Chantix to quit smoking is too expensive!? -

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Chantix to quit smoking is too expensive!? -

I really want to take Chantix to quit smoking and so does my mom... only problem is that it-s $150 a bottle in the US. And it-s $117 in Canada.
I need to get two bottles... one for my mom and one for me.
Insurance doesn-t cover it. Anyone know where I can order Chantix where it would be cheaper?
Pfizer (the manufacturers of Chantix) have several programs which may be able to help you.…

Chantix is listed in at least one of these programs.

Please don-t give up!
Sorry, but I get angry when people worry about the cost of the drug. Have you ever considered how much you might have spent on this commodity which does nothing but have a negative influence on you?

Also how much do you think you will spend in the next six months on smoking? As smokers we rationalise that cigarettes are not an expense. They are like buying soap or toothpaste, they are a necessity. They are not!

Chantix removes the cravings. They say you should stop smoking after 7 days after taking the drug. After day 5, I was nauseated by smoking and gave up then and there. People are scare mongering but few will acknowledge this drug is a revolution in stopping smoking. 1.5 million smokers (in the last year in the US alone) have said this. It is well documented that it is 200%more effective then it-s closest rival drug, and 400% more effective than a placebo.

You have nothing to lose, except a slightly sore tummy initially(exaggerated by the press and many people in yahoo), and a bit of nausea for the first week. A small price to pay. I feel liberated and free after 20 years of enslavement,having tried it all.

I have put the money I spent on cigarettes in a specially created bank account and can-t belive how much I was wasting on someting that was basically killing me. I always thought - I don-t care if I die a bit younger....however it-s not when you die, it-s how you die. Most smokers will die a painful death.

Awful things aside...this drug works, and I have never felt better.
Sometimes you can contact the drug company that makes the drug for a discount.You can also contact your insurance company to see if they offer a stop smoking program.A lot of insurance companies offer a one time free program for help with stop smoking.Also some hospitals have a program that gives away free patches and gum.
Me and my husband started on chantix today. We are splitting a box for starters and if it seems to help in 2 weeks, it will be worth coming up with the money for another box. Try buying one box and splitting it to get a start. See if you notice a difference before investing.

To the person who said it may make you irritable, that-s what -stop smoking- does to you no matter what you take.

My son in law went to a hypnotist and quit cold turkey with no problems a year ago, I would do that but I don-t like people getting into my mind.
You might want to reconsider taking this drug...It is now known to cause extreme mood swings and suicidal tendencies...My husband-s on it and he has successfully quit smoking for more than 7 days now but he seems on edge and is ea sly aggravated...his work medic even examined his situation...I want him to do an alternative drug called welabutrin...good luck to you I hope that I helped
Well my insurance pays for mine, even though I-ve never used
seems like a waste huh??
Well I-ve always been told you have to have the -MIND SET- to wanna quit, its more or less mind over matter, hell you can buy a carton of cigs for the price that they want for all the things to stop smoking.. Makes no sense to me..
But then again, I don-t want to quit look up this site i haven-t tried it but maybe it will help??
Uninsured? Need help paying for medicine? Pfizer has programs that can help, no matter your age or income. You may even qualify for free Pfizer medicines. Call 1-866-706-2400. Or click here for more info

I got this off thier web site.

- Tobacco Is a great mountrous evil and has rear a high mound of bones. So all now must - I WILL USE NEVER MORE !!!

I Frank Haven-t Had A Cigarette In How Long ???
Three years, two weeks, four days, 6 hours, 46 minutes and 42 seconds. 55714 cigarettes not smoked, saving $11,142.82. Life saved: 27 weeks, 4 days, 10 hours, 50 minutes.

You can quit if you really want to I quit while fighting throat cancer never let this happen to you.…

I dont really know but think of it this way... You would spend that money on cigs in the first place so just replace it! How long would it take ye to smoke $100 worth of cigs? A month? 2 months less? Would you manage that lonG without any? Think about it!
it don-t work! tried lighting it and it won-t burn so i-m gonna have to do it the old fashion way and try cold turkey. independant studies show it is the most effective way.
Compare it to the cost of smoking!

And what-s with the stupid insurance company, anyway? Do they want their customers to get sick?
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Just get regular strips.. It-s wayyy cheaper..
get some self control and just dont smoke already
Chantix to quit smoking is too expensive!? -