced any terrible side effects.
i used to smoke 3 packs of marlboro reds a day. i smoked 4 cigarettes on the way home from work one day and found my smoke away in the mail. I finished the last 3 cigarettes i had left and started the smoke away. I have never smoked since, for a while the smell of cigarette smoke even made me sick to my stomach. I dont know how it works but it does. The only catch is he has to want to quit and he has to use the smoke away correctly.
I saw one time that theres these lollipops that make you stop smoking you can get them at lyk CVS good luck ? melissa
Smoke Away Part One: Does It Work?

Kim Owens has smoked 25 years. She smoked two packs a day. She quit one time for four years and says she is ready to quit again.

Smoke Away Part One: Does It Work?

Want to quit smoking? How about in seven days! No kidding. And for good. That-s what the makers of the Smoke Away claim.

We gave her the Smoke Away to test. She had to take 64 herbal supplements for seven days to help calm her nerves and tobacco aids to help curb her cravings.

Here is Kim seven days later and says it-s been good...sort of. -Pain. Torture. Misery. But I dropped my blood pressure 20 points, I have put on three pounds. I have managed to clean the clothes off the treadmill and use it,- said Kim with a half smile in her face.

Kim reports that after seven days, she has felt absolutely nothing from the herbal supplements from the Smoke Away program. -The little homeopathic things under your tongue is just candy,- she said.

Kim says that after three days on the Smoke Away, her hopes of quitting for good didn-t look optimistic. -I-ve snuck some cigarettes. Ten or less in seven days. I went through my ashtray. It was a pitiful site,- she admitted.

In fact, since her debut last week, people have recognized her as the -lady who-s quit smoking.- Which she says made it hard for her to sneak around.

Last Friday, Kim said her cravings were strong. The medicine in Smoke Away just wasn-t helping. What did she do? She says she broke down and tried to buy a pack at the shop. -The guy opens the window and he sees me and starts laughing. And I-m thinking, he-s not laughing at me, I-m just self conscious,- said Kim.

She orders her cigarettes and she says the attendant gets them for her. -He holds them up against the window and says -are these them?- And I said yes, those are it. I need them! He starts laughing again,- she told the story.

Kim said nevermind and drove away and never got those cigarettes.

So perhaps the Smoke Away doesn-t work to help you stop smoking, but maybe the power of television does?

Kim says that she will continue to stop smoking. She says one week in not enough time for any one to quit.

Also, the Smoke Away cost us $60. It guaranteed it would help you stop smoking in 7 days for good. It did not work at all!
for the 1st wk he/she me be irritable ask or consult a doctor to for the cigaret patch for the nicotine addiction and when he is to last patch ask to go to the gym he will gain a little weight. been there done that but unfortunately I am still smoking due to my job. it-s very stressfull
Smoke Away doesn-t have any harmful side effects and it does work.
Nicotine is the #1 cause of illness, lost time from work, disability, - death in the US. It leads to 500 000 deaths YEARLY which is the # of soldiers lost in the entire 20th century. If any intervention worked it would be front page news and you would not need to ask this question. That being said any smoking cessation intervention helps as it begins with the person stating their desire to quit. 1 year later however no more people quit by Smoke Away than just stopping although there are no known health risks.
Whenever I quit smoking witch can happen a couple of times a year I use dip, Skoal stairght, any time I am at work and all my firends are firign up and I get the usual urge to bum one or you have that idiot *** whole who always offers you a ciggerette even though your trying to quit I through in a dip and all my cravings are no more, then about a week after I have quit smoking I quit dipping cause I find it easier to quit dipping than smoking, if you wonder why I start smoking somtimes I cant really tell you other than last time it was from high stress. But I have mangeged not to keep the habit up with dip...hope this helps,
Anyone ever use Smoke Away to quit smoking? -