What are some effective ways to support someone whos trying to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What are some effective ways to support someone whos trying to quit smoking? -

Keep praising them and telling them how proud you are of them that they have kicked that nasty habit. If they try to make excuses about having -just one- cigarette because they are stressed, angry, sad, bored, drunk etc just say to them -I am so proud of you now that you don-t smoke any more. You are so much stronger now and it-s great what you have acheived. You don-t need to go back to that filthy lifestyle. What will that cigarette do for you? Nothing, embrace the fact that you are a non-smoker!-.

Alternatively, buy them the book -Easy way to stop smoking- by Allen Carr. I stopped smoking (I smoked 25 smokes a day for 5 years) and it wasn-t hard at all! It makes you see smoking for what it is and ensures that by the end of the book you have no motivation or desire to smoke. Its worth a go. Check out the website www.allencarr.com/ to see feedback from ex-smokers.
throw away their cigarettes, my friends did that to me. it pissed me off but i quit.
be understanding if they get a little crabby. also, stock up on things like sugar free candies so they can appease the oral fixation/cravings. mmm....plus, try encouraging exercise in non accusatory ways...like suggest going for a stroll, etc. etc.
What are some effective ways to support someone whos trying to quit smoking? -