Need help to quit smoking permanently? -

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Need help to quit smoking permanently? -

OK Please noone yell at me,I had doublebypass 3 years ago and diabetes type 2 since last sept.I started smoking again last year,we live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, cannot drive at night,night vision shot because of meds, have no friends here,cannot sub candy etc.I think it is a crutch for me because of lonliness etc.any suggestions?
well i dont have any experience with smoking ingeneral, but i-d say just stop. throw out all your cigarettes. you-re gonna get really pissed off and want to smoke again, but it-ll be worth it. or you could try the patch or gum. i-m only fifteen, so i dont really know how to help, but my dad smokes, and i know i-d give anything for him to stop.
cold turkey like me pal !!! i had a triple bypass 2 years ago this thanksgiving ! im justt turning 35 , point is if you want to live stop the damn smokes and get a tread mill , yes it sucks real bad for 6 months but damn it it is an addiction just dont light up dotn buy them even when you want to , i know you crave em i do to sometimes but man i want to live i hope you do to
My suggestion is to gradually quit. Try putting out like 15 cigarettes for a week. Tell yourself that this is the only amount of cigarettes you have to last you for the day. Then the next week, only put out 14. Eventually, you-ll get it. If you quit cold turkey, you will fien them more, and I know how bad that can be. I know a lot of people successfully quit this way, but I suggest weining yourself away from them. Good luck, I-ll say a prayer.
just cold turkey... you can do it!!
My brother started taking Welbutrin, and it worked for him

It is an anti depressant, so you-ll prolly feel better and not smoke
what you should try is smoking mre per day, eventually you will get tired of them you wont want any more
ask you doctor to prescribe something to HELP you quit. I have tried zyban and it made me really angry all the time. The doctor might also prescribe an antidepressant to help with coping while trying to quit. Snack on raw fruits and veggies throughout the day to satisfy the urge to put something in your mouth. (and for all you perverts out there I wasnt meaning what you are thinking) This should also help in losing a few pounds as well. Lots of fresh air and sunshine is always a plus. You need to take up a hobby that uses your hands. I have been crocheting alot and that helps me. The longer I keep my hands busy the less I can smoke, right? When you get that first urge to light up go to the kitchen and get a tall glass of ice cold water. DO NOT keep your cigarettes in eyes view, out of sight / out of mind. (Sometimes) If you do smoke a cigarette, break it in half to where you are only smoking some of it. Set a goal for yourself, ei; today pull out only 10 cigarettes for the whole day, space them out evenly giving you atleast 1 hour in between each. Next Monday, pull out only 9 for the day, and so on. eventually your cravings will slow down if not come to a hault all together. If you are sitting there right now reading this with a cigarette in you hand then put it out now and get something to drink, go wash your hands to get rid of the smoke smell, and hide your cigarettes. It-s getting late anyhow so you dont REALLY need to smoke again before you go to bed. OH, also make a rule to only smoke outside and never in the house. Be sure your friends and family know of this new rule as well, you dont need any temptation. When the weather gets cooler you really wont want to be standing outside in your skivies just to smoke. I hope you are really taking the time to read this. NOW, GO PUT OUT THAT CIGARETTE!!
You can only quit if YOU WANT TO.

I have found that Zyban, or Wellbutrin actually make the cravings stop. You have to be strong if you want to be a quitter.
Go to this smoker-s lung photo collection:…

I quit cold turkey a very long time ago.

Not because of health, because I had 2 young children that told
me how I smelled~~~~then I saw a picture of a healthy lung and
a smokers lung (pink vs black) that was enough for me.

You did it before~~there are no excuses, or substitutes~~
just good health and clean fresh air and a longer life!

Be positive ~ you can do it again!
well my doctor put me on wellbutrin and i barely smoked at all and my medicine was to cure depression and it cured my smoking habit that i only did at nite cuz of my boredom and loneliness also and now im happy lol ..u should try it cuz it really takes away the urge and ive been on it for only 2 wks...and it makes me nauseous if i try and believe me i try and it smells nasty and tastes nasty also..
Need help to quit smoking permanently? -