How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

Monday, December 26, 2016

How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

How can I convince my mom to stop smoking?? My mom means the WORLD to me. My father is completely out of my life. She-s all I have. Every day I worry that the next day she-ll have cancer. Last week she had lemingitis (spelling?) and I-m so worried about her. I can-t lose her.

She-s been smoking for twenty years. She gets really sensitive about her smoking, too, so how do I convince her without hurting her feelings? (Just FYI, that-s the least of my worries. I-d rather be rude than lose her)
Sounds like she is not really interested in quitting. Most smokers who try to quit generally fail. You may just have to accept her as she is. Most smokers are fully aware of the health hazards but they are mainly interested in today and are not overconcerned about tomorrow.
take her cigaretts away from her ................duh, everyone knows that dude
Tell her that smoking not only hurts her but you too. Secondhand-smoke is more harmful and can cause lung cancer faster. If she loves you she should quit and enter a support group.
Wow! That is a tough one. People smoke for many different reasons, they are lonely, anxious, suffer from depression, or just like the sensations they get from smoking (there are a whole bunch of other reasons as well). I-m sure your Mom knows how important she is to you but you can never say it enough. Maybe you want to reminder how important she is to much you love her...and tell her that you are willing to help her take the best care of herself by stop smoking. You can download information from the internet or find a local support group for her. Don-t become discourage you jusst need to be perisistent and GOOD LUCK!!
Unfortunatly there is nothing you can do to convince her to stop smoking. Nagging her about it won-t work, telling her the dangers to her and the people around her won-t work, telling her you love her and are afraid of losing her won-t work, sorry but hurting her feelings won-t work either. You-re mom has to WANT to quit for herself first. I know people that are on oxygen that still smoke!!! It is probably one of the hardest addictions to quit, just because it-s so easily accesible. That-s not to say it-s not possible she will though. I know it-s hard for you to understand why she does smoke and just doesn-t quit for you, she probably doesn-t understand it either and quite possibly does feel terrible for upsetting you. My suggestion to you is to calmly tell her your fears, tell her you love her and will help her in any way you can when she decides she is strong enough to quit. Adults sometimes make decisions and do things that are not good for them and you need to come to the realization that you can-t control what others do. I know you can-t completely let go of your fear of losing her but try to realize it-s her decision and don-t take on responsibilty for it.
Hello There,

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was pregnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.

P.S. Also available for Canada.

Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps your mom, good luck and stay healthy.
How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes? -

Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes? -

No but I do feel easily agitated. I also get angry easier and want to set others free from their restrictions living as a human.
I quit smoking 6 1/2 years ago. It feels great. I was chained to my cigarettes. I didn-t even want to go to the movies because I didn-t want to go that long without a cigarette. I no longer -need- a cigarette after I eat, when I have a drink, after a workout, etc. So yes I feel free and smell better, too.
No, not at all. I feel more restricted. But it-s been a year, I haven-t gotten pneumonia for the first time in five years and no respiratory illnesses. So I-d say I feel better, not free.
feel free? i`m not sure about that?i feel i brethe better
but haven`t stopped long enough yet!
Hey there,

Congratulations on either quitting or planning on quitting...that-s the hardest part.

when I quit....I felt liberated from my addiction, but I definitely don-t feel free. Though I feel healthier and more in control, I still get cravings and withdrawal symptoms that remind me of my addiction.

It-s a lot easier to quit when you have a support group and people around you to take your mind off smoking. Since your peers know what you-re struggling to nice to hear words of encouragement and congratulations.

If you-re looking for a good support group, there is a website that has a great community for people who are trying to quit smoking and ex-smokers who share their stories with everyone. The discussion boards also helped me with some great tips on how to keep down my cravings and deal with them.

Check it out:…

good luck! And wish you the best. The only person who can tell you if you feel free after quitting is you.

it-s a great feeling that you are no longer dependant on cigarettes
Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes? -

Has anyone ever used Zyban to quit smoking? Did it make you over emotional? -

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Has anyone ever used Zyban to quit smoking? Did it make you over emotional? -

Ever since I went up to the two pills a day I became a different person. I am getting stressed out a lot easier and my patience is practically non-existant and my fuse is so short.
Yes. Probably not the Zyban...probably UR nicotine withdrawal. I was very irritated and had no patience.
Hang in there Jeanne, it-ll get better. I-m in your corner.~~ Jill

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I tried Zyban and quit but then got angry and short tempered. then smoked again. this time im on Chantix and it is the best stuff ever!! it fools the brain that it is satisfied with nicotine so the desire to smoke just doesnt happen. within 12 hrs of taking it i could tell the difference.

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Jeanne, I have never smoked, so I can-t answer your question. I will tell you that I asked my husband over - over to give up smoking. How could I teach the children not to smoke when their Daddy did. Then down the years my nephew at age 33 died of lung cancer from smoking. That made a big impression on my children. Not one of 5 ever took up the habit. My husband continued until he had a near heart attack - heart surgery. God spared his life - he quit cold turkey. Not everyone is given that chance. I pray that you get the help you need. Take the bull by the horns girl. O.K. ??
I tried Zyban before but it doesn-t help.

I personally tried the method explained on this ebook…
and finally manage to quit.

Hope that helps.
Yes I used it for 3 days. it just took away the desire to light up, and helped me get over the hump. But there was intense urges for weeks after.
Quitting is an emotional thing to do, it-s not easy.
call the pharmacist in your area they are trained to answer
this type of question,if you aren-t happy w one try another
Has anyone ever used Zyban to quit smoking? Did it make you over emotional? -

Quit smoking? -

Quit smoking? -

i ve quite smoking for a few days and i was wondering if anyone knows how long the urges to smoke last and if there is any good way to deal with them!
thank you
I quit cold turkey more than a year ago, and you get the urge once in a while its normal, specially because is habit done with a regular basis.
I did smoke a couple of times while trying to quit, I am not going to lie, but just knowing that my health is in a better place now, it was all worth it. I ate more, and I did gain a few pounds, but now I-m exercising, and have more energy all together.
You will quit because you want to and you re life is worth it.
Consider getting a hobbie, or just doing something that you know is good for you.
Give yourself a big pat on the back, many people are proud of you, including me. Hugs.
Good for you!!!! I quit too but I did it using the Allen Carr -Easy Way to Quit- book and have really had very few withdrawal symptoms. It-s been very easy. I am so glad to be free of the nicotine addiction - slavery. I highly recommend the book.
This time, I do not feel I am being deprived of anything. And whenever the thought of a cigarette comes up in my head, I pay attention to it and recognize it for what it is, and then celebrate the fact that I am getting myself free.
Every other time I tried to quit, I felt sorry for myself and felt like I was making a huge sacrifice, and I think this is why the previous times failed. This time I realize that nicotine withdrawal is actually very mild and even kind of enjoyable, like an -anti-high- and I do not feel I am sacrificing or giving up anything. Rather, I think I am ending my slavery to an addiction and this is cause to rejoice. So...I guess the mental change of attitude has really helped me.
Best wishes to you! You can do it!
Here-s what I did:
Set yourself a date to quit. Start an internal dialogue that you will not be a certain age and smoking too. See yourself as you want to be, then imagine it so as often as possible leading up to your quit date.

Think positive; Tell yourself, -I am a non-smoker.-
The habit is mental and physical: Recognise the cues to smoke and change the pattern. If you smoke when talking on the phone, avoid the phone for awhile. After you eat? Go for a walk or do something that doesn-t call up the habit. You have to realise that some good things are put aside for now but will be worth the wait and greatly improved for reward of your effort now.

You may want to invest in nicotine patches or niccorette gum to assist with the calming of your cravings. This is known to help tremendously.

Whenever you experience a craving, AKA a nicotine fit,
sit down, take deep breaths, close your eyes and go with it!
Feel what is happening. Tell yourself that you really don-t want this to control you. Let it wash over you knowng that this feeling will soon pass and be no more.

You are missing the physical sensation of holding the cigarrette in your fingers as well as the saensation of breathing in deeply and blowing out.

Empty fingers feel strange and cue you to pick up THE NO-NO! So pick up a pencil and hold it like a cigarrette so the cue dissappars.
Your mouth feels strange: it requires entertainment. Your mouth misses the feel of the ciggarette and deep breathing in for smoking and blowing out again. Now your mouth is idle!! So fill the gap, use the end of the pencil as the cigarette was between your lips, then breath in deeply, hold it and blow out. This exercise fills the physical sensation that is missing when you don-t smoke and helps to remove the cue to light up. As nicotine disappears from your system, the craving for these sensations disappear also.

Continue this routine as long as you can; day by day or hour by hour. Sometimes you take it minute by minute.

If you give in and start smoking again realize that this has been valuable practice toward your final quit. Forgive yourself and begin again. Each time it will get easier until you are finally free and in charge of your life!
The best way is to take one day at a time, most people substitute that habit with something else like chewing gum or unhealthy foods. That-s why you hear most people say you gain weight when trying to stop smoking. But just know that someone proud you for stopping that habit
Trying to quite has been the name of my pain for years!! It-s just hard. There are patches and pills, inhalers and groups... Endless helper products but in the end it-s up to you. Hope you do better than I have. Good luck!

They say the cravings never go away just get weaker with time.
Quit smoking? -

How can you quit smoking? -

How can you quit smoking? -

I really wan-t my dad to quit smoking, but it is really hard for him, so besides support, how else can he stop?
I quit smoking by taking Chantix. It is available by prescription only. I had smoked for 35 years and had tried everything to help me quit. Chantix is absolutely the greatest thing on the market. But you have to want to quit or nothing will help you.
I took Chantix for 4 months. Most articles on it tell you to use it for 3 months but I knew I needed it an extra month. And I am proud I continued to take it. I very rarely ever think about a cigarette and when I think about it the thought goes away as quickly as it came. When you start taking it, you continue to smoke and set a quit date. If you do not quit by the quit date, set another date. You eventually figure out that you really are not getting anything out of the cigarette because Chantix blocks the nicotene from getting to your brain. I hope your Dad will at least try it. But I will tell you that the more you stay on him to quit the longer he will smoke.
if u do not want to see a movie, do not pass by the theater.
smoking? do not buy cigs.

it is an addiction, get smokers anonimous info for him. find out where the meetings in the area are held. he has to want to quit, no one can do it for him.
By not buying packs of cigarettes if that-s what you mean. Cold turkey really is the best method so support is all you can offer. Any other method causes a smoker to -miss- cigarettes.
figure out why he smokes to begin with, why he says it makes him -feel- good, and try your best to fill that gap while telling him he needs to stop
The question is, does he want to quit smoking? If he is not really interested in quitting there is basically nothing you can do. Hopefully he really wants to quit.

Perhaps a search for -quit smoking- + -natural ways- might be of interest.
How can you quit smoking? -

Whats the most effective way to quit smoking? -

Whats the most effective way to quit smoking? -

I-m not a heavy smoker, I only smoke about 5 a day, but I still feel the addiction and I want and need to quit completely.

What is the most effective/successful way to quit smoking? I-ve been cutting down little by little. Is that the best way or should I just quit cold turkey and force myself to not smoke through sheer willpower?
mattyboymma, Smoking addiction can be extremely serious. Many everyday people have lost jobs, homes, family, friends, and loved ones simply because they could not break thier smoking habit. I recommend you seek some help. I found a site that has addiction information and a directory of addiction treatment clinics so you can help.

Live strong
The fastest way to quit smoking for me was in an ebook I got at This has made my life so much better. good luck and God Bless!

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Best way. Check out… It-s that easy.

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Since different people have different degrees of addiction, there is no best way -- just whatever works for you.

Willpower has little to do with it. If you are lightly addicted or not addicted, anyone can quit, and if you are heavily addicted, no one can without help.

The patch and gum are nicotine replacement therapy and as such little different from cutting down gradually on smoking. They are not however as harmful as cigarettes and they have a better/more easily controllable dose profile. The patch would probably be of no use for you because you-re smoking so little but the gum, or better yet the lozenges, would be. Your belief about crutches is silly. The notion that this is about -willpower- is sadly 20th century. It is about receptor sites and brain chemistry and quitting as soon as possible an addiction that may kill you.
You will really struggle quit by going cold turkey or by cutting down. Cutting down doesn-t work because it gives nicotine the power, not the other way around. The vast majority will fail to quit using these methods.

Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes.

Once you deal with the psychological side of smoking it makes the quitting process easy, no matter your level of addiction.

Quitting smoking does not require any patches, gums, hypnosis or anything like that. These methods are expensive, time consuming and simply do not work. All that is required is a bit of motivation, self belief and determination.

Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.

Good Luck and Good Quitting

Isn-t smoking just a crutch itself though? I-ve never smoked, but I think the patch or gum would be fine. You don-t smoke that much though, so you probably wouldn-t need to use those anyway. I heard drinking grape fruit juice helps, if you-re able to do that. Doing it cold turkey would probably also work in your case. Just think about the money you-ll save and the health benefits, and how you won-t have to look trashy smoking anymore, because lets face it, smoking is just trashy and ugly!
There are also plenty of alternative methods that can help in quitting smoking, like acupuncture (insertion of fine needles into pressure points on the body), aromatherapy to induce feelings of calmness and peace, 12-step programs like nicotine Anonymous (similar to the well-known Alcoholics Anonymous), and hypnotic suggestion to override the desire to smoke.

Good luck...
i had that same thing going on. i really didn-t smoke that much, i think i just smoked because others came around me with cigarettes and it was something to do. i didn-t smoke at work, i wouldn-t smoke at home, i was really ok if i didn-t have a cigarette. the only time i really felt like i needed a cigarette is if i had a drink, but i drink once every blue moon soooo.... i just quit cold turkey, i didn-t believe in the gum and patch and other stuff either, i actually tried the patch once and that nicotine that i was getting was waaaaay too much for me and i got the smallest dose, so i knew my season was over for smoking. so i would say since you aren-t a heavy smoker just quit, it-s really no point to keep putting yourself at risk for health problems, wasting money buying packs, and trying to keep a habit there that is really gone. just stop. i believe you have the will and the want, aint nothing to it but to do it. good luck!!
I think that it has something to do with not getting bored AT ALL for several weeks. I am a heavy smoker and the only time I could stop smoking for a whole 3 days was when I was at a skiing holiday. When skiing I didn-t think about smoking and then I was so tired that I longed for a good sleep.
The best, though not always easiest, way to quit smoking is to stop buying cigarettes, and when you find a pack somewhere around the house, throw it out.
Take deep breaths every single time your craving hits. Get rid of all the cigarettes and ash trays from your house.
Why don-t you try the patch or gum?
Whats the most effective way to quit smoking? -

Have you quit smoking? -

Friday, December 23, 2016

Have you quit smoking? -

I have been a smoker off and on for 5 years.I was smoke free for awhile but work is getting very stressful and I took a cigarette not really thinking.Now im smoking alot again.
Have you been able to quit smoking?What has helped you?
What about times when you want one so bad and if you dont have it you want to cry.Your body feels like it will shut down.
I need some advice on how to quit and not go back.
Thank you everyone.
I quit smoking exactly one year ago. I substituted the activity of long distance running. I don-t think you have to take up a sport, but do something that takes your mind off smoking.
I have never smoked in my life and I-m trying to keep it that way. I know someone who smokes...a lot, and won-t stop. If I were a heavy smoker, I would just tell my friends and family on how I want it to stop, so that when they see me with a cigarette, they should take it away.


you could ask your doctor on other ways to quit smoking. Maybe there is a special medication that can help.

It-s a shame how people become addicted to things. You probably should have never taken that first blow on a cigarette, but I know it was probably difficult not too. No matter what, keep on trying to solve the problem.

Good luck!
I do not smoke but my best friend quit on the patch after 15 years of being a smoker.
Have you quit smoking? -

Would people who want to quit smoking appreciate a quit smoking category under the general health section? -

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Would people who want to quit smoking appreciate a quit smoking category under the general health section? -

Smoking kills. People know that. What many people don-t know is how to quit and stay quit...the general health section should have a place about nicotine addiction I think.
it would be nice to have under ANY health catagory...
i am a smoker who really does have the desire to quit.. just not the -strength- or -will power-
i would be interested in seeing links to HYPNOTHERAPY
ya kmow, where you get hypnotized into becoming an instant non-smoker.

it would be nice to see.... yes.
yes this is a great idea mat be addiction forum for any questions on quitting anything
I am trying to quit marshmallows OK Really i did quit soda and it was harder than to stop smoking
Would people who want to quit smoking appreciate a quit smoking category under the general health section? -

Who quit smoking cold turkey? -

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Who quit smoking cold turkey? -

My boyfriend is trying to quit and can-t seem to so please share your experience. Thanks!!
I quit cold turkey after smoking almost 30 years. I did cut how much I smoked way down to 3 or 4 a day before I quit. I think that helped a lot getting my body used to less nicotine. You also have to be ready and want to do it for yourself.
I did with no problem(literally)! I was smoking from age 16 till i was 1 month pregnant with my second child (I was 20 yrs old). I had a six sense that the reason my daughter (my first child) had asthma and severe allergies and more was because i was smoking cigarettes in my home. Im happy to say that i have been smoke free ever since and my second child is in perfect health.
I did! I started running and realized I couldn-t do both. My lunges felt like they were bleeding outta my I decided to quit!
It-s a hard road...but it can be done. You can get cranky and start craving different foods...just don-t replace the addiction.
Hey whats up.

I smoked I suppose when I was 15 until I was 21. I stopped smoking and drinking alcohol cold turkey(both were a problem). It was hard, but I stuck with it. Its survival sweet heart. Smokings so bad its killin people that dont smoke!
Who quit smoking cold turkey? -

Im taking Chantix to quit smoking and it doesnt seem to be working? -

Im taking Chantix to quit smoking and it doesnt seem to be working? -

The directions say to take it for 7 days and on the 8th day to quit smoking. I-ve taken it for 5 days now and it hasn-t helped the urges at all so far. I-m beginning to think that I paid $110.00 for sugar pills. Has anyone had any luck quitting smoking using Chantix?
I-ve been taking chantix for 11 days and by day 3 I had stopped completely. My determination to quit is quite strong though. I was hospitalized due to a clogged artery, So i had to quit. I-ve talked to alot of other people who also didn-t have success(I dont believe that these 3 people were serious about quitting but were using the pill as a -hey I tried- without really trying or thought of it as a magic pill). Chantix isn-t a magic pill and may not work for everyone, you need will power. I just cant believe how good I feel. I-ve smoked for 17 years and used to have trouble sitting through a 2 hour movie in a theater but after 8 days wow! But when I talked to my doctor 2 days ago he says hes amazed at the positive effect its had in alot of his patients! My cravings are now down to a minimum. Chantix has helped me 100% and I know that I will remain smoke free.
Read here…

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There-s nothing to panic about. There are many bloggers out there, who didn-t feel like 7 days was enough for them to quit. The latest one I know of is Tasina. Very interesting blog she has, named -Mobius Stripped- - the link can be found at,
then go to Chantix Blogs.

Another one I know of is Maggie, she also couldn-t quit on the 8th day, and she is talking in her blog about how doctors should actually be telling patients that it-s very individual for every patient, and that not everyone will be ready to quit at the end of the first week.

Anyways, I hope you can read up some on other people-s blogs, and good luck to you!
Im taking Chantix to quit smoking and it doesnt seem to be working? -

Im a 15 year old girl i smoke and i want to loose weight before my birthday i wish not to quit smoking anyone? -

Im a 15 year old girl i smoke and i want to loose weight before my birthday i wish not to quit smoking anyone? -

someone please help im so annoyed with myself, i was born a big baby but that-s no excuse, i need some tips anyone got anything??
STOP smoking!
well I would say to things can help with your problems...
1.) jog a few miles a day
yeah i don-t think smoking helps with weight loss ,but it depends how far away your b-day is if its like 4 moths away and ur sorta big then u probably could if u eat right like NON STOP. meaning no more oreo-s or something but if your b-day is like next month imma estimate ur only gonna lose about 15 pounds if you jog and work out right......again this all depends if ur a big person so if ur not that big its a different story.
Im a 15 year old girl i smoke and i want to loose weight before my birthday i wish not to quit smoking anyone? -

Any success stories using CHANTIX to quit smoking? -

Any success stories using CHANTIX to quit smoking? -

I have 2 success stories. My mother-in-law was told if she didn-t quit she only had a year to live. She has smoked like a chimney for over 50 years. She took chantix but fought it all the way. After about 5 months she was done. Been smoke free for 1 1/2 years now. I took it and was done with cigs in 3 months with no dreams or ill effects. It makes you forget to smoke. I would suddenly realize it had been hours since my last cig. I recommend it.
I quit!

I didn-t set a quit date since I-m a procrastinator, but it happened on it-s own in 6 weeks. I didn-t have any of the vivid dreams that some say happen with them, but I did have a volatile reaction mentally. I caught myself having a suicidal thought 6 weeks after starting the drug, and so I quit the drug immediately. I haven-t had any problems since. I quit on May 10th, Mother-s Day. If you are thinking about trying it, I would recommend taking Chantix, but with someone around that you trust to help monitor your attitude.
Any success stories using CHANTIX to quit smoking? -

What is it about chantix that is suppose to help you quit smoking? -

Sunday, December 11, 2016

What is it about chantix that is suppose to help you quit smoking? -

I have just started the program i am in day 2 and still smoke the same. I have heard that it makes you not want to smoke. has anyone used this and did it work?
It sounds stupid whatever it is. The patch works the best from my experience. Just have a lot of hard candy around for whenever you feel the need to smoke. The first few days are the worst.
chantix is about the same as welbuterin, they arn-t worth a crap. they mainly use those drugs in mental health
Chantix blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain, which in turn renders the body-s need for nicotine to come to a grinding halt.
If you intend to succeed with the program, READ THE DIRECTIONS IN THE STARTER PACK!!!
The right way to do this is to begin taking the medication a week before your decided -quit date-. This allows the medicine to begin working. You may find you lose your desire to smoke within that first week (I did after 5 doses), but you may not.
You will find that after the last cigarette you smoke, you will have urges and a bit of craving, but they will be minor and fleeting. Know your triggers so you can know the urge will pass. My triggers were the urge to smoke:
After meals.
When I have a cup of coffee.
Getting into my car.
When my smoking friends come over (but the smoke itself doesn-t bother me, interestingly enough).
Realizing smoking was a way to take a mental break from a task was helpful, too.
Use the resources the drug company provides. The-s a 24-hr hotline to call if you have any problems, even if it-s just your urges.
Good luck!
Well, first of all, Chantix is not a ripoff - it is an alternative for those who can-t use the patch, or who don-t need or want the additional nicotine the patch puts into your system 24-hours a day. Chantix has an 800 number and a support line. That information comes with the Chantix pack. Why are you still smoking if you are using Chantix? If you think it-s magical and will MAKE you quit, you are so wrong. Nothing but you can make you quit. You either want to quit or you don-t. If you do, then Chantix will help. If you don-t then nothing will help.…

Chantix is supposed to produce chemical effects in your brain similar to what smoking does.

I read that it-s basically a ripoff, unfortunately. From what I-ve read about the pharmaceutical industry it seems quite plausible they-d cheat on the testing and rush it to market to make money.

It-s supposed to block the impulses from your brain that control the addiction or something close to that.It-s believed they-ll have something like it for alcohol addiction sometime soon.
What is it about chantix that is suppose to help you quit smoking? -

How much does it cost to get Laser to quit smoking cigarrettes? DOES IT WORK? -

Saturday, December 10, 2016

How much does it cost to get Laser to quit smoking cigarrettes? DOES IT WORK? -

i seen it on tv....and it seems like the best way 2 go for someone who has tried all the other methods and cant seem to quit.....just hoping the cost for it is at least reasonable
There are many ways to quitting, each one have it-s value and addresses the withdrawal problem (except cold turkey or -will power-) in a different manner. Also, everyone is different in the way they stop smoking. So, laser may work, it may not (for you).
I suggest you to read
(I-m sure you haven-t tried this)
It-s a new approach on quitting without external aids, no weight-gain and minimum or not withdrawals at all.
They don-t try to sell anything, the site is completely free. It-s like reading an e-book.
There are also other methods including patches, gums, chemical substances, cold turkey, hypnosis, electronic cigarettes, inhalers, laser, etc.
Which system is better for you depends upon many factors, one works for some and not for others, most people try various methods before succeeding. There is no -best- method. The only way to tell if any given method works or not for you is to try it.
Anything to stop that habit is worth it!
How much does it cost to get Laser to quit smoking cigarrettes? DOES IT WORK? -

Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

I-m having rhinoplasty and breast augmentation... They are both redos but I have never had any complications with healing or the actual surgery before.
I really dont want to change th date.
You should be asking the surgeon NOW
A smokers lungs produces secretions, when you undergo anesthesia you are at risk of getting pneumonia or literally drowning.
You should check with the doctor, he/she will know best whether that extra week is important or not. Smoking restricts blood flow to the skin-s surface, so it could make your skin not heal right. But only the doctor will know what your skin is like and whether you-ll be OK.

You don-t want to end up with lasting damage or scarring just because you didn-t want to reschedule. Be sure and be safe. You obviously care about your looks and how it comes out if your-e having surgery.

I know how hard it is to quit smoking! I wouldn-t want to have to do it all over again either, but maybe it-s time to quit for good?
I would definitely consult the doctor on this one.
to be honest with you and also in your best interest honey, i think it would be best in this case for you to doublecheck with your doctor or surgeon about this because the answers that you get here from yahooanswers isnt always going to be creditable (they could be, but you never know..and plus, you-re asking random people, and they could be unsure and pop you a guess, like me) but this is your health and its not something that should be risked.

so what i think you should do is call in or go in and ask before you even continue with the surgery.

best of luck to you and hope everything turns out okay!
If you surgeon says -quit two weeks before- that means it is not okay to quit one week before. Tobacco is a toxin and definitely could cause problems.

You need to be honest with him/her and reschedule it.
Do not take any chances with this. Smoking and major surgery like this can make your scars huge and ugly and not heal well at all. Not to mention curse tissue necrosis which will lead to additional operations and loss of flesh. Please let your surgeon know.
Im getting plastic surgery and I quit smoking one week before my surgery instead of two. How unsafe is this? -

Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

My aunt is around 50 and has smoked for quite some years now and recently went to the hopital because she couldn-t breath. She came back and not even a week has gone by and she already smoked 3 cigarretes in 2 days. We tried everything to convince her to quit but she doesn-t pay attention, wat else can we do?
When my husband smoked a few years ago my son was so rude about it the he quit. It was strange to me I wanted my husband to quit but I was nice and he didn-t. My son was rude and he did. One point my son made was that his breathing space was being polluted. You can-t make an omelet without breaking eggs so maybe you need to give your aunt some hard truths about how her smoking is effecting those around her as well as herself. Then pray for her and yourself if she doesn-t take criticism kindly.
It-s wonderful that you care so much for your aunt, however, there is no convincing a person to stop smoking. It has to be something the person wants for themselves. Your aunt has already been to the hospital and that hasn-t done it.

The only thing you can do is to pray for her and let her know that you-ll be there to support her if/when she does decide to quit.

I-ll be smoke free 2 years January 10th, and it was nothing anyone said to me that made me stop. The cravings are fierce for nicotine those first weeks and I STILL have them periodically.

I had to want to quit myself and it was really hard. Prayer got me through it honestly.

Nicotine is a legalize drug. You crave the stuff like junkies crave the illegal drugs. Sad but true.
cut their paychecks so they cant buy smokes anymore.
Maybe you can show her pictures on the web on what a smokers lung look like.
she has to quit on her own, most likely it will be hospitalization.....
its a hard habit to kick.....she will eventually get tired of not being able to breath
Nothing. She is responsible for her actions, and it may be that she has a secret death wish. It-s easier than paying the price for suicide.3 family members killed themselves with alcohol. There was one that was a genius, so much for that!
Hide her smokes is about all you can do besides tie her up.
Make them believe that they can do it. Pfizer has a new drug that enables up to 46% of patients quit. It is called Chantix.
Whats the best way of convincing a person to quit smoking? -

What are some good ways to quit smoking without the usual gum and patches? -

What are some good ways to quit smoking without the usual gum and patches? -

been smoking for 4 years.
My dr. recommended Commit lozenges. They help with the physical addiction as well with the oral fixation.
You know what. It worked for me too. I-ve been smoke free for almost 6 months.

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Group Hypnosis.

Look in paper/coupons for -Group Hypnosis- to quit smoking/loose weight. You-ll quit without headacks, moodiness, or withdrawls.
I smoked for about 10 years. The last year I was smoking about 2 packs a day. When I quit, it was cold turkey. No drugs of any kind, only willpower.
This way is not for everyone. The reason it worked for me was that I truly wanted to quit.
The first couple of days were tough. By the end of the first week it was better. Even after years of being smoke free, I still get the urge to light up every now and then. But I will never do that again because I firmly believe I could become hooked again very fast.
Tobacco is a very powerful drug. If you are not ready to quit, you will not succeed, even with drugs.
I quit smoking five years ago by substituting water and licorice chips (an italian candy) for smokes. I also started running. Because I wanted to do well running, I didn-t want to smoke. I did need a couple of peices of gum that first week but only used it when I was near homicidal. The water and running kept me off of them. Good luck!
I go on walks with my 2 kids I-m trying to stop too. I don-t smoke when we are on our walks also try ice cubes,hard candy!! hope it works out for you
Acupuncture. It really cuts down the cravings.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quit smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

try to used gum or mints to give your mouth something to do and try to replace one bad habit for one that is not so bad for your health. There is also an herbal product that you put under your tongue that helps to calm cravings for cigarettes.

Go to a hospital to the Cancer ward and just look at the patients then look at the people who vist them. Do you want that to be you and your loved ones.

Lung cancer is a terrible way to die, It cause all sorts of other problems and is extremely painful. Your lungs fill up wtih fluids so you feel like you are drowning. you body reacts to the cancer and to the drugs used to help you. chemo makes you constantly sick and radiation burns your skin. You ar prone to viruses and reactions from the medications some so severe you need medication for the medication youa re taking. You will loose so much weight that you loose the strength to support your body and then become bedridden. system by system shuts down on you and your body dies by degrees in a very lingering manner. You will watch your family suffer right along with you and know how much they will hurt as they suffer with you and watch helplessly as you slowly die. It is an ugly, painful, humiliating way to die. Think of that when you feel you want another cigarette.
cold turkey, only way to do it, smoked for 22 years and am on 5 months of no cancer sticks after having tried everything else.
I say just buy something else to subside you if you are ever tempted, If you need nicotine the gum works.
go to meetings for people who r attached to them
Exercises, workin out, running, anything to get your mind - body focused on being healthy. deep breathing exercises help too. You-ll notice a major difference in 2 weeks. Your body starts reversing the damage right away.
they now have a 1 time shot to quit smoking
and some pills also .
Me too trying to quit but i never get there....always empty a half pack into the bin and then am back callin up for more...

whoever has given up smoking......i envy them...but hey will power is the way to go......but yeah like i said am no 1 to tell u that....i gotto quit maself good luck to me and u!!
Local hospitals offer week-long programs to make you quit smoking. Then you-ll need this trick to not go back to it: Just don-t have that ONE CIGARETTE!
People buckle under the intense urge for a cigarette and think that their problem will go away with one cigarette. But that just makes the problem go away temporarily, only to come back with a higher intensity.
Quitting smoking feels like a loss of a loved one because to the brain it is just that - a loved one. So be prepared for the longing and the pain. Just endure it. It won-t kill you. Actually, it will make you live longer.
Adapt a new lifestyle i.e. eat fruits, go jogging, etc. Do whatever, but once you have gone through the week-long quit-smoking program, DON-T HAVE THAT ONE CIGARETTE NO MATTER WHAT. If you have that one cigarette, you fail and if you don-t then you succeed. It is that simple. You do need that week-long program to launch yourself into the wonderful world of non-smoking though.
One more thing: you may need to keep the company of non-smokers for a while i.e. at least one year.
What are some good ways to quit smoking without the usual gum and patches? -

Why am I having chest pains since I quit smoking? -

Monday, December 5, 2016

Why am I having chest pains since I quit smoking? -

I quit smoking 9 weeks ago after smoking for 7 years. I-ve been having chest pains (it feels sore) and it is getting more painful and lasts all day now. My voice is also getting hoarse again, like it was when I smoked. I thought the chest pains were anxiety since I-ve been having trouble sleeping also, but now my voice is hoarse and i basically feel bad and sickly. Is this something that will go away on its own after my body heals from the years of smoking?
Your body is actually healing. You damaged it so much from smoking for so long that it actually thinks what-s happening now is not right. Give it lots of water, and you-ll be alright.

Your body is most probably in a detox state which will make you feel sick as it gets rid of the influx of toxins. Further more you are getting past a chemical addiction and the body will sometimes react to that withdrawal. Similar to how caffeine which stimulates the brain will cause headaches if you drink it all the time and then stop. I would recommend seeing a doctor even so to help if it continues much longer at all just to be on the safe side. Sometimes it can take months before the body has readjusted to the change in chemistry and the detox stage is finished. Be sure to drink PLENTY of water as the fluids help the body flush the system quicker and is easier for your kidneys to clean the blood. Hope that helps.
I-ve been quitting smoking for two weeks and I have bronchitis with symptoms such as, breathlessness, short of breath, trouble sleeping, soreness/burning of chest, constant mucus in the throat and sore throat. But it will get better soon if you see a doctor, it might cost you one to two hundred bucks but worths it though. Good Luck!
Your body is craving nicotine and will go to any lengths to make you give it some, including the symptoms you describe. It-s called cold turkey.

Hang on in there and do not give up. The cravings will slowly get less painful.
You are just getting over the final hurdle it takes about 3 months until your body is fully over quitting, dont give up now.

and yes I am a smoker
even though you quit, think about the cigarettes you smoked before. it can still affect you
Why am I having chest pains since I quit smoking? -

Does anyone know how much Chantrix (quit smoking med) costs? -

Does anyone know how much Chantrix (quit smoking med) costs? -

I am a full time student right now so I only have crappy student health insurace so I would have to pay for it out of pocket.
to much $100 for 30 pills
A little over $100. for a 30 day -script. It-s expensive.
Does anyone know how much Chantrix (quit smoking med) costs? -

I plan to quit smoking as of tommarrow, any advise? -

I plan to quit smoking as of tommarrow, any advise? -

Any thing would be healpful
Hi, what a coincidence, I too am going to quit tomorrow..Some people don-t understand the tomorrow thing. Your probably doing what I am doing.. Your smoking what you have left today so you can get up, take a shower and smell nice for your new start. When you finish today-s smokes you will empty ashtrays and get rid of the butts so you won-t be tempted to smoke them, cause you know you will if there around.. Its hard, sometimes its nice to have someone to talk to that is going through the same thing. So if you don-t mind I will IM you and maybe we can do this together..All the advise above about drinking water, finding something else to do and keep busy is all sound advise. good luck to you and wish me the same..
only one answer. just stop. good luck!!!

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Chew gum and do something different than you used to do at smoke time.
first off good luck! try to keep busy and chew gum alot. try to stay away from other people that smoke so you don-t get cravings
Well I plan to get on a healthy diet tomorrow. You-re not alone. :)
Hi, Quit smoking for good.
dont smoke is a good start good luck though
why not today?

Buy some candy or suckers until the WDs are over. Drink lots of water, take a vitamin and hang tough because soon you will feel and smell better.

Remember that no one likes to kiss an ash tray.
you should have something to help you thru the cravings chew lots of gum chew straws or plastic anything for that matter when i quit i would eat about a pound of mini carrots a day and it helped and its healthy dont give up
Yeah, start now.

Besides that- buy straws to chew and mimic the action of smoking to distract yourself from the habitual addiction.
Also- sugar free hard candy for when straws aren-t possible. As far as the physical addiction- all I can say is be strong. Just don-t do it- you have the choice. You need to change your mindset- believe that you are a nonsmoker. If you focus on the struggle of quitting then you are focused on smoking and you will fail. Keep busy and don-t focus on quitting, just quit. Stay away from other smokers until you are over the killer cravings. Plan on being a douche bag for a week or so, and make sure there is nothing stressful in your schedule at the beginning. And lastly, quit now- it is very empowering to say -I-m done smoking- and throw out the rest- it makes it more real. Waiting until tomorrow is only enabling yourself and maybe tomorrow you say tomorrow again. Now is the time, while you feel the urge.
stock up on candy and gum
Don-t light up. Get a job in a gun-powder factory.
Good for you! I made the same decision a number of years ago, and I remember what it was like to go from two packs a day to zero cigarettes a day. A couple of things helped -- jelly beans were good. They stayed in your mouth for a long time. Gum was tiring and didn-t help very much at all, but taking up crocheting and knitting was wonderful. You can-t smoke while you-re working with your hands, so anything you can find of that sort will help you over the hump. Add in some exercise (bet you haven-t been doing much jogging, walking or running) drink lots of water and try to break up any associations. I used to smoke when I read the paper, smoke when I climbed into the car to go anywhere, so I made a deliberate attempt to re-route these routines and replace them with other actions.
Good luck to you!
good luck
You are much more likely to be able to quit smoking with medication, see your doctor.
if you plan to quit smoking tomorrow....its never going to happen...
quit smoking NOW !!!!
-that will work!!!
Do it cold turkey. Keep your hands busy, chew gum, and keep your mind focused on other things. Eat fruit and drink plenty of water. It will be hard for a few days but you can do it! You are making the right choice!
I plan to quit smoking as of tommarrow, any advise? -

Lessen coughs when you quit smoking? -

Lessen coughs when you quit smoking? -

i know your scilia come back to life when you quit smoking and that-s all great, but it-s quite distracting at work and impossible to sleep.

i know it-s all worth it in the end, but does anyone have tips on soothing the coughs for now? i-ve been sucking on cough drops constantly, but there-s got to be a better way!
pushing fluids also helps. increasing the amount of fluid intake helps wash out all of the impurities in the lungs from the cigarette use. the more you drink, the more stuff gets washed away quicker and the stuff blocking your lung tissue lessens and the coughing lessens. you-re coughing because your lungs are trying to get rid of that stuff left from cigarettes. water is best. caffiene can actually dehydrate you.
Lessen coughs when you quit smoking? -

How could i make my friend to quit smoking? -

Sunday, December 4, 2016

How could i make my friend to quit smoking? -

You can-t make someone do something they don-t want to do and you shouldn-t try. Smoking is still legal and they have the right to do it. If you don-t like it you can choose to not be their friend anymore. What if your friend wanted to -make- you quit asking questions on Yahoo because they believe it to be unhealthy for you?
tell her it can kill her.
Well You should tell him/her that if you keep doing this then it will kill you someday....and i can-t take it anymore....either you stop or we can-t be freinds anymore.....Trust me it will work
Try to be as supportive and understanding to your friend as possible. Let your friend know that you want to see them around for awhile because of how much the friendship means and you know that if they continue smoking that they are going to endure some serious health problems.

I-ve never smoked but I-m a respiratory therapist so I know how hard it is for someone to quit because of treating so many patients with COPD. Having someone to support them as they try to quit is one of the best tools they can have and it sounds like you-re on the right path by trying to get as much info as you can to be supportive.

I wish you and your friend a lot of luck.
How could i make my friend to quit smoking? -

How did you quit (or attempt to quit) smoking? -

Friday, December 2, 2016

How did you quit (or attempt to quit) smoking? -

How long did it take to get over the cravings?
You put off the next cigarette as long
as you can, and when you are out
put off buying a pack as long as you can,
and if you get the urge to throw
the fresh pack out the window,
go with that urge :)
make a game out of fighting the cravings.
If you break down and have a smoke,
maybe don-t smoke the whole cig
or do, just don-t let it make you say
-well, screw it, I can-t quit.-
Fight, continue to fight.
The fight gets easier and easier.

If you bum a smoke, try to only bum
if it-s the brand you smoke.

keep your hands and mouth busy
chewing gum
talking writing
fake smoke a pencil,
or at least hold it like a cig

I have had less than 30 cigarettes in
almost two years.
I saw someone smoking my brand
and actually didn-t want to bum one.
I can feel my lungs aren-t so tight,
I can breathe deeper.

Just Do It!!
Got pregnant
Quitting is easy!!! I-ve done it dozens of times!!!
i am in the prosece of quiting don-t buy any cigs but if by chance you do give them to some one you live with and act like that is your last pack and ask that someone if you can have a cig if they say no then just walk away if they say yes enjoy it while you can
cold turkey after 16 years. i had no cravings, appetite gain, mood swings. the key is not to change your life, just that part of it. still go outside for your breaks, don-t change your friends. drinking might not be a good idea for a week or so, unless you live in a state where you can-t smoke in bars. if you really want to be done you will be. good luck!!! non smokers are HOTTT!!!!!!
i smoked for about 3 years and had been trying to quit since the first year and a half. I gave up many times, so instead I tried to decrease the amount of cigarettes that I smoked, about 7 months ago I noticed that I was only smoking about 3 a week, and only smoked heavily when I drank, so I decided to quit for good. I have been smoke free for 4 months, and have passed the drinking test. I no longer have cravings, and I feel really good.
All you have to do to stop smoking is to get lung cancer and die. That-s the easiest way I know.
How did you quit (or attempt to quit) smoking? -

When you quit smoking, how do you avoid feeling irritable? -

When you quit smoking, how do you avoid feeling irritable? -

It has been 6 weeks and I still feel anxious and nervous, when will it go away?
The longer you hold out, the easier it will get. I quit in December. It is really good to exercise to release the stress. It also stimulates your natural endorphins to give you a natural high. One thing I noticed after quitting is how the headaches I used to have while smoking went away. I feel so much better! When you do get a craving (they will get fewer - fewer) try shifting your thoughts into something else, something positive. I ended up making an appointment to get laser teeth whitening kind of as a reward. The other thing that is great (besides greatly reducing the risks of major health problems) is that you will look younger longer and your sense of smell will be very keen. You will begin to hate the smell of cigarettes. Also, a woman at my job who is an avid smoker, she hacks all day long. She can-t seem to shake her -cough.- I know it is because she smokes. I want to tell her so bad that if she would quit smoking she could get better. God bless you! You can do it!
Do things that you would never do when you were smoking.
Exercise a lot.
may need to go c doc may b sumthin unrelated but try sum natural cures exersice a lot 3o minutes a day minumum drink lots of water n green tea n chamoile tea maryjane may help sex acutaly helps a lot things too
i have-nt quit completeley but i sympathize with you...because i dont smoke whie im here at work,,,,,only a couple a day...but anyways i feel myself getting irritable toward the end of the day???i just have to deal with it....good luck
do not put more nicotine into yourself with gum and the patch. Clean something...anything, drawers, floors, cupboards and exercise and drink water...loads of water!
Take some vicodin.
It takes time. Working out helps a lot. If you get irritable at a time you can-t work out, try some yoga breathing techniques, and talk yourself out of the moment. Things like; -this is so good for me, just keep going. I can-t believe I got this far, almost there.-
it will get better every day, chew some nicorette or u can try the patch things, good luck... sorry.
I chewed gum
make ur self busy , hangout with friends , chew nicotine gums when u reach the irritation part it gives u the same feelin of a cigarette , however its not dangerous at all
When you quit smoking, how do you avoid feeling irritable? -

Tips to help quit smoking? -

Tips to help quit smoking? -

I am 50 years old, and have finally decided to quit smoking. I would like any information anyof you have on successfully quitting. Also, in regard to using drugs to help you quit, have you found the natural herb remedies, nicotine replacement therapy, or any other drugs to be more successful than others. Any help orsuggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
I had some success with the nicotine patches, although I did wonder whether its just because you were afraid you-d be really sick if you smoke with a patch on, which is what they say will happen, so you dont...but it failed in the end I suppose, I was always a -need to smoke first thing in the morning- person, so I-d get the overnight patches but they would give me weird dreams and hallucinations and made me really ill so I-d end up ripping them off, and then I-d know people who were smoking with the patch on and not getting sick etc so then you lose the fear of smoking. I ended up trying the herbal patches, even though I was skeptical, but they actually worked and unlike the other patches there was no nicotine in them. The best way to describe how they worked is you know how you really want a cigarette but for some reason you cant have one, like stuck at work or ran out etc so you get the anxiety and feel kinda angry I guess, well with the herbal patches when I thought about going out for a cigarette thats how I would feel, like the opposite effect, like the thought of smoking made me angry and like I really didnt want to and thats how I stopped...I suggest you try lots of things until you find something that works, I think its different for everyone..and dont worry if you keep failing because when you fail you remember next time what made you fail and you can avoid it, plus if you dont smoke for one day or two days or half a day then at least thats some time you-re body has to ween off the nicotine and it gets easier. I know people who had alot of success with the cut down method, just smoking one less cigarette every day or every couple of days until there wern-t many left. Its also good to avoid your usual smoking times and places, like when I was quitting I would be fine all day but after work everyone would meet in the garden outside for a smoke and a chat which I looked forward to, but I would just have to leave by a different exit and avoid it so that helps too.
Google -Smoke Less Counter-

A friend of mine used that to quit.

For a few weeks, you press a button whenever you smoke. Then, when it-s programmed, it will beep - and you smoke whether you want to or not, and in that way it weans you off the nicotine at a level you can stand, until you don-t need it anymore.
Ive tried a few times without success, but ive finally given up. make sure you distance yourself from any friends/places where you would normally see cigarettes.(just for a bit)
I smoked for over ten years, but I still found the habit harder to break than the actual nicotine addiction, speak to your chemist and ask them whats best.
after a few days of quitting I felt really proud of myself, but my fella got a right earful and i was a bit bad tempered but as long as you warn your friends/family and colleagues, they want you to stop too afterall.

Good luck,
PS you wont smell anymore, your skin will look nicer and you will be able to breathe properly when you wake up in the morning, if that doesnt make it worth it then I dont know what will.
I used Commit lozenges 4mg, you can pick them up usually at a conveinence store, and i swear by them. I smoked for 10 years and started commit and have no picked up a cigarette since then!!! try them seriously it works!!!
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
snap i am 50 too and huby and i have been talking about giving up smoking - we-re thinking about going down the lines of hypnotism - not sure about all the other medication, dont fancy taking tablets and dont know if the patches would help but i did wonder about the inhalator - have you looked at the nhs website? quite useful - explains medication etc., i wish you all the very best - let us know how you get on!
Sew your mouth up.
Join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
go to

Dr. Oz is featured there with some help.
Tips to help quit smoking? -

Should i quit smoking after being diagnosed with terminal small cell lung cancer ? -

Should i quit smoking after being diagnosed with terminal small cell lung cancer ? -

Enjoy the time you have left.If you enjoy it,by all means go ahead.
I am not sure that you should just decide to quit life here. We all will die with a certainty. We cannot say when with any certainty.
You could consider two things. One, nicotine can be used therapeutically for quieting excessive immune response, but cigarette delivery brings in a whole lot of junk with it. Ask your doctor for the nicotine patches if you think you need them.
Consider smoking cannabis if you live in a place where this is permitted. This will give you the smoking behavior which you have learned is associated with pleasure and may offer some relief to pain and anxiety.
Try to find other things to do that bring pleasure and that are healthy. Music, walking, conversation, drinking tea, and sports could all be ideas for you.
The cigarettes may actually help your cancer survive by activating certain chemical pathways in the body that help cells survive without oxygen. Tumors often have little oxygen available for the cells, so this activation could help the cancer cells survive. And they deplete the body of anti-oxidants. Feeling good can depend on a proper chemical balance in the body. While you are here and alive, why not choose to feel better?
There is no right or wrong way to react when you are told your cancer is too advanced to cure. Everyone responds in their own way. Your question is, with respect, rhetorical. According to the wording of your question, your condition is terminal and therefore what ever you decide will not affect the outcome. You must be aware of these following details, but I shall write them in case you are not aware. When cells of the lung start growing rapidly in an uncontrolled manner, the condition is called lung cancer. Lung cancer can affect any part of the lung and it is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. There are two main types of lung cancer: small-cell lung cancer - SCLC, also called oat cell cancer in which the cells are small, round and resemble oats - and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Small-cell lung cancer accounts for approximately 20-25% of all cases of lung cancer. This type of lung cancer differs from non-small-cell lung cancer because it grows rapidly and spreads quickly. Small-cell lung cancer responds well to chemotherapy (using medications to kill cancer cells) and radiation therapy (using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells). Small-cell lung cancer is frequently associated with distinct paraneoplastic syndromes (collection of symptoms that result from substances produced by the tumour, occurring far away from the tumour).


It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

These are contact addresses if you feel the need for anyone to discuss your situation with. If you are resident in the USA, and as there are many support groups, you might enquire from one of the following for the address/contact number of a group in your area.

Cancer Research UK
P.O. Box 123
Admin phone number: (0)20 7242 0200 – omit the ‘0’ in brackets if phoning from outside the UK.

Macmillan Cancer Support
Head Office
89 Albert Embankment
Cancer Nurses: xx44 (0)808 800 1234
Macmillan CancerLine: (0) 808 808 2020 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 9pm; information available in other languages)
Benefits advice (for enquiries about money matters): (0)800 989 500 (Mon to Fri, 8am to 8pm)
Textphone: (0)808 808 0121
Omit the ‘0’ in brackets if phoning from outside the UK.

Hope this helps
matador 89
I wish you well.
up to you. my friend had sc lung cancer .with chemo - rad she lasted 18 months *miserable month being hospitalized from chemo drugs..then she died.
but hey....she stopped smoking those 18 months
If you care for your health and well being, you really should.
Should i quit smoking after being diagnosed with terminal small cell lung cancer ? -

How did you quit smoking? -

Monday, November 28, 2016

How did you quit smoking? -

Thinking of quitting and wondering how others have succeeded.
I smoked for 31 years. I quit two years ago. I tried the patches and the gum with no luck. The Commit lozenges did the trick.

Will power is a must, also.
easy throw the cigs in the garbage and wquit cold turkey
i quit 2 mos ago cold turkey. My girlfriend helped with that. (i like to smoke dammit)
I weaned myself. I had a goal separate from the smoking. If I met that goal, I told myself I would quit smoking. I started weaning myself by switching from regular cigarettes, to lights, then to ultra lights. I made sure that I adjusted to the new cigarettes, not smoking any more than I did before the switch. I started this about three months before I expected the goal date to arrive. A month to go, and I was used to the ultra lights. So I started poking extra holes in the filters with a pin. This allowed more air to be in each drag, and less smoke. As each day came, I poked even more holes. After a couple weeks, I was pulling in so much air, I-d exhale while smoking and no smoke would be visible. My goal was met the next week, early. I threw away the rest of my cigarettes and lighter, and never felt a bit of withdrawal. And I-ve never craved one since, been 15 years, and I-d smoked for 20.
stopped cold turkey. But I wanted to do it. I have very mild asthma, so smoking was NOT good for me to begin with. But every single time I got a cold, guess where I went? Right into my lungs, and it took forever to clear up. I got tired of hacking my lungs out and not being able to breathe, so one day, in the middle of a really bad chest cold that wouldn-t go away, I just decided that was it. I couldn-t take it anymore. So I quit. But I-m a stubborn person; when I decide to do something, I do it. Period. So it was rather easy for me. But cold turkey is the only way to go. My mom had luck years ago chewing on straws. Another gal sucked on spoons. Someone else we knew did it eating carrot and celery sticks. Whatever works, you know?
DONT START! THATS HOW YOU -QUIT-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which time? I-ve quit quite a bit
Develop a heart condition. That did it for me.
Wellbutrin (bupropion) worked wonders for me. Cold turkey with no urges.

Caught a stomach virus at work, could not stand the taste or smell of them for 3 days and had no cravings for one; after i got better, i decided to see how long i could go without one and have not had one since, no cravings either and what really surprised me is that it does not bother me to be around it. That won-t help you any, though, I would invest in a very large bag of hard candies, like peppermints, and indulge whenever you need a smoke. Patches and so forth are pointless, they still contain nicotine and you can-t conquer an addiction by feeding it. Also helps to keep your hands busy as with some sort of craft project. Have been told that walking/running helps but don-t know about that for sure. Good luck, quitting is not easy but is worth the effort.
Stay away from the casinos? Thats first. You don-t even have to smoke to be in there?

The Difficulty in Kicking the Habit
Smokers may have started smoking because their friends did or because it seemed cool. But they keep on smoking because they became addicted to nicotine, one of the chemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant. That means nicotine increases the heart rate at first and makes people feel more alert (like caffeine, another stimulant). Then it causes depression and fatigue. The depression and fatigue — and the drug withdrawal from nicotine — make people crave another cigarette to perk up again. According to many experts, the nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

But don-t be discouraged; millions of Americans have permanently quit smoking. These strategies can help you quit, too:
get a hobby to keep your mind of it
I started by cutting back how many I smoked a day. I then eliminated smoking in certain places (like not in the house) and during certain activities (like while talking on the phone). It was really hard to stop altogether, though. What finally did it was realizing that I was jeopardizing my future. I decided that I would try to stop for a whole day, then I added another day, a week, etc. I would have one every month or so, but throw out the pack right away so there-s no temptation. Now I picture my lungs healing and my health improving. I tried gum, patches and medicine before, but when I finally quit it was just willpower. Hardest thing I ever did, but now I know it was worth it.
I took me a few times, but I was ready to do it the last and final time. I got some information, read a book and set a date. It WILL be hard, you just know that and try to work with it. Get some hard candy, also if you smoke(d) menthol I read you can use some sort of inhaler (like vicks) for a little bit. I tried to stay away from friends who did smoke and IF they did, they were respectful enough to go outside or away from me. KEEP ASHTRAYS clean.
Don-t hide cigarettes, get RID of them.
If you feel an urge coming on you can, take a quick nap,
take a shower, pray, take a walk or go out in the back and shout if it makes you feel better.
When the first week is up, announce it- feel better and look forward to the next week and so on. I would also say the day you decide to quit do it at night, smoke your last one, shower to get out all signs of smoke and then go to bed. Try to arise knowing it-s a new day and one that will lead you to being healthy! I basically did this cold turkey. If you try and fail, try again. You can always try the Nicotine gum (I know some who used that) and/or see your doctor for maybe the patch. Good Luck!!
How did you quit smoking? -

Ive recently quit smoking and i need tips on how to control cravings? -

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Ive recently quit smoking and i need tips on how to control cravings? -

Munch on low calorie food like celery, raw carrots (the big ones, not after they cut them in baby size). I felt like Bugs Bunny after I quit smoking!
I am in the same situation you are in. It is really hard, isn-t it? Now, I am not saying this will work for everyone, I just know what is helping me. In due time I think the cravings will go away. I always have something to drink right by me. That helps me. When I start to want a cigarette, I always have a salad made and I eat some salad. Or have celery sticks ready and hold a celery stick like a cigarette and pretend it is a cigarette. It was getting to where I was just lighting one right after the other, just a bad habit. I have mentos and mints and everything else on my desk to put in my mouth so I won-t put a cigarette between my lips. I hope you have good luck and I hope you find something that will help you. I know my ways sounds silly, but I am just doing what works for, everyone is different. I can-t afford those fancy and high dollar stuff they have on the market. So, I do the best I can.
I ate a banana and a apple a day and it helped me.
take deep cleansing breaths and drink a glass of water.
chew gum when you get the cravings
Ive recently quit smoking and i need tips on how to control cravings? -

Can hookah help you quit smoking? -

Can hookah help you quit smoking? -

someone told me that hookah smoke has no nicotine and if you want to quit smoking you should smoke hookah for a while, and if this true, is hookah smoke harmful for you?
It kills your brain cells.

So, I guess that would be a yes it is harmful!
I know several people that once they started smoking hookah, they never picked it up cigarettes again, including myself!

They went form 1-2 packs a day to 4-6 bowls a week. The equivalent to half a pack of cigarettes as far as nicotine content and none of those disgusting chemicals.

Hookah teaches you to slow down and be patient. It helps remove the stress reaction that people have and the need to use cigarettes to off set it.

For more info on the dangers of hookah check out…

It-s a newer study than the Mayo Clinic-s study and more objective, obviously. (Mayo is has a big anti-smoking supporter)

smoke is smoke.. hookah is not as harmful as cigarette smoke though.
Its true I have heard that hookah can help you smoke but you can carry around Hookah everywhere you go... I-m pretty sure your gonna want to smoke after dinner somewhere and where is your hookah gonna be at?

best way to quit smoking... Cold Turkey you will feel Sh**ty for a while but you-ll get it dont.. keep reminding yourself that you dont need it.. Keep a pack with only one in there... just look at it smell it just so u get a bit of a feel of it.. but COLD TURKEY try it.. or just go get the patch
LOL.... sorry but no... smoke contains harmful substances so either way it can kill ya. I-m taking Chantix and it working. I am down from a pack or more a day to 2 smokes a day. I-m no longer addicted it-s just a habit now and soon these 2 will be history. It-s hard... good luck!
I don-t know if hookah smoke contains nicotine or not, but all you would be doing is replacing one oral fixation for another. That-s why many smokers use something to take the oral fixation away, such as gum or hard candies when they are trying to quit smoking.
A hookah is just another name for a water pipe. When you draw on the mouthpiece the smoke goes from the bowl through a water bowl which is supposed to render the smoke less harsh. The smoke will still have the nicotine in it.
Can hookah help you quit smoking? -

Quit smoking pls? Any ideas? -

Quit smoking pls? Any ideas? -

I wanna quit smoking.. Can you pls tell me some ideas to help me?
Don-t smoke, that should accomplish the -not smoking- aspect.
here you can find how to stop smoking we have prof
There are many ways to quit...and many ways to make quitting easy. A friend of mine used free trial offers off the net. The site had many ways to help.
to quit just keep going. chew gum too chewing lots of gum can help.
Quit smoking pls? Any ideas? -

How to quit smoking ? -

How to quit smoking ? -

the reason is gas prices are so high now and between gas prices and buying cigarettes i spend at least $80-$100 a month. This will be my first time ever doing this, i don-t even know how to quit or avoid the cravings. I really can-t afford the smoking cessation classes . Need advice please and thank you to all .
The worst thing you can do is make a big deal out of quiting. If you try to set goals, buy gum patches or some other crazy tactic, you just think about it more! I smoked for ten years. I still do! But I now smoke maybe 5 cigs a week socially when im out or what ever. Which regardless of what you read is no larger health risk than eating meat! I used to smoke two packs a day tho! Its all mental. Find a reason you care about to make you stop. Mine was exorcise. I was trying to get in shape and smoking was slowing me down. So in turn i wanted to not smoke more than i wanted to smoke. it just happened. If you say Ive gotta quit or make some stupid resolution to do it you ll just feel pressure ....which makes you need a smoke!! you can do it. Dint let the media tell you that you need anything but mind over mater.
Do you have health insurance through work? Your primary physician can help you with some kinds of new medications that help. Gum chewing, breath mints and all that have never helped me quit, so to me, that is out of the answer. Cold turkey quitting though is not good for your system as it could shock your body. You need to quit slowly and you CAN do it if you want to bad enough. If you don-t have insurance, look in your local newspaper, they usually have a space of community events for the next week, etc and a lot of times they have free smoking cessation classes although it may be a group thing. It could help. Make some calls to places in your community, I will bet someone would be able to hook you up with what you need. Good luck, it-s hard to do, but you can do it!
The best way is to do it for something/someone you love.

My dad quit for my mom.
My mom told him to stop or there divorcing

My dad used the nicorette gum - patch and he said he didnt crave it anymore.

Also . There is nicorette cigarrets.

No smoke . Shila lobouf uses them [:

After you start slowing down , try taking either the patch off or stop the gum . Then the craving will go away.

But you probally will have to keep chewing gum .
Dosent have to be nicortte
just gum.
smoking is so hard to quit unless you really really want to.... i have tryed but i dont want to bad enough....Get yourself addicted to something else like gum or somthing.... and the certain times you had a cigarette that was a habit... eat a peice of gum............what my mom did (which is really funny) was buy those fake was to help with the -Smoking Actions- ehh whatever..... try your hardest..... its hard to quit will probably gain weight if you do haha food is a great way to cope when u dont have any cigs
Cold Turkey is the absolute best way to kick an addiction cigarettes. This way there are no chemicals (like with the gum or the patch) being put into your body.

If you can-t handle that route, use the gum/patch.
I read a book called the Easy way to quit smoking. It was monumentally helpful. It takes away all the fears of stopping. I haven-t smoked in years and never had a withdrawal symptom.
strong self motivation can help you to quit smoking.

try with this tutorial…

I-m not a smoker, I have no advice, I just want to say WAY TO GO! I think anyone who can quit smoking deserves a lot of praise! You can do it! I just wanted to say Kudos!
Personally, I had to quit cold-turkey. It was all or nothing.
start drinking
How to quit smoking ? -

Do you think the cigerette companies should have to pay for all the expensive quit smoking products? -

Friday, November 25, 2016

Do you think the cigerette companies should have to pay for all the expensive quit smoking products? -

If you decided to quit? I see them suing tobacco companies and then using the money for schools??? I mean wouldn-t it be better if they helped those they hurt, instead of sending money to places that have nothing to do with cigarettes.
Might not have to worry about that pretty soon ! The Phillip Morris factory in North Carolina just announced it will be closing with a loss of 3,000 jobs. They are going to Europe . Guess where the liberals will make up that TAX LOSS , keep an eye on your paycheck ??Be kinda` funny , smokers will still smoke , and they will be buying a European cigarette , and all that TAX revenue will go to Europe. Go figure ...
Short answer: no.

Long answer: It has been well known for decades that smoking is bad for you. Back in the 1950, one of the first articles showing that smoking causes cancer came out. In my entire life, I don-t recall a time when -smoking is bad for you- wasn-t a FACT.

I-m in my 30-s.

So that means that everyone under...say...40 or 45 has known this their entire life. And let-s say that people start smoking at the age of 10 (an aggressive number, I think). That would mean that everyone under 50 or 55 knew smoking was bad for them when they started. People started suing in 1954!

I think the tobbacco companies have done their share at this point. There was a large cash settelement. They actually pay for those cool -truth- commercials you see on TV...(oh, and cigarette commercials are no longer allowed on TV)

And how much money can you sue them for before they say they-re bankrupt and walk away? (Note: government doesn-t want this--ever SEE how much $$ cigarettes get taxed?!?!?)

And if I mis-read your question...maybe you were asking if money is being sent to the wrong place. Unfortunately, that happens all the time. They said the tax $$ from the lottery and gambling was to go to schools. Hasn-t happened like that either.
No, no one put a gun to your head to make you smoke. If you get cancer from gasoline, will you sue BP?
Yes, but then why are tobaco farmers still paid subsities, and why do they spend all the money just telling you to quit and offering free advice, not really doing anything except using the law suit settlments as advertising.
Do you think the cigerette companies should have to pay for all the expensive quit smoking products? -

Trying to quit smoking need some advice? -

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Trying to quit smoking need some advice? -

i recently had all 4 wisdom teeth cut out ooh yeah. five days havent wanted one so i decided to give them up but on seventh day now . MUST HAVE CIG.!!! i need a hobby or something very anxious dont want to use the patch or gum HELP!!!
try the Nicorette Lozenges. I-ve quit twice, the only way I was able to do it was with the gum and lozenges. It really takes the edge off.
maybe watch some really suspenseful movies or something? Try this anime, Death Note. It gets real suspenseful/addicting after a couple of episodes. You can watch that in myspacetv.
Try eating a huge meal of green bell peppers. I used this trick and it seemed to work. Tobacco and green peppers are from the same plant family and share a common characteristic of absorbing lithium from the soil.

I also used the nic gum but that is expensive and you can get addicted to it also. It did seem to cut down on the craving. I used it quite a bit and then weaned myself off of it.

Good luck, you-ll save a lot of money. Treat youself to your favorite snacks, that acts as a good sidetrack also.
Look up images of people who have lung cancer or bad teeth becasue of smoking. Study them. When you want a cig. think of those people. think.. that could be me.
Trying to quit smoking need some advice? -

Anybody tried hypnosis or accupuncture as a way to quit smoking? -

Anybody tried hypnosis or accupuncture as a way to quit smoking? -

How much did it cost? I-ve tried the patches and gum but couldn-t hold out for more than a few weeks.
A friend of mine had hypnotherapy to help her quit smoking. She quit smoking for a few days because she couldn-t stand it, however, she soon realised that her hypnotic message was immune from menthol cigarettes. So she carried on smoking, only she smokes menthol cigggies only. So it worked and it didn-t. I haven-t met anybody who tried acupuncture for giving up smoking but I know that acupuncture is good for many problems (if the acupuncturist is good). A session may cost about £25. I think your best bet is to go cold turkey because I don-t believe in those replacement things (you-ll never give up and you always want the -real thing-). Go for a jog, have a cold shower, clean the house from top to bottom to occupy yourself while you are craving. Your cravings shouldn-t last for long (maybe few days) so you should be all right. Good luck!
Acupuncture works out to be expensive if you have been smoking for more than 3 years. 2 sessions a week @ £25/40 per session and then you have herbs to buy on top of that. Have you tried Zyban yet? It is available on prescription from your GP and you dont stop straight away but in the second week of taking them. It strips the nicotine from your body therefore removing the craving.
My friend had hypnosis and it stopped her instantly. Its been a couple of years and she still cant stand smoking.
A good friend of mine who smoked 40+ a day went for hypnosis. It wasn-t cheap (she wouldn-t tell me how much) but it did work.
Five years on and she still isn-t smoking.
(Incidentally she tried all sorts of other remedies before this)
My mother and grandmother had acupuncture 25yrs ago, my grandmother said it was brilliant and the acupuncturist helped her with many other problems too.

I don-t like the idea of a hypnotist though, having been put under on stage, it wasn-t a pleasant experience. plus I missed most of the party and the free bar!!
hypnosis cost me £150 and didn-t work, accupuncture cost me £25 a session for eight weeks and only worked as long as i was having it.
Yes, I-ve tried both and neither of them worked. This was quite a few years ago and cost me a fortune.

2 years ago I tried Zyban - only available from your GP, and it has side effects - and this stopped me instantly.
No I used nicotine gum I tried to stop for ten years and used the gum at least 25 times in the past five years. I haven-t had a smoke for 7 months now and I am confident I have done it this time. I am scared silly of ever smoking again.
Stick a needle in your ciggy several times....the more holes the less satifying the drag....might help you quit!
Tried both. Good thing is two of the GPs at my local practise are qualified and the treatments cost me nothing. Good thing, -cos neither of them worked. Hypnosis worked instantly for my brother though. I think it depends on the person, and how much they WANT to give up.
Anybody tried hypnosis or accupuncture as a way to quit smoking? -

Im trying to quit smoking marijuana but im suffering from withdrawals and cant eat til i smoke wut should i do -

Im trying to quit smoking marijuana but im suffering from withdrawals and cant eat til i smoke wut should i do -

just keep on lighting up and smothing that ****
Get a job.
That is one of the biggest lines of B S that I have heard in a while. There is nothing in marijuana that will cause withdraws. Just admit that You don-t want to quit smoking.I smoked for 30 years and had no problems at all when I quit.
its all in your head buddy. trust me it is. i have quit multiple times for drug tests, sometimes months at a time. yes i know eating does not seem as good without a herbal enhancer but you can still eat. you were eating before marijuana and you will be eating after. chances are you are thinking about it too much. don-t think about it and your bodys natural instincts will jump in. they always do. i ate only to stay alive for a few days because food was just so bland. but after a while you get used to the old flavor and start eating because your bored or others are eating.

what kind of withdrawls are you experiencing? the worse thing that happened to me was i had trouble sleeping because of being stressed out from work and school.
Im trying to quit smoking marijuana but im suffering from withdrawals and cant eat til i smoke wut should i do -

How did you successfully quit smoking? -

How did you successfully quit smoking? -

Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
After smoking about a pack of Marlboro-s a day for twenty-five years I stopped cold turkey. That was almost five years ago. It was very difficult but I knew the longer I didn-t smoke the easier it would be to be a non-smoker.
I looked at the burning cigarette and envisioned the $5.00 bill I-d just spent on the pack burning in my hand.....
it worked - it was hard - but it worked
you could still smoke, but when you smoke, dont lit the fire, that way it will bore you and you won-t smoke anymore
watched my dad die of cancer the year before, got pneumonia (couldn-t smoke but man I tried!) after not smoking for 4 days I pushed the water for a week to flush the nic from my kidneys. Been smoke-free for 9 months and feeling wonderful! I realize I am a lucky man. Good luck.
It took me thirty years but I finally revised my thinking in 1999.
Never again !
Found out I was pregnant.
I decided not to let a piece of paper filled with toxic dried up leaves have any control over me.
I know two success stories. One was a gal who decided she wanted a one carat diamond ring more than she wanted to smoke. She started putting her cigarette money into her diamond jar. Got her ring. Last I heard she-s working on getting her fourth. She does it much faster now because the price of cigarettes has gotten so high.

The other was divine intervention. The gal did not intend to quit, but God decided differently. She was smoking outside a building and the wind came up so violently it blew the smoke she-d just exhaled back down into her stomach. Made her violently sick. A few hours later she tried to smoke again and got violently sick. She got the message. Hasn-t smoked since.
Regression therapy. Where are you located and are you interested to try the thechnique?
oh yeah right. i just read one answer and i am done. its harder than a person thinks. you cant just throw it down and never smoke again. people that say that have never smoked
the best way is not to start smoking at all...
if you are a smoker..then just drop the cigare...and say i wont smoke anymore and dont...
i never smoked but let me suggest something every time u smoke a cig lock urself in a closet and play a small world song over and over again 3 about an hour thats wut my mom did
How did you successfully quit smoking? -

Did I quit smoking just to get diabetes? -

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Did I quit smoking just to get diabetes? -

First you need to know a little family history.There is NO ONE on either side of my family with diabetes.I come from healthy stock.I quit smoking about 15 months ago and in the process gained about 20 or so pounds.I had a diabetes test about a year ago and was fine.Well I found out today that i-ve got diabetes.What the HELL???? Did I get it from the 20 lb. gain?Did I quit smoking just to get sick?This is a serious bummer.
No it didn-t come from that - I don-t think. I am sorry to hear you have it but try to think like this instead maybe - that you are lucky that you did quit smoking cause your body needs to be strong right now and since you quit smoking, it is - and you need that -

Diabetes seems to come from something with the body-s inablity to product insulin or something with the pancreas and even unknown reasons - like I mention below, there are risk factors or traits that they do see in people who have it- escpecially with Type 2 but not a direct cause.

I do know that being overweight can put you at risk, but that is not enough to cause it - and 20 pounds is not enough weight to make you overweight enough to develop a disease - I think this has been coming on in your system perhaps and the timing is coincidental. You quitting smoking was the best decision you could have made - even doctors tell you that gaining even 30 pounds is better than smoking so I do not think this was the problem here.

Obesity can add to the risks of developing type two diabetes but you didn-t say you were obese - you said healthy and that you only gained 20 lbs which is not that much. Eating sweets and bad foods does not cause it - that is a myth too.

It was a blessing that you quit.. cheer up :o) My aunt has had diabetes for as long as I remember and has led a totally normal, healthy life. I know it is hard now but it will get easier.

You are at a point now where you can get even healthier and your body will follow along - since you did gain some weight, you can lose it when you feel up to it - some people develop things and there is nothing they can do to get any healthier but you did one - quit smoking so now you can lose the extra weight when you are ready.

Here is a site with info on what causes diabetes - I am not sure which one you have so I pasted both. Sorry to take up the room. :)

Type 1
People with Type 1 Diabetes have little or no ability to produce insulin and are entirely dependent on injections of insulin for survival.

The cause of Type 1 Diabetes is unknown, although childhood infections and a genetic tendency are two possibilities. The pancreas undergoes a change and cells that normally produce insulin are destroyed. This may be a result of the body-s own immune system believing the pancreas to be a foreign organ.

This form of Diabetes often appears at times of physical stress and during illness when the body produces additional glucose.


In Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas retains its ability to produce insulin, but either the quantity is inadequate for the body-s needs, or insulin cannot be used to its full extent by the tissues. Most people who have this condition suffer from being overweight and require treatment, together with a strict weight-reducing diet and exercise program.

95% of people with Diabetes have Type 2.
It-s better to be 20 pounds heavier, be able to lose the 20 pounds and control diabetes, than be 20 lbs lighter and a smoker. Not only that, you can lose 20 pounds, but you can reverse the aging effects of smoking (unless your able to afford plastic surgery, which also can cause a few more problems for you). All I know is I wish you the best of luck, and if you can stop smoking, you can lose weight!
You were probably pre-diabetic and didn-t know about it. You don-t have to have a strong family history of it. Weight gain itself puts you at risk of problems with diabetes.

You didn-t get diabetes because you quit smoking, you got diabetes because you started eating more bad stuff.

Quiting smoking will always improve your health.
I found out in March I was diabetic. Doctor found out about it while testing for something else. I cried and went through the I don-t care.
On the other hand I got myself together and started reading books on foods and exercising. I did not know how bad I felt till I started getting better and had all this energy. No one in the family has it.
You will start to feel better. Follow your doctors instructions.
Don-t even say that quiting smoking is what gave you diabetes.

Over eating gave you diabetes.
Well, smoking can lead to cancer, and other bad illnesses and disease, and it-s gross, smelly, rude and dirty.

Diabetes is a natural disease brought on by an unhealthy diet, pregnancy, or obesity (type ll), and is not because of your quitting smoking, but because you haven-t taken care of yourself.
It-s not gross to have it, or rude, smelly or dirty. And, it causes harm to you, but not cancer or other more serious diseases.

Sorry about it, though. My family is plagued with it.
I know what you mean. Whenever I quit my body goes into total breakdown Armageddon. Makes me real gun shy about my next attempt to quit. But I will bite the bullet eventually and try it again. Glutton for punishment, that-s me. -Scuse me whilst I fire this sucker up.
people who smoke, regardless of history are 3 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes
Sorry to hear about your diabetes cause yeah i too am diabetic and have been for a little over three yrs. I know diabetics of whom never smokedddddddd and still wind up with diabetes SO NOT SMOKING AND OR SMOKING DOESN-T KEEP YOU FROM NOT GETTING . Check your family history IT COULD BE HEREDITARY. DON-T be sooo angry ok.
Talk to your doctor and tell him your entire story; he/she might give you a better explanation than I can.

Just don-t stick back to smoking.
It sucks, crap happens. Happened to me, on a 40 pound weight LOSS. Sorry, but there-s nothing you can do, other than what your doc tells ya, and nobody to blame.
It-s from the extra 20lbs. Your pancreas could not keep up with the extra food intake. Shed the 20lb and you might get back to being non-diabetic.
In order to keep your blood sugar level under control, you need not to panic to visit a doctor. There are no Allopathic medicines available in the market that will cure the diabetic conditions of humans but they will control the disorder up to certain levels. The disease is developed due to eating disorders and hereditary. In the first place, I have never accepted diabetes as disease but considered it to be a disorder. The medicine is readily available at home in the form of natural products and you need not to go to market to purchase expensive medicines. To keep the sugar level under control, follow my suggestions and see the difference. Drink the juice of one bitter gourd, one cucumber and one tomato on empty stomach in the morning on a regular basis (drink this juice twice a day if you are insulin dependent) until you start feeling relief and your blood sugar level starts decreasing and continue further for a very long time until your sugar level reaches border line. The sugar level will certainly come down. Eat plenty of cucumber before meal to quench your thrust and to fill your empty stomach. Cucumbers are considered and proved to be very good for diabetic patients. Diabetic patients are always hungry to eat but can not eat all. Avoid banana, mango, custard apple and sweets like ice cream, pastry and cold drinks totally. If you are insulin dependent, even eating rice would be very harmful. You can eat fruits like guava, pineapple, pomegranate, papaya, muskmelon and watermelon. Taking one tea spoon Fenugreek powder and quarter tea spoon cinnamon powder on empty stomach before breakfast daily would be beneficial to diabetic patients. Regular brisk walking for one hour daily would be the best ideal medicine for diabetic patients. Cut down on non-vegetarian, fast, spicy and oily food, aerated cold drinks and foods rich in calories. Correct bowel movements if constipated. Avoid alcohol and tobacco also. Tea and coffee are also bad for health because the Caffeine promotes calcium excretion from the body and results in calcium loss from the bones. Drink plenty of water daily. Take one tablet of Diabecon (By Himalaya an Herbal Health Care Company in India) twice a day after meal with water, if available in your country as a maintenance dose. Take care and be in good health.
how old are u? u gained 20 lb in wut, cuz if ur sugars too high, then yes u can get it, thats why they say watch wut u eat... it has nothin to do with cigarettes.
Well, type 2 diabetes can be related to weight gain, so though I don-t know much about your situation, I can-t say that it-s definately unrelated. It may just be a coincidence in timing, although some diabetes seems to have a genetic basis, I see plenty of people with diabetes who don-t have any family members with the disease. As for the weight gain coming from stopping smoking, though many people do gain weight after they stop smoking, 20 pounds is a lot, did you change anything else around the same time?
The best thing to do in this case is to try to loose the weight, and the best way to do that is to eat less and exercise, not to start smoking again (obviously). Especially for someone with diabetes, tobacco is pure poison, diabetic smokers have some of the highest rates of heart disease.
And if no matter what you do the blood glucose levels don-t come down, then it-s time to start on medication for diabetes. If managed correctly, you can minimize the rate of complications from the disease and limit it-s impact on your life, the people who do the best with diabetes are those who take control of the disease and make sure to keep their sugar under control. Your doctor can help you with that, but in the end, it-s going to be up to you.
you stoped
You didn-t quit smoking to get sick, you quit smoking to be healthier. If you were at your normal weight and gained 20lbs it-s highly doubtful your weight gain has anything to do with it. Just because you had a test a year ago and it came back normal doesn-t mean that you weren-t already on the way to diabetes and didn-t know it. If you had a fasting blood test then you very well could have been diabetic at the time and the fasting test just didn-t catch it. It-s common for those who are in the early stages of type 2 diabetes to have normal fasting blood sugar. Even if you were already over weight before the 20 lbs your body was more than likely at the very least in a prediabetic stage and the extra weight just pushed you on over the edge. Extra weight causes more insulin resistance. You might think that you don-t have a family history but you might have had members who were not aware they had diabetes themselves...or members on up the family tree that you don-t know. Or you could have a different type of diabetes altogether! It really doesn-t matter. You didn-t quit smoking to get sick, you quit to be healthier. Smoking in itself is a deadly habit. A regardless of what you-re reading here, smoking has been shown to raise your risk of diabetes...please refer to this article....…

You stopped an addiction that would most assuredly made your risk for all the diabetic complications higher. Stick to your quitting, make lifestyle changes to lost those extra pounds like exercising. Exercising is the number one treatment for most of the complications and diseases associated with diabetes, HBP, cholesterol, heart disease...anything that is caused by circulation one step ahead of the game. Take care of yourself, diabetes is not a death sentence and you can live a very long and healthy life if you chose to take care of yourself. The possiblities of that happening while smoking are close to nothing.
It-s probably from the 20 lbs. weight has a lot to do with diabetes. Hopefully if you lose the weight you won-t need to take insulin for your diabetes.
Well, it is good you quit smoking. So, you gained some weight - if it weren-t for the diabetes diagnosis would you really be willing to do what ever it takes to get the weight off? If your like me - this scare is the kick in the pant needed to get moving. Don-t go back to smoking - that will make the diabetes worse.
Did you know diabetes has strong links to cancer, infertility, and heart disease? - When bad thing like this get found out - it-s actually a good thing. It will give you the reality check needed to start taking better care of yourself so you can live a long healthy life and be around for your loved ones. I wish you all the best. I know it is a bad situation but if you look it as a way to get motivated to take care of your health - you could be better off a year from now than you were 2 yrs ago. Good luck.

PS, I do know if you get rid of the weight - especailly around the middle - you might not even need the diabetic medication.
I always say, -eat healthy, stay fit, and die anyway-. No ****. Reformed smokers think nothing about wolfing down three big macs @1,900,452 calories a piece. Lipitor, here I come!!
Good luck.
I mean that.
you should take smoking back up to take some of the edge off of the bad news..
Did I quit smoking just to get diabetes? -