Does anyone know a good way to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Does anyone know a good way to quit smoking? -

Stopping smoking requires effort, determination, and commitment, but the more you learn about your options and prepare for quitting, the easier the process will be. While there is no one best way to quit smoking, you will be most successful if you are aware of the challenges ahead and make a plan to keep yourself on track.

Making a Stop-Smoking Plan
While some smokers successfully quit by going cold turkey, most people need a more elaborate treatment plan.
A smoking cessation program is a plan of action that weans you off smoking both physically and psychologically. Having a solid plan in place can greatly increase your chances for success. A good program addresses both the short-term challenge of quitting smoking and the long-term challenge of preventing relapse. outlines five basic steps that will help you get ready to quit:
S = Set a quit date.
T = Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit.
A = Anticipate and plan for the challenges you-ll face while quitting.
R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work.
T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.

Other important aspects of a stop-smoking plan include:

Identifying your smoking triggers – Print out this craving journal and keep a log of where you are when you smoke and who you’re with. Identify situations or emotions that trigger your cravings for a cigarette.
Preparing for cravings – Once you’ve identified your triggers, you can make a plan for avoiding them. You can also draw up a list of coping techniques to use when you’re tempted to smoke. For some helpful strategies, see Quitting Smoking – Help for Cravings and Tough Situations.
Getting your loved ones involved. Quitting is tough, and having the right people around you can make all the difference. Let your friends and family members know that you are planning to quit smoking and would appreciate their support and encouragement.

more below:…

lock yourself in the basement or closet or something for about 4 days!!!
I used the patches by Nicorette. I was ready to quit though because I decided that it was better to be able to breathe without using oxygen and not being afraid to lay down flat in bed and worry about not breathing. You just have to be ready to quit on your own though, and you can-t have anyone pressure you into it. Like I said, the Nicorette patches worked for me because they give you the taste of nicotine and that helps a lot. Just follow their plan.
Cold turkey and plenty of sunflower seeds.
First go through all the pro/con demons in your head and decide if you really do want to quit. Its your decision, no one elses. If you decide to quit there-s help our here. I had to go to many groups to read all info, my choice you may not need it, and know they were there before I quit. I used something my sister recommended -Smoke Away- available in many stores - e-bay. Between the time I ordered it and got it I read all the group sites to build up my determination. I found some of the program didn-t work for me but the first weeks herbal pills did help very much. I smoked for 42 years, never made it past a full day of quitting until now. I-m currently at 1 month, 1 week, and 4 days quit. Good luck and remember if you don-t have support at home on this to reach out to all the groups - everyone who-s had to go through it understands. God Bless - good luck!
I heard of a product called New root. I Don-t smoke so i don-t know, but its capsule form. You take it and in a couple days or weeks. You have a choice either keep taking it or the the cigarette taste REAL HORRIBLE. I found it in a health food store. It does have a web sight somewhere. Good luck on quiting, By the way this is suppose to help clear the lungs faster, and helps stop those food cravings.
Pure will power. that is the best and only way
there is no easy way or a best way. you just have to want it and be willing to change up everything neccessary to aid you. I used the patches for a minute but ended up doing it on my own. I just avoided the situations that made me crave cigarettes, such as night clubs. Then I changed up certain habits that were triggers for me. Like doing something after meals instead of smoking. Its only hard for the first week or so. Thhen it starts getting a lot easier.
go cold turkey....
Take a small empty squeeze bottle like an eye drop bottle and fill it with Vicks Formula 44 D and keep it in your shirt pocket or where you kept your cigarettes....When you have a craving for a cigarette, put a drop on your tongue, It has a very strong and long lasting taste and will take your mind off the cigarettes. Try it, it works. Might take a few weeks.........Nuf Said
Wear a rubberband around your wrist when you feel urges, slap it on your wrist so it hurts... sounds like your a mouse in a lab test, but it works!
drink milk everyday ,

doctor says that , once u drink milk ,then u dont like taste of cigarettes

then u quit smoking
Well, you COULD wait till you are lying in a hospital bed with OXYGEN TUBES running into your nose and IV bags dangling on either side of you and a Cardiologist comes in and says------you have maybe 2 months at LEAST and 5 years at BEST-...... sure did make ME quit the smokes....that was 6 MONTHS ago and I-m still here but I KNOW I am not going to be much longer... If you are young, QUIT NOW... go to the market and buy yourself a TON of those beautiful NAVAL ORANGES.... whenever you want a smoke, peel an orange---PEEL not cut---pull the pieces apart and eat each piece SEPARATELY.... this gives your hands and mouth something to do for about as long as it would take you to smoke a cigarette.... do this EVERY time you get a craving---oranges are good for you and NON fattening and as long as your hands and mouth are -kept busy- by the orange, you won-t miss OR crave a cigarette as much... eventually (within about 5 DAYS) you stop the cravings all together and can cut down on your ORANGE CONSUMPTION.... I was eating 8 oranges a DAY when I first quit.... now I eat 8 in a WEEK...(sometimes less)....
Does anyone know a good way to quit smoking? -