I quit smoking in October 2006, why do I still want to smoke? -

Sunday, February 4, 2007

I quit smoking in October 2006, why do I still want to smoke? -

It isn-t that I feel the need for nicotine anymore, but more like stress relief. Sometimes I just get so angry feeling. How long does this last?
It WILL get better. I bet even now it doesn-t happen every day, right? Hang in there, you are a hero to give up something so addictive. It really is evil, I remember. But eventually, you will find the peace you long for, just stay strong.
You are a smart quitter. Coming on here and just letting it all out will really help yourself. I would say -good luck- but you aren-t going to need luck, you have what it takes, I can tell. Take care. DHW-

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I quit in 1994 after 30 yrs. of smoking and I still get the urge.
Sometimes in especially -stressful- situations that -urge- will hit.
I think it is something you have to -resolve- within yourself.But just like an alcoholic you need to resist the temptation to smoke.Just like -drugs-.It can still be a -crutch-.Hope this helps you.
It may last the rest of your life. But there are many other ways to relieve stress than by picking up a cigarette, and I am pleased that you have managed to stay clean for as long as you have. And I use the word -clean- in its literal sense; no doubt you know by the smell when you approach a smoker.
i do this sometimes too. i never really was a heavy smoker, but i have quit twice. the only time i ever really have a hard time is when i-m really stressed. that is the first thing that i want when i-m stressed. i have no idea how long it will last. i-m guessing that mine will last my entire life.
I quite in August of 06, but it is not my first time. I quit for a year and half once, but then started again when I got over stressed. My dad has been smoke free for 30 years now but he still thinks about it. Which i-m sure is very hard for him since my mom still smokes, but he does it. It-s a state of mind.

You have to ask yourself why you quite to begin with. If it was a really good reason then you will stay smoke free for forever possible.
I quit when I realized that the only reason I was doing it for the past 17 years, for the most part, was because I had nothing better to do with my time. I was bored. When breaks came, I got to go outside. now breaks come and I have no idea what to do with myself. Smokeing just gave me something to do, when I had nothing better to do.
I thought that was pretty stupid when I thought about it long enough. It is still hard, i-m still bored and have nothing to do, but when I see that smokes are up to almost $5 a pack, I can find something better to do when i-m bored.
Think of your reason, if it-s good, then you will be ok. you just have to find something to fill the time up that you used to use with smokeing.
I-ve spoken to friends that say it-s just a daily Battle, congratulations on quiting it-s so much healthier lifestyle and you smell better too! LOL, my friends tell me several years later there are still times they miss it, they just find other things to do to occupy themselves, you-re doing great keep it up.
Smoking is similar in sorts to alcoholism. Its a disease of sorts. And unfortunately for the rest of your life you may experience the want for a cigarette. Just what ever you do, don-t give in to the urge because within a few days you will be stuck back in old habit again. Smoking isnt the same for everyone, some poeple have a smoking habit, some have a smoking addiction, the addiction is toughest to overcome
Just don-t Smoke anymore.
Generally for people who quit smoking on their own they do feel this .So to over come this feeling you should take an alternative habit to over come this desire of smoking ,such as singing / exercising or playing your favorite game or chewing a gum when ever you have this feeling and say loudly that you have over come this feeling loudly at least 5 times (AFFIRMATION) daily and you will be surprised to see the change your self.
wishing you all the best in you trying to get rid of the feeling to smoke.
The nicotine leaves your body after 72 hours, and ALL physical cravings leave with it. I think it is safe to say that after this long, you can-t blame this on smoking. You are probably just an angry person who thought smoking helped with stress.
try chewing gum.
Sucks to be you.... I quit Jan 1 07 and could care less if I had another one to smoke.
I quit smoking in October 2006, why do I still want to smoke? -