What are my chances to Quit smoking without any direct support,, I have no family or friends to help me.? -

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What are my chances to Quit smoking without any direct support,, I have no family or friends to help me.? -

congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. I have been a non-smoker for eight years now and it is the best thing you can do for your health.

First of all, you have to ask yourself why are you quitting smoking. I think it has to be for yourself. It-s for YOUR health, YOUR life, YOUR money. The desire to quit has to come from within. This is all about you.

Secondly, support from family and friends is great if you can get it but seriously sometimes they can be your worst enemy when it comes to things like this. I-m sure they don-t really mean it but I can remember my Mother laughing at me when I told her I was quitting and she said to me things like, -its really hard you know- and -maybe you should just cut down-. Sounds harmless enough but what I really wanted to hear was...-that-s great- or -good luck with that- and -when I quit this helped and that helped-. Lets face it you can-t always get the support you want or need.

Thirdly, contact a quit smoking helpline. They have lots of great ideas and tips. Tell everyone around you that you are quitting smoking and then tell them why. They might not openly support you but at least they can understand why.

Good luck with your quitting smoking. Remember, that the strength to achieve anything comes from within you.

PS. Welcome to the world of the healthy, non-smoker!!
its also an emotional addiction, as physical, so hold a cigarette in your fingers when the urge comes, without lighting it, so you withdraw physically FIRST THEN emotionally..... Best is to stop by will power... bind negative associations with the smoking part..... whenever you see something horrible think of smoking.... Hope this helps, take care
self determination and will power.
I was smoking 3-4 packs a day for 32 years..I QUIT IN 1 DAY!..2 years ago. i went to the hospital.. doctor said, quit or die.. i am on breathing treatments now but can-t walk from room to room.. i need breathing treatments to walk the dog but you know what? I was cool! I smoked at 16! big deal.. here is my advise.. quit! Suffer the withdrawals! i want a -DO OVER-!
What are my chances to Quit smoking without any direct support,, I have no family or friends to help me.? -