How can I quit smoking cigarettes? -

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How can I quit smoking cigarettes? -

Im 17 - have been smoking cigarettes for about 7 months now. I go through about a pack a day. My friends infulence me to smoke becuase I am around them when they do it. I know everyone will just say to get new friends, but they ARE my friends and i LOVE them despite their flaws. I am not going to just DROP my friends because of their bad habits, i should be a strong enuf preson myself to be able to hangout with them even if they are smoking and personally still not smoke. I WANT TO QUIT; how can i slowly quit without spending hundreeds of dollars on the nicotine gum or the patch? helpppp
It-s great that you want to quit but it will be tough to be successful if you hang out with people who smoke. A lot of smoking is a social thing and you-ll feel left out if they-re smoking. Maybe you can convince your friends to quit with you.

Either way you-ll need help to be successful and I recommend this program:

It really works and without any pills, gum or patches.

Hope it helps you.

well no matter what is gonna be hard because you smoke a pack a day and the people around you also smoke.
you should stop smoking 1 less cigg every other day, start out slow and so on -
you also need to talk to them [ur friends]and tell them u would like to quit and and when they are around you to respect you and try not to smoke around youu!
i hope you succeed
i had the same problem. My friends got me started when i was 17. Anyways a pack a day is VERY serious. You can start by cutting down on your daily intake. It is impossible to go cold turkey from 1 pack a day. And most probably, u smoke when u hang around with your friends, so dont smoke when ur alone. And this way you can cut down. And slowly like once a week start cutting down on ur daily intake. Have a pack of regular gum handy to use when u need a smoke. Start finding other extracurricular activities to do. Well tat-s it so far. But if u ever need help with this dont hesitate to contact me. Hope u good luck.
If you are a christian then ask God to help you. If you are not he won-t hear you. He is the answer to your problems!!!!!
Sometimes you have to change the people you hang out with to make changes in your life. When dealing with addiction this is usually the case.

I used the gum when I quit.
Even if you quit cold turkey, you will probably light up anyway when you are at a party with your friends. It may be easier once you go to college.
In the Search for questions slot type in-quit smoking- and you will get at least 6,625 results.
If you-re going to quit you have to want it, otherwise you-ll ultimately end up smoking again.

Change your daily routine up a bit to get yourself out of the habit of smoking. Replace the periods of a day where you would usually grab a cigarette with something productive like exercising, reading, dancing, baking... what ever you like to do.

Chew gum and suck on hard candies - these will help to supress any cravings you have.

You can als try the patches or the nicotine gum to help you quit.

There-s also a prescription drug you can talk to your doctor about. The drug is called chantrix. It-s a pill that you take over a 12 week (maybe more) period. You-ll continue to smoke while on the pill, but as the pills build up in your system cigarettes will slowly become less and less appealing to you until you can-t stand the taste anymore and can-t bare to have a cigarette in your mouth. How this happens is that Chantrix slowly blocks the transmitters in your brain that find nicotine appealing until all of a sudden you find it completely appauling.

Considering you said you don-t want to spend hundreds on patches or gum, I would recommend talking to your doctor about the pill. It-s definitely worth a shot.

Oh, this will not be an easy task, especially being around smokers, but just hang in there, if you really want to quit, you will!

Good Luck!
How can I quit smoking cigarettes? -