Laser treatment to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Laser treatment to quit smoking? -

A friend of mine says they done laser treatment to quit smoking??? has anyone out there tried it, or do they have tips for me? I really want to quit and need some advice!………

What is Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)?

LLLT is the application of a -cold- pure laser light to treat certain conditions. It has been used to successfully treat many kinds of musculoskeletal injuries because it promotes healing and tissue repair. LLLT has also been found to be an extremely successful treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, weight control, and smoking cessation.

Is LLLT safe?

LLLT is a safe, painless, and medication-free treatment. It has been used in England, Canada, and Europe for over 20 years with no documented adverse side effects. Laser therapy is a non-medical procedure and is respected by many physicians as a highly effective treatment.

How does LLLT work?

The laser light reached through the skin to stimulate your nerve endings to produce endorphins. Endorphins are produced normally by you and are nature-s own mood lifter and anesthetic. The endorphin production relives the physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking and helps keep you from feeling anxious or -crabby-.

good luck
I Hope this is enough information for you, and at least it is a start..
good luck
and I know you CAN do it..
I-ve never heard of laser therapy. However Hypnotherapy is meant to be effective. It takes around 3 sessions, and costs around AU$80 per session, which is worth it if you add up the amount you spend on cigarettes. I-m going to give it a shot, I really want to quit smoking aswell. Best of Luck.
I got laser treatment and it made me want to smoke more! Also, I love Jar Jar Binks!
Uhhh... your friend lies. That-s not possible.

Hypnosis, maybe, but unless they-re having their lips lasered shut, I don-t see how you could possibly do that.
rehab is for quitters
Here is what the American Cancer Society has to say about Cold Laser Therapy and smoking:

-Cold laser therapy providers advertise this method as a way to help people quit smoking, and some TV stations have reported this as news. The treatment is supposed to relax the smoker and release endorphins (naturally-occurring pain relief substances) in the body to simulate the effects of nicotine in the brain, or balance the body’s energy to relieve the addiction. Despite claims of success by some cold laser therapy providers, there is no scientific evidence that shows this is an effective method of helping people stop smoking. -…


The ACS has a Guide to Quitting if you would like help:…

Good luck with your efforts to stop smoking.
Laser treatment to quit smoking? -