Quit smoking, what are the consequences.? -

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Quit smoking, what are the consequences.? -

How long will it take for my lungs to recover after i quit smoking.
Ive been smoking 3 packets of marlboro reds per week for the last 2 years and wanted to know how long will it take for my lungs to recover to the point where it was before i started smoking.
Ive no illness but im seriously concerned about my health lately.
Your lung function will start to improve in around 2 weeks. The American Lung Association says 2 weeks to 3 months, but I smoked for 20+ years, and I noticed a marked improvement in only 2 weeks. Since you-ve been smoking for far fewer years than that, I imagine that you-ll notice the change pretty quickly as well.

The American Lung Association claims that in ten years, your risk of lung cancer will drop to as little as one-half that of continuing smokers. At 15 years, your risk of death from smoking-related illnesses is the same as a non-smoker-s. Again, though, I suspect that since you-ve been smoking a relatively short amount of time, you may recover faster than that.

Some time after you quit, you may find yourself coughing a lot in the morning -- even if you never had a smoker-s cough before! You may even hack up some gross looking stuff. This is just your body fixing itself. Once your cilia are no longer sedated by the smoking, they start working overtime to expell all of the tar and other crud that-s built up in your respiratory system. Don-t panic. It will pass, and it-s a sign of your body getting healthier.

Good luck. Quitting is hard as hell, but it only gets harder the longer you smoke. Good for you for doing it now!

well, they used to say it was 5 years...then they said however long you smoked, it will take that long to undue the damage....now they say -once you-ve smoked, the damage is done (which is probably much more realistic) and your lungs will never be that of a non smoker.

but remember you are NOT hurting your lungs any more!!! my dentist has a sign in his office that says the effects of quitting smoking and as fast as 3 minutes your body start to recover - your blood pressure goes back to normal. and within 2 years of quitting completely your are at a VERY good place.

my friend recently quit and i-ve been a non smoker for almost 4 years - so i-ve been trying to remember all the GREAT parts of quitting to remind her of what a smart choice it it....

your lungs start to feel better almost immed.
when you get a cold, you don-t get the death rattle cough anymore.
you spit up MUCH less phlem when you have a cold (or none at all!)
you can walk for long distances with out feeling winded - also going up stairs.
your skin - less wrinkles!!!, damage, chance of skin cancer.
your teeth, stop turning yellow or worse brown. you lessen your chance of mouth cancer (among all the others).
it will help cure gum disease or gingivitis.
you stop stinking!

keep it up. :)
Congratulations on quitting!! You should be very proud of yourself. I have heard that your lungs start healing very quickly. But I would imaging, just as any organ, once you have damaged something, it will probably never be quite the same as it was before you damaged it. Also, your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system will start to recover too which is great! Your skin will look nicer and age slower and you will smell MUCH better now. Good job and keep up the good work.

If you are really concerned about your health, go see your doctor. He will better be able to answer your questions too.
Quit smoking, what are the consequences.? -