Who will be my quit smoking buddy? -

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Who will be my quit smoking buddy? -

I need someone who wants to quit also who will IM me and me them every time we want to smoke so we can stop please help me I don-t want to smoke anymore and I can-t do it alone
You will find one.
I don-t smoke but I can help you quit. Here is the best answer for this type of situation. If you STOP smoking right now you will add 5 years to your life. Now who doesn-t want to live 5 years longer.
it is easy to quit smoking. stop being obsessive about the idea of quitting. relax. smoke slowly and feel the smoke and the smells in your mouth. slow down the process from starting to light one. keep doing this and suddenly, you will find the whole thing is so silly!

I do not smoke, but would LOVE to help you anyway i can

You can im/email me, and i will discourage you :o)
i don-t smoke but if you want i can help. just IM me or Email me whenever you want. Onepuppy4me@yahoo.com
I would be willing, but not right now.
I quit last monday when i had surgery I highly recomend that I havent even wanted one since then
Who will be my quit smoking buddy? -