What is the easiest way to help someone quit smoking? -

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What is the easiest way to help someone quit smoking? -

And yes..they want to quit
The same way nicorette helps you. Cut down by 1 cigarette every 2 days, eventually your body will not have a craving for nicotine and you will be free of smoking. (Tried and tested on myself, smoke free for 5 years)

Don-t bother with -Nicotine- replacements they-re too expensive.
If they really want to quit then they are already halfway there. The best thing you can do is give all the support that you can and help keep your friend in a positive frame of mind.

It is key to stay positive, don-t let them focus on the cravings. Remind him/her to keep the reasons why they want to quit circling through their head. This will keep spirit and motivation high. Cravings will ease as a result.

If he/she focuses on the negatives of quitting (eg cravings) then they are reinforcing a false belief that is too hard to quit.

There are no real negatives to quitting, only positives. The longer he/she has stayed smoke free the easier the quitting process becomes. If you can help your friend to believe they can quit, then they will.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course. You can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking. For more information and to post your opinion about the products you have tried, visit the following website.

Good Luck, I hope you help your friend to quit
This is how I got my girlfriend to quit I take one out the pack stick up my but then put it back in the pack. She got tied of guessing which one first She slowed downed from a pack a day to about 4 a day then quit.
By explaining him how the same is going to affect his body in medical terms and by showing him the quantum of poison he takes in through every puff.
What is the easiest way to help someone quit smoking? -