What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Friday, February 9, 2007

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

I have tried cold turkey but that didn-t work is there any suggestions???
Congrats on trying to quit. That-s great!
First, I think, you have to tell us how long you have smoked, how old you are, how much you smoke and your sex. Yeah, that matters too.
Without knowing all of those things, I think the best way is for you to find out how it feels like when you quit. Do that by quitting. Go as long as you can. When you absolutely can-t stand it any longer, force yourself to hold off. When you are about to die, make note of how you feel. Make note of what is forcing you to want a smoke. It will be unique to you alone.
Once you know that, the next time you try to quit you will be ready for it. Then try again, and again, and again. All of a sudden you will get it.
It took me 4 months of failure before I got it right. It was the most horrifying thing I ever did. I must have failed 100 times, but each time I learned more about the feelings, the emotions I would have and the -ugly- I would feel and I would try to figure out how to address it. Some time I got it right and sometimes I didn-t.
I smoked heavily for over 30 years and I-ve been off the cancer sticks for 3 years now. I pray you have not smoked for so long, but even so, I-m no better than you, and I did it.
You can too! Go for it.

good answer, I have been smoking now for 50 years, and I am trying to stop. Hope that I can, as the cirulation in my legs are bad, and know its from smoking. Have a nice day

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hot turkey.
cold turkey!!
I dont know either rhoda... If you ever find the answer to HOW TO QUIT SMOKING... Get it patended, You-ll be a Billionaire!!!$$$ that nicotine is something. one person at my work quit by hypmotism.. I quit for 8 months once, - started again. I used the patch then. I guess you JUST CANT HAVE ONE. SAY NO.
For me quitting cold turkey works, I quit almost a year ago and haven-t pick one up since. But in the past I-ve tried to quit many times....and always failed. You know how you say -oh I-ll quit after this pack- .....does not work. So you have to reallly want to quit. Think about all the benefits you will gain from quitting write them down. Tell yourself everday what poisons your putting in your body and that it does not deserve it. Keep a strong mind and quit when you are truly up for it.
do scare ta-tic work on you?there-s a lot of different meds to help,but i don-t like the idea of taking meds to stop smoking?most hospitals have smoking sensation classes for free,try quit assist on-line or Phillip Morris.com, ask your doctor?hypnotist worked on my mother, shes been a non smoker for 30 years now, but you must really want to quit for it to work,for me i had an aneurysm and dadurning surgery had a stroke because i smoked, it was enough to scare me, doctor said if i smoked or was around a lot of second hand smoke I-d die, now i cant even stand to be around someone who smokes, they smell so bad, there clothes, house and car all smell.smoking can cause you to age earlier and faster , your teeth-usually get nasty, and to kiss, how gross!!!!!my aunt lost her leg because of smoking. I-ve had friends get copd and lung cancer, go to the hospital check out all the patients who are there because of smoking.and think of all that money you could still have if you quit, i know its not easy, i waited way to late to quit, but i tried, and that-s what you must continue to do, keep trying, never give up trying,i wish you the best of luck, so never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO NOT quit cold turkey. It is like a dieter cutting out all junk foods - you will binge. On cigarettes.

Here are some tips.

1. Chew sugarfree gum. It keeps your breath smelling good and you can buy it at the dollar store. Mint candies are good too. My dad tried eating candy when he stopped smoking and he put on some weight...try low cal alternatives

2. Stay active. Walk, swim, dance, just do something to get your mind of that nicotine.

3. Find the reason that drives you to smoke and find an alternative for it. Stress? Take a long hot soak in the tub or something. Bored? Uh, find something to do.

4. Find hobbies that keep your hands busy, like knitting or drawing, read books, etc.

5. Keep tobacco related products out of your house. If someone else lives with you and won-t keep their sh*t out of sight, make them stash it.

6. Think about all the time it wastes. Let-s say hypothetically you smoke five cigarettes a day and take about five minutes for each one. That is twenty five minutes gone every day, almost 3 hours gone in a week, half a day every month, about six DAYS every year. Seriously, that is a lot of time vanished from your life, not even counting the time you may have shortened your life expectancy.

7. Volunteer somewhere. It will take your mind off your problem. For example if you help out at a food bank it will suddenly seem more trivial stressing about cigarettes when people are hungry out there and worried about where their next meal comes from.

8. Keep a journal. Keep track of your smoking habits. It may help you find out what sets them off. Sometimes writing about it helps you forget about it. Write down how many cigarettes, if any, you had that day, or what you did to avoid smoking.

9. Whenever you feel like buying cigarettes, take the same amount of money you would spent and put it in a jar or the bank or something. Once the money adds up to a nice large amount, a pack of cigarettes doesn-t seem quite so appealing. It is also a bit like bribing yourself. :)

10. Maybe you can donate some of that money you waste on cigarettes to organizations helping people dying of lung cancer, which is the boat YOU may be in if you keep this up.
Try to keep yourself less-stressed because some people tend to light up whenever they are.

Avoid other smokers because its easy for you to reach their box and light up.

Have a supportive non-smoker to support and keep you off lighting up. Make sure its someone you-d spend the effort to really listen to - rather than someone you-re not.

Know the scientific and solid facts about smoking: knowing that you will get lung/throat cancer, heart failure, promote your own liver failure, rotting skin (especially around your toes and feet), cataracs (eye disease), terrible breath, killing loved ones near you slowly (actually killing them faster than you kill yourself) with your smoke [in other words: secondhand-smoke] - its a matter of whether you really care to quit or not.

Last but not least... learn how to quit from the heart, if you love yourself enough to live longer you will know that every cigarette you dont light up will increase your chances to live longer... before you practically end it abruptly yourself.
well for me it was cold turkey that worked ....but my husband used the patch and it worked real good for him it eases the nicotin withdrawl
Stay away from them. Throw away all of your cigarettes.
Don-t buy more. Take pills to stop. It has already damaged you though. You can-t really change the past.
you have to want to befor you can .i mean really want to and they say cold turkey is the best of corse i dont want so i couldnt do it
What is the best way to quit smoking? -