Do you want to quit smoking New Vaccine? -

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Do you want to quit smoking New Vaccine? -

I heard about a new vaccine that has been developed that stops the niccotine from reaching your brain. This prohibits the addiction to niccotine which is one of the main factors for with smokers and thier inablitiy to quit smoking. I say bring on the vaccine and stop the madness of smoking poisons that have taken the lives of so many. Check it out and give your opinion!
I am a smoker currently attempting to quit. I have not heard of this vaccine you speak of, however, there is a new medicine called Chantix that works great! It is very expensive though(300.00)without insurance. I was able to quit for 2months, but since I-ve been a smoker for 35yrs we decided I needed a longer dosage, so now I-ve been smoke free for 4months,well almost, I smoke 3-4 cigs a day, I can-t seem to let those last ones go.
Thats sounds great! I am an ex smoker of 8 years and wish that had been available when I gave up;
do you have the site for this i was going to send my hubby to a hypnotist but your info sounds good
I have heard of this. I think it is called NicVax. They have it in parts of Florida and I recently heard it was in Savannah Ga. I-m thinking about trying it soon.
Do you want to quit smoking New Vaccine? -