What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, May 28, 2020

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Homeopathic Remedies to Help Quit Smoking(without any side effects or complications) :-

To reduce the craving; while discontinuing its use Tabacum 30, 4 hourly

Though addicted to tobacco; but cannot bear the odour of it Lobelia In Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Great desire to smoke; tobacco heart; oppression of breathing as in asthma Caladium S 30, 4 hourly

To produce disgust for tobacco for habitual tobacco chewers Plantago Major 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless You !
...Have a little Kid come up to you - say, -Eww-You SMELL!- Works like a charm... :)
The one essential element is to actually decide to do so. Your body will scream at you for a butt, but it is not in charge; your mind is, and you can tell your body to shut the f--k up and leave you alone. This will not be easy, as nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known, but it can be done. My father smoked for years. One day, my mother noticed that she had not seen him smoking recently, and inquired. -I quit,- said he, and that was that.
Cold turkey. First you have to decide that you are going to quit, not try to quit. Just quit. Then throw away all your cigs and not in the garbage in the kitchen. I mean at a gas station trash can. Clean out and put away your ashtrays, clean your house, because everything has tar all over it. You may have to change your routine. Like if you had a cigarette with coffee, you may need to drink hot chocolate for a while. That was the hard part for me. Not having a cigarette after meals or with my coffee. Otherwise just keep yourself busy. Drink water or something not bad for you when you feel like lighting up. I went through three days of a terrible headache. Then I didn’t feel like I needed one. After that it was breaking the habit of having one that was hard. Oh, have something healthy that you can munch on when you feel like a cig. I used hard candy, not healthy, but quick. It’s having something in you mouth that makes the habit hard to break.
Good luck
Whew, I just quit smoking last year after 22 years. I personally used Wellbutrin XL but hell I was on it for 3 years before I finally layed them down. But after all that even though its rough, the best way is cold turkey. I-ve heard many people swear on lemon drops candy for the cravings and it does work. Just do like I did, everytime you light that cigarette just look at it and think why the hell do I smoke this nasty tasting thing, it makes me stink, it makes my teeth yellow, I cough, I gag and for this stupid thing that just burns away and all this money I spend on it and just keep telling yourself that and it does actually make you turn against them. Mind over matter, you keep telling you mind this and eventually you mind will make the matter work for ya and walk. Theres nothing like a walk on a beautiful day breathing in the air and realizing how much better you can breathe and also taste food

Hope this helps....
Hooray for the answer provided by -rhsaunders.- That is exactly how I quit in 1985. I simply refused to let a chemical control me.

If you drink, stop at the same time you quit smoking and don-t drink for at last 2 months. I found that my drinking and smoking were so inter-connected that if I had a drink while trying to quit, it was all over. I stopped drinking and successfully quit smoking.
go for a run
In the Search for questions slot type in -quit smoking- and you will get at least 6,800 results.
Hello There,

This might not be the best way, but very close.

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was pregnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.

P.S. They do ship to Canada.

Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.
Take each day as it comes. When you feel the urge to smoke just tell yourself that you will feel a lot better if you don-t . Find someone to help you quit maybe someone else trying to quit. I wish you the best of luck! I know this is hard to quit cause it-s hard enough for me to resist sweets! good Luck!!!
Try thinking of lung cancer..an awful death. Lungs should be pink not black. If you were in a fire, and the smoke got to you you would cough and run away..
Why not do the same thing. Cigarettes take IN smoke when the body naturally rejects it. Read on lung cancer, others who have died, that would stop me cold. Also get a patch.
What is the best way to quit smoking? -