What is the best way to quit smoking if I cant afford the patch or nic gum? -

Friday, February 9, 2007

What is the best way to quit smoking if I cant afford the patch or nic gum? -

I am sure if you have to ask about it here, you must have read and tried a lot to quit smoking. So you have failed till now despite trying your best??
OK. I am a doctor who advices about 25 patients daily about stopping smoking. About 25 % quit eventually after explaining about all the heart problems, cancer, bronchitis etc. etc.
But 75 % don-t.
But the maximum people who listens immediately to my advice are patients who survive a heart attack. Those who are lucky to reach hospital and survive are very receptive to advice and about 99 % of them stop smoking.
So decide now. Would you wait for a lucky chance of survival after heart attack or cancer or QUIT NOW.
If there is a will there is way. Most of the people who stop after a heart attack stops without any aid like nic patch. Most of the people I have seen have stopped without any aid. I am sure you can if you decide and try with all your heart.
I really really hope you will stop in this new year. Best of Luck.
Surely if you can afford cigarettes, you can afford patches. Just don-t buy cigarettes for a whole week and use the money to buy patches or gum.

Otherwise, your doctor might be able to suggest something. Try to stick to it though, it-s a really good step to quit smoking, You-ll feel much better for it afterwards.
I don-t think they-re anymore expensive than cigs and once the habit is over you don-t have to spend *anything*. If you don-t smoke that much, get the Commit lozenges and cut them in pieces -- you can make four 1 mg mnii-lozenges out of one 4mg lozenge.
My husband was smoking a pack a day for 5 years then one day just quit (Well.. i asked him too).. and bam he quit..yeah he craved it but he had the will power. One night in bed he just said -im not smoking again- and he hasn-t (its been one year now)
Cold turkey style...
Only smoke half the fag then chuck the rest away. Just try and cut down that way, smoke less and less of the fag as u go along.
here you can find how to stop smoking easy
it all comes down to will power
but try substituting your cigarette cravings when you want to smoke have one of those lil jolly rancher candies thats what my grampa did and it helped him quit =]
You can get a free sample of Nicorette at the below link. Get your friends to sign up as well and you-ll be set.
Many sites offer free trials of their products. A few of my friends have succeeded using them.
Well i went to the doctors and they gave me the suft i need to quite smoking.
What is the best way to quit smoking if I cant afford the patch or nic gum? -