Quit smoking the natural way? -

Monday, February 19, 2007

Quit smoking the natural way? -

I have had it with my smoking, I-ve paired it down to as little as 5 smokes a day unless I am in a social setting. I used to enjoy it, however now it just makes me feel sick afterward and tired. I don-t have money to spend on expensive drugs and I think that using nicotine patches isn-t a good idea seeing that they have the addictive quality in them. I want to quit but to do it naturally. Any suggestions?
I-ll tell you how I quited. Might work for you.

I -fooled- myself into thinking I was smoking. It-s an oral fixation as much as a nictotine addiction. So I hollowed out a pen and whenever I felt to smoke I-ll pull on that for a bit. The really intense urge would pass and I-ll be ok for a while. I also subsituted food for smoking (probably not a good idea if your also concerned with weight). After a few weeks, the urges were very bearable. I-ve been smoke free for, gosh over 7 years now. Hope I helped.

Adam O and I had similar techniques. Smoking is much more than nicotine. Carrying the straw (or pen) and drawing on it, mimicing smoking helps a good deal. :D
You-ve done a lot of work already by getting your smoking down to 5 a day.
For me, I consciously weeded out all associations with smoking (eg, after dinner smoke, smoking when having a glass of wine or beer, etc - you get the idea). Choose one of these activities and *not* smoke. After a week (or less if you wish) add another activity in which you won-t smoke. Eventually, you-ll be down to zero.
You stated you feel sick and tired. Use this aversion to push yourself the rest of the way. I could never smoke when I was sick, despite being a menthol-3-pack-a-dayer. I got the flu and was sick for about 2 weeks - yup didn-t smoke. I figured after two weeks, I could go longer without. 18 years and counting. Also, associate negative imagery when you do smoke, like, your lungs coated with black tar. Best wishes
Drinking distilled water will rid your body of the nicotine quicker. Also, identify your triggers (behind the steering wheel, on the phone, when you-re drinking coffee, etc) - place healthy snax in those areas, like carrot - celery sticks, gum, etc. This will help with the hand/mouth addiction.
Lastly, you can buy a tea called Lobelia. It not only calms you down as you go through withdrawal, but it also tricks the body into thinking it-s getting nicotine when it isn-t...which helps you cope better. Find it at a health food store.
There are herbs that can help you- you will need to go to a naturalist to find what they are. I used Chantix and it helped a lot. I used it only for 1 month (they tell you to stay on it 3 months). I have been smoke-free for almost 8 weeks now. I still get cravings, but they are controlable. Good Luck and I wish you success with your quit!
Go cold turkey. Throw out all your cigarettes. (Ask people to hold you accountable.) It may be hard but its the most -natural- way. Try to find another habit to do whenever you get a craving. (I-ve heard some people wash dishes when they get a craving, others chew on pens or eat candy cigars.)
the best way is to carry a straw around in your hand....cause its not the fact that you smoke its just a habbit that it is in your hand so....carry a straw and chew on it and it should help you!!!thats how i stopped!!!took awhile tho....so be prepaired!!!
its your body and mind you can control it ... think positively and work on daily basis...
If you are looking for something to take to help you-quit smoking naturally,- there is nothing. Taking something to help you quit is not natural.

The only to -quit naturally- is to just quit. I t is difficult, but it can be done. Hundreds of thousands of us have done it.

I smoked 3 packs a day for many years.

About 1 5 years ago, I quit. Just put them down and never smoked again.

Was it easy? NO

Was I ever tempted to smoke a cigarette? YES

Di d I give in to the temptation? NO

I have not smokedANYTHING since I quit.

A few things that helped me: 1) Ididn-t think I-d be able to do it on my own, so I prayed and asked God to help me.If you don-t know God, this is a good time to meet Him. He will help you, if you ask.
2) I stopped carrying cigarettes in my shirt pocket, which is where I always carried them, previously. For the first 2 weeks, I kept a package close by - usually in the glove box of my car. That way, I knew I wouldn-t all of a sudden realize I was without anything to smoke and go into a panic and run out and buy a pack. . But, although they were always close by, I did not torture myself by taking them out and playing with the package, or smelling them to remind myself how good they smelled. It was enough for me just toknow they were there to keep me from going into panic mode.

3)Whenever I got a strong urge to smoke one, I would make myself wait 10 minutes before I lit one. And, I immediately found something to do to take my mind off smoking. I would go mow the lawn, wash the dishes, do laundry, rake the leaves, shovel snow out of the driveway,Or, go for a long jog. - anything to leep me busy emough that I would not think about smoking. You will find that, if you occupy yourself and your mind with things to do, the thought of smoking will not return for quite some time. Then, when the thought does return, I would again give myself another 10 minutes, and find something else to do.

Your mind and your body knows that you can go without anything for 10 minutes, so it-s no big deal to wait for ten. But, the trick is to find something to occupy yourself with so that when the ten minutes have passed, you are no longer thinking about smoking. As long as you are not thinking about smoking, you won-t smoke. 4) Stay away from where people are smoking. Sit in non-smoking sections in restaurants and other publc places. If a group of people are standing around talking and smoking, don-t join the group. Don-t go out with anyone who is a smoker. Try not to be in a car with smokers

EVERY TIME you are tempted to light one up, make yourself wait 10 minutes, then get busy doing something productive.

You-ll probably find other little -tricks- you can do to help you get thrugh the rough part.

It took me about 2 weeks to get past the intense cravings, but I did it, and you can do it.

Before you know it, you-ll reach the point where you can-t stand to be around cigarette smoke. I-ve been at that point for years, and every ex-smoker that I know is the same - just can-t stand to be around cigarette smoke.

I hope this helps you.

Good luck

Go in peace.

And always remember: -- Jesus love you!!

Uncle Floyd

Quit smoking the natural way? -