Why do people get fat once they quit smoking? -

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why do people get fat once they quit smoking? -

is this true. and if so...why do they get fatter is it because of the lack of smokes or the food we are eatting and why is better to do
Nicotene speeds up the metabolism and also acts as a comfort mechanism replacing the desire for food with the desire to smoke, so when you stop smoking, you tend to eat more and also burn less calories in a sedentary state. But if you try to exercise a little every day and eat as before, then that together with kicking the habit will make you really fit and healthy and totally worth it.
If you really want to quit smoking, take a look to a new perspective at:


It-s designed for everyone who seriously wants to stop smoking without the use of any drug nor patches, taking into account nutrition facts, and It-s free.

This site tackles smoking from an addiction perspective; It doesn’t matter if you are a five a day teenager, or a one hundred a day pensioner, male or female, or if this is your first or fiftieth attempt at stopping, if you follow all instructions, certainly you-ll become a non-smoker and without gaining any weight.
Smoking increases the metabolism and suppresses appetite. When you go through nicotine wtihdrawal, the opposite happens.
Why do people get fat once they quit smoking? -